Walker speaks at the Opening after decommitting from South Carolina

Stefan Adams
4 min read
2020 Miami Norland (FL) 4-star OT Issiah Walker pulled a surprise last night when he decommitted from South Carolina after OL/DL drills at the Opening Finals.

“I kind of wanted to see more colleges,” Walker said of the decision. “I just want to take my official visits, people (at South Carolina) were telling me ‘You committed to us, you can’t go’.

Before heading out to the Opening, Walker said he had already planned on backing off his pledge to the Gamecocks.

“I was planning to decommit, I just wanted to ride it out a bit,” Walker said. “So I got here, thought about it, told my coach and parents, and that’s when I decommitted.”

Walker did not inform the South Carolina coaching staff of his decision beforehand, so the Gamecocks found out just like everyone else.

“Coach (Will) Muschamp and coach (Eric) Wolford texted me when they found out,” Walker said. “They weren’t mad. They told me to call them, but I didn’t call them.

“South Carolina, they’re still in it. Muschamp told me I’m still a Gamecock. I’ll call him either today or tomorrow, but I don’t know.”

Walker added that coaches from Miami, FSU, Florida, LSU, Auburn, and Penn State reached out last night after he posted his decommitment note on Twitter.

Walker has shown a ton of interest in the local Hurricanes lately, making multiple visits last month, and he expanded on why he’s attracted to the Miami program.

“They’ve been staying high with me,” Walker said of UM. “I’m kind of cool with the coaches, especially coach (Butch) Barry. So, I’m kind of close with them.”

The NFL coaching experience and techniques that Barry brings to the table has become significant factor for Walker as well.

“It’s real important because he knows what it takes to get to the league, so he knows what he’s talking about,” Walker said. “Last time I went there for the camps, so I kind of like his techniques.

“His coaching is phenomenal, I ain’t even going to lie to you. So his coaching is good.”

In terms of where his family may be leaning, Walker says they simply tell him to do what’s best for him.

“They both told me wherever I want to go, they would support me wherever I go,” Walker said.

Even though out of state schools such as LSU, Auburn, and Penn State are in play, Walker admittedly has focused a lot on the in-state programs like Miami, FSU, and UF.

“(I like them because) it’s not that far, they’re all Florida kids,” Walker said of the in-state schools. “My family doesn’t have to travel that far to see me play.”

Will it be tough to get him out of the state?


Walker most recently visited the Seminoles for their spring game in April and spoke a bit on why he’s interested in FSU.

“Coach (Telly) Lockette, he’s a Miami dude so me and him really connect together, so I feel real comfortable there,” Walker said.

Walker also attended a camp in Gainesville to check out the Florida Gators last month.

“It was cool, I got to chill with coach (John) Hevesy and coach (Dan) Mullen,” Walker said. “They showed me a lot of love while I was there.”

While he is unsure of when he will make his final decision, the 6-4 300 pound prospect has already used one official visit to South Carolina. Where is he thinking of taking his final 4 official visits?

“I’d say UM, Florida, and FSU. Either Auburn, LSU, or Penn State will be the last one," Walker said.

What’s next for the Miami Norland tackle?

“I don’t even know yet. I haven’t really planned on anything yet,” Walker said. “I’m going to take everything during my season.”


Comments (52)

Sounds like Carolina telling him no visits was the icing on the cake for him.

I liked what he said about Coach Berry....

FSU ehh you can like Telly Lockette but he isn't the one coaching you on the OL

Hevesy...mehh you see how UF fans feel about him.
Another kid that just discovered that he wanted to enjoy the “process” (free trips).
Man it feels so good so have one of these SEC schools get played for once. Sounds like this is truly a big 3 battle and I really like where we stand. Not that the game on 8/24 will determine where this kid goes but it will really show all of these recruits and the state of Florida that we run the state!
"They weren’t mad. They told me to call them, but I didn’t call them."

Lmaooooooo!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Idk why but that made me burst out laughin bruh! I was on the floor when I read that lmfao!!!

Likewise! That quote combined with Muscorch thinking he's Sabag and trying to ban any visits by the kid only to be left waiting by a landline in his office praying that the kid calls him back.
Another kid that just discovered that he wanted to enjoy the “process” (free trips).
Don’t even know how to feel about that stuff. On one hand I used to hate it because it feels disingenuous. On the other hand I’m sure the schools are happy to at least get a foot in the door, also