What's next?

What's next?


Comments (213)

He led our team in tackles while playing out of position. There is upside there with better deployment and better technique.
one could argue our linebacker play was so atrocious that both safeties led the team in tackles. no one is saying james is not talented. perhaps he will be moved from safety or perhaps he wont. still he needs to focus on wrapping up tackles and if a guy is out of bounds not doing something unnecessary.
@DMoney Give me some faith, buddy. Any youngsters-particularly those we haven't seen much of yet-that you expect to have a bigger role next year and contribute? Also, any insight as to whether Zion comes back?
let's not confuse james williams the person from the football player.

from a football player perceptive the amount of selfish plays, lack of consistency and errors this year was apparent. he can get better. there is nothing bad about it. going for knock outs instead of simply making a tackle is selfish. it happened all year.

you can have dog in you but be smart. i know this because i have watched guys like jaquan johnson.

is it better than being a zombie? sure but everything is.

Why the hate on Zombies? What the heck did I do to you?!?!
If Jason Taylor really missed a scrimmage to announce a pre-season game he can go too. No reason to even be around if that's your priority. CFB is a 24-7, 365 job, not a when you feel like it gig.
Sometimes those things are reciprocal or just set that way from the inception of the relationship too. And I'm not blaming either party here but I wonder how much we're paying Jason and if he wasn't brought in via Mario the Salesman pitching a "just do it for a year and see how you like it and keep your other commitments" type deal too.

But you're right overall- this isn't like coaching or hanging around American Heritage or STA like a lot of these guys do. JT will actually have to make the full commitment if college coaching is what he wants to do.
What's next is staff changes. New OC/QB, WR, and possibly DC and DB.

Without new hires, what's next is another poor season.
Sometimes those things are reciprocal or just set that way from the inception of the relationship too. And I'm not blaming either party here but I wonder how much we're paying Jason and if he wasn't brought in via Mario the Salesman pitching a "just do it for a year and see how you like it and keep your other commitments" type deal too.

But you're right overall- this isn't like coaching or hanging around American Heritage or STA like a lot of these guys do. JT will actually have to make the full commitment if college coaching is what he wants to do.
"How you do anything is how you do everything"- Mario Cristobal
Sometimes those things are reciprocal or just set that way from the inception of the relationship too. And I'm not blaming either party here but I wonder how much we're paying Jason and if he wasn't brought in via Mario the Salesman pitching a "just do it for a year and see how you like it and keep your other commitments" type deal too.

But you're right overall- this isn't like coaching or hanging around American Heritage or STA like a lot of these guys do. JT will actually have to make the full commitment if college coaching is what he wants to do.
the thing is that im sure he has an existing contract with the fins/cbs to annoucne games. he cant just break it lol. maybe its a one year renewable thing. either way, if he wants to become a full time coach, i agree with you. if i were him, id just annoucne games and chill bc **** this grind and dealing with kids all day. id just go to LA and watch his kid play and excel and live off of the fins media stuff and endorsements.
He led our team in tackles while playing out of position. There is upside there with better deployment and better technique.
Someone has to make the tackles, I’ve never been fond of this argument. I do think a position change could make him into a good player but that would take him looking within and admitting to himself something he’s never had to do. He’s not good enough. His flaws were evident in high school as well but when you’re god gifted at the HS level you’ll do just about anything you want to do regardless of the comp level
He led our team in tackles while playing out of position. There is upside there with better deployment and better technique.
Leading the team in tackles is highly logical based on snap count and playing the safety position. It's not gonna be a DL or CB, and LBs shuffled in and out all season. Would assume he led team in snap count or very close.
Would really love seeing stats that offer a deep dive into tackles - success rate or something addressing whiffs/missed tackles (similar to a batting average) and yardage gained post-whiff, a similar gauge for meaningful tackles that account for a stop on third down vs. pushing someone out of bounds 30 yards down the field, or another evaluating quality of pursuit angles such that they lessen or add to an offensive players gain.
Sorry, leading the '22 Canes in tackles is the equivalent of a participation trophy.
the thing is that im sure he has an existing contract with the fins/cbs to annoucne games. he cant just break it lol. maybe its a one year renewable thing. either way, if he wants to become a full time coach, i agree with you. if i were him, id just annoucne games and chill bc **** this grind and dealing with kids all day. id just go to LA and watch his kid play and excel and live off of the fins media stuff and endorsements.
Me too. I'd be permanently "semi-retired". Some of these guys obviously just want to remain as close to the game as possible though and prefer working with kids. I think JT personality-wise at least could be a really good coach within the college ranks. Will be interesting to see if he's back and in what role.
In regards to the first point about “shock therapy” on offense, fans need to understand there’s no coach or scheme that’s going to be able to immediately get us competitive with the elite teams. We’re just not there on a talent level. The good news is, we rarely play elite teams. Pretty much 90% of our opponents have lesser talent. I’m not worried about whether we’ll be able to drop 40 on Georgia in year one. I want us to be able to drop 40 on UVA, Pitt, Duke, Georgia Tech and all the other teams we play every year that have zero talent advantage over us. Once Mario can string together some top flight recruiting classes, we can start competing with the elite programs. Let’s work on beating the teams we’re more talented than now and build towards beating the top teams in the years coming.
Someone has to make the tackles, I’ve never been fond of this argument. I do think a position change could make him into a good player but that would take him looking within and admitting to himself something he’s never had to do. He’s not good enough. His flaws were evident in high school as well but when you’re god gifted at the HS level you’ll do just about anything you want to do regardless of the comp level

Agree with this. Kid was always a baller without a real position. Williams is extremely good at diagnosing plays off the line. But he is too stiff for the deep backfield and doesn't tackle well. His film was very different that Chase Smith's, who was a heat seeking missile in HS highlights, or Kinchens, who could diagnose equally as well but tackles at an elite level.

