10th Assistant Coach Approved: What's our move?


Jul 23, 2012
Who do you want to see us hire? Potential candidates? What side of the ball? etc.

Personally, I think we can recruit with the best of them given our current staff composition. The only way our recruiting slows down is if we don't produce on the field. In my opinion, the missing piece on our staff is someone with significant play-calling and game-planning experience on the offensive side of the ball. Besides Richt, there is no coach on the O with this type of experience. We need someone to complement Richt, to add a new perspective, to help Richt game-plan, implement the offensive, add new wrinkles and plays (innovate and evolve), etc.

I don't have any specific suggestions, but that's the type of coach I'd target.
Starts 1/8/18 I believe. Hard to say which direction we go until after the season, but as of now I'd guess offense/recruiting (duh.)
Promote Baez so he can recruit from the road. He's now becoming far enough removed from Gulliver that he will need to be out making those connections to have the same recruiting success.
Offensive Coordinator?

I'm thinking something like "passing game coordinator."

That's Dugans title. Doubt they will ruffle those feathers.

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Is it? I thought he was just WR coach?

Edit: Looked it up and you're right. So....maybe dedicated TE coach and let Hartley continue as just ST coordinator? Somebody who's coached TEs before but is a badass recruiter that knows South Florida well and could.....wait....Mother of God......
It's probably going to be a guy to recruit. Maybe a guy with connects in Louisiana or the Carolinas to increase our chances in getting prospects from there
I would like another veteran on the offensive side of the ball besides Richt. Brown, Dugans, and baby Richt are all novices as it pertains to playcalling. Our deffense is stout, so in my opinion, we should focus on the O.
Offensive Coordinator?

I'm thinking something like "passing game coordinator."

That's Dugans title. Doubt they will ruffle those feathers.

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Is it? I thought he was just WR coach?

Edit: Looked it up and you're right. So....maybe dedicated TE coach and let Hartley continue as just ST coordinator? Somebody who's coached TEs before but is a badass recruiter that knows South Florida well and could.....wait....Mother of God......

Haha. That's what I was thinking in regards to Hartley. Relegate him to just ST and perhaps have him help Manny with the LBs... then bring in a guy who's TE coach/passing game coordinator.
Offensive Coordinator?

I'm thinking something like "passing game coordinator."

That's Dugans title. Doubt they will ruffle those feathers.

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Is it? I thought he was just WR coach?

Edit: Looked it up and you're right. So....maybe dedicated TE coach and let Hartley continue as just ST coordinator? Somebody who's coached TEs before but is a badass recruiter that knows South Florida well and could.....wait....Mother of God......

Did you watch the video that just came out of Hartley coaching the TE's? I had my doubts about him before but he seems like he belongs. Put Jon Richt on ST Coaching and hire a well known QB coach who can recruit imo. There's nothing more important than the QB position.

Offensive Coordinator?

I'm thinking something like "passing game coordinator."

That's Dugans title. Doubt they will ruffle those feathers.

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Is it? I thought he was just WR coach?

Edit: Looked it up and you're right. So....maybe dedicated TE coach and let Hartley continue as just ST coordinator? Somebody who's coached TEs before but is a badass recruiter that knows South Florida well and could.....wait....Mother of God......

Did you watch the video that just came out of Hartley coaching the TE's? I had my doubts about him before but he seems like he belongs. Put Jon Richt on ST Coaching and hire a well known QB coach who can recruit imo.


I agree 100 percent. I'd completely remove Jon Richt lol but I'm just operating under some realistic assumptions. This has nothing to do with Hatley's ability, I just don't think Richt would do that to his son.
Promote Kareem Brown so he can hit the road with Kool and Diaz (learn the ropes)...hire another connected guy (Jacksonville, Tampa, or Georgia..etc) to take Kareem old position.
Any chance John Lilly decides to move to South Florida to reunite with Richt, and provide some offensive and special-teams expertise???

I think he's unemployed ... And he'd be an easy "plug and play" fit with Richt.

St. Louis clearly isn't South Florida, but it also wouldn't be mistaken for Athens, GA. So, the rumors of him not coming from UGA with Richt because he preferred "country living" appear to be exaggerated.
Grab the ex coach from Oregon, Helfich! I think he would be a great addition to the offensive side of the ball! Another set of eyes in the booth will go a long ways. Winning is going to take care of recruiting, and let him get a hold of Perry like he did Mariota, ****, let's go!
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If we're hiring a recruiter, then you can just hire a guy to be the ST's Coach & let Hartley just handle the TE's.

If we're looking for a game planner/ actual Offensive Coach to help with play calling etc, then that opens the door for a ton more options.

Realistically speaking, it'll probably be a local guy, but they have a bunch of special provisions in the ruling that essentially eliminates schools from simply hiring High School coaches in order to get recruits from their school. (Unless they change things by the time this comes in a effect)

Ken Dorsey, Ed Reed, Bryan McClendon & TJ Weist are my choices, but I know y'all have better candidates that make more sense lol.
He should bring Mario back from Oregon.

Let him be ST or TE coach opposite Hartley and throw in ***. HC title on the offensive side of the ball. He can handle the media and administrative tasks that take Richt away from coaching, while beefing up his resume for future opportunities..