1 mile from camping stadium

Rideshare pick up and drop off is at Jones high school just south of the stadium. Anybody familiar with the area know how long a walk that is - looks like you have to walk under an interstate overpass.
Cane looks like you're staying next to the new development Pendana at West Lakes that Orlando Lift is building in the location that used to be Orange Manor apartments. That area is being revitalized. For Canes who haven't seen that area in the past few years, I can understand why you would raise concern for an out of towner. However, Orange Center Blvd to S. Tampa Ave to the stadium should be uneventful, but use common sense.

Here's a Google satellite view of the community and the location you point to in your map above. The housing project south of Orange Center Blvd. is fenced in and abandoned.

Airbnb Left of Pendana at West Lake Construction Site

Oh wow, haven't been by that area in awhile...actually went to Orange Center Elementary!! But I'm from Crime Hills, so no biggie.
You forget that 95% of this board would schit their pants walking down Grand Ave in coconut grove and 99.9% consider Liberty City "the hood". I would take it with a grain of salt.

If you walked through some of the bad parts of St. Louis you will feel like you are walking through DIsney World in Orlandos "hoods".

You can sugarcoat it all you want but he’s in a Bad area and he’s going to be shocked!! 🙄
Rideshare pick up and drop off is at Jones high school just south of the stadium. Anybody familiar with the area know how long a walk that is - looks like you have to walk under an interstate overpass.
That's not far at all...just cross under the East/West Expressway...maybe a few blocks.
Lived in St. Louis for 5 years...I’ll live lole

You will.

You'll more than likely to have a great time!!... especially given you've done your research

🤣I never realized how scary some CIS posters are.....Will talk much smack behind the keyboard.....but in real life ....more rabbit than man.

Hope you have a great time, and enjoy the benefits of your proximity.
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Yeah I just looked on the satellite map, it’s not that far at all.

The problems will come when people are drunk walking back to their cars or Air BNB's (1 mile away). It will be around 11pm an the there will be a lot going on around the stadium which will tax the law enforcement presence allocated for the event so for the people traveling on secondary thoroughfares; just like stragglers from any herd will be fare game for criminals.

Go Canes
The problems will come when people are drunk walking back to their cars or Air BNB's (1 mile away). It will be around 11pm an the there will be a lot going on around the stadium which will tax the law enforcement presence allocated for the event so for the people traveling on secondary thoroughfares; just like stragglers from any herd will be fare game for criminals.

Go Canes

I’m not worried, I just don’t want to go on a long hike after the game. It’s about convenience for me, especially after a night of screaming and drinking
Had no problems walking back to car when we went to games at the old now gone Orange Bowl at all hours.....or parking or staying close to ANY stadium ANYWHERE as a matter of fact.

Why all the fear here?

You have more to fear from opposing fans than the residents in any area

All cities are aware of potential problem areas and go to great lengths to prevent innocents from being accosted.

Its an extreme embarrassment to any city to have anyone hurt at an event that is happening on their premises.

Generally, you mind your own business and stay aware ....people leave you alone...ANYWHERE.
The problems will come when people are drunk walking back to their cars or Air BNB's (1 mile away). It will be around 11pm an the there will be a lot going on around the stadium which will tax the law enforcement presence allocated for the event so for the people traveling on secondary thoroughfares; just like stragglers from any herd will be fare game for criminals.

Go Canes

Spot on. This is exactly what they will be doing.