Kid needs to move to LB full time, and be joined at Strong's hip during the off season to learn how to process plays closer to the line and to tackle correctly. He could be NFL starter good, but he is a project.
I can't ride with you on this one, BR.

The first paragraph is all true and yet irrelevant to my response to your post.

The second paragraph misrepresents my point by positioning it as Mario being "forced" to choose between beating Clemson and beating UNC/FSU. Given your analogy to the NFL, you should consider that our conference eliminates divisions next season. We need an offensive coordinator who isn't so rigid that, after adjusting to what we currently have in our talent pool, is incapable of evolving to what we presumably grow into: a team with a strong OL. We should not have to wait it out till our top OL recruits align in terms of physical ability and maturity.

The third paragraph is the insanity I've argued against since the Gattis hire, and perhaps that's exactly the rationale Mario used for this year's [objective] failure of a coaching staff. You're suggesting we revolve our OC decision on what Coach Mirabal and Mario prefer for their OL splits? For real? Mind you, I'm a Mirabal supporter and don't want to pigeonhole him as someone who cannot adjust to a new boss. This is exactly why there is an old post where people say this year's staff was the "best ever," and I politely pointed them to the 1988 staff. Staff cohesion matters - not just accolades collected on paper. You want the tail to wag dog? Is that what Mario wants? I guess it seems like it so far.

I feel our conversation is getting lost in digital translation. We likely don't disagree at all, but how we are explaining it to one another isn't connecting.

All I am saying is that the decision on an offensive coordinator can not be chosen in a sterile environment. The conference we play in and the mindset the head coach is trying to impart throughout the organization matters.

Its not as easy as saying we need an OC that isn't rigid and adjusts...I mean, Gattis even adjusted...but you need an OC whose goals align with the head man and the other position coaches (preferably his own). If the head man wants to build an offense that resembles Alabama, Michigan, Georgia, Clemson, or even Ohio State (pick your CFP winners of choice), is recruiting for that type of team, and then hires a Sonny Dykes disciple because they have had success in the Big XII, you're going to continue to have cohesion issues, and it will likely lead to a ceiling for success. Fine in the short term, but not getting us where we ultimately want to get to. Mario has had numerous OC's as a head coach, many went on to be HC's after being with him (Satterfield, Moorhead, Arroyo) and those OCs all ran different offenses, but aligned with what Mario wants on offense. Its not a tail wagging the dog scenario...but there needs to be some synergy. My one step further is that we need to understand we're not playing in the Pac12 or Big XII and just going out and hiring another Rhett Lashlee type (or whatever would shock the system - which we both disagree with) isn't going to get us any further than we've been either.
If Mario wants to truly change the culture, he needs to be disciplined with only taking football-focused players

This is going to be a real challenge for all teams with all this NIL bs... Who actually wants to PLAY FOOTBALL, WIN, AND BUST THEIR *** TO GET TO THE LEAGUE vs. who wants to get a quick bag to get on their feet and "build a brand" (I hate that f'in phrase) .
I’m worried that Mario’s teams will always play behind their talent.

I wouldn't go that far just yet. Great game day coach...No, not by any means. But I wouldn't quite say "will always play behind their talent" just yet.

With that said, he had an average year at safety and is not playing anywhere near a five-star level. Some of that he needs to correct himself. He needs to cut out the brainless, selfish penalties and exercise discipline as a tackler. But he’s also out of position. He’ll always struggle to break down in space at 6’5 and lacks the pure speed of a defensive back. He needs to play the Gilbert Frierson SAM role from 2020 and then move inside to LB on third downs (as he did this year). He’s better than Frierson in every way. One area where he’s underutilized is as a blitzer. Frierson had 9 TFLs and 2 sacks in 2020. JW had 1 TFL and 0 sacks this year. He can cause problems with his length alone.

I am in the minority here. Putting him in that dime lb role...unless you are blitzing him, which you did note he gets to do more of...Is WHERE HE GETS EXPOSED in space, on the edges, and in the intermediate area. I think his most natural position is actually free safety. Let him roam and use ball skills and take off heads! But KK pretty much has that area locked up.

Yes the penalties are getting ridiculous with him. And he needs to start being benched for them. He's not learning

I agree with you overall though. There's a lot of talent there, definitely can't give up on him.

Build a more sustainable coaching staff. As I discussed in my “What went wrong” thread, the All-Star coaching model was a failure. We need a staff built on chemistry and hunger. Let the OC bring most of his guys. Overall, I hope we shift from a staff of name-brand old guys to a staff of young guys and reclamation projects with something to prove. They need to embrace the pace that Mario pushes as a recruiter. One guy I know they love is Jason Taylor. If he gets into a full-time role, he can make a huge impact.

This might be the most important offseason in Miami history. Mario lost most of his goodwill with five straight home losses. Time to make some meaningful adjustments and build this thing to last.

I would like to see a combo of all-stars and young go getters. We need a brilliant young offensive mind though. That doesn't mean run and shoot...It means balance, creativity, keeping physicality, and CHUNK PLAYS in both run and pass.

No one dimensional extremes...No Air Raid, 55 passes a game but No 3 yards and a cloud of dust...But a full ****nal from somewhere in the middle. I think that's what he thought he was getting in Gattis. It didn't work

And it is an alarming that his hires don't look too hot overall...That's as important an aspect as any for a HC/CEO
Spot on... Mario needs to be a CEO and not an Operational Manager.
can and will CMC realizes that really should be his role. recruit, resell current players on program get some studs at portal,,,,,