Cam Harris needs to take this kid out. They can play Madden later. I can guarantee he’ll be doing more than playing Madden at Maryland.
Having lived most of my life in the DC area (15 years in Maryland, 3 in VA and currently living in DC for 13 years), I can confirm that no one that didnt go to Maryland cares about MD in the DC area and even most of them don't care. VT has the most followers and after that you get a bunch of the big state schools (PSU, OSU, and UF are the ones I see the most of) with DC being such a transient area, but there is no local college sports following here. When UVA won the championship in basketball, it was a blip on the sports scene and I doubt most of the people I know would have even been able to tell you who won the game the next day. Everything here is either pro sports teams and/or out of town teams with their small passionate followers.

As far as TV markets go, does it matter anymore? 10 years ago I had to worry about whether I would be able to watch a Miami game on TV up here in DC, but now I can watch us duke it out with CMU and lose to FIU in high definition glory!
Yup. They care far more about the Ravens than College Park. And there are tons of WVU and Pedo State fans, especially as you go north on 270 and 15 and west on 70.
Cam Harris needs to take this kid out. They can play Madden later. I can guarantee he’ll be doing more than playing Madden at Maryland.

Yeah - they aren't posting that stuff on social media. Although, it does bring up an interesting point that with someone like King, he is over 21 so they probably dont need to be as discreet as they normally would.
Yup. Here in Maryland, they care far more about the Ravens than College Park. And there are tons of WVU and Pedo State fans, especially as you go West

Yes, I forgot about WVU - they have a decent following too. Tech is the only local school that has any type of real following, but their campus is 4 hours+ from DC.
37 ******* pages... can anyone TLDR summarize and post the relevant info?
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I’m with the poster who said I’ll believe he’s all in if he cancels his Maryland. He doesn’t owe them anything so it’s not like it’s a courtesy visit.
I’m with the poster who said I’ll believe he’s all in if he cancels his Maryland. He doesn’t owe them anything so it’s not like it’s a courtesy visit.

Well either way we’ll know this weekend regardless. As of now he’s still visiting Maryland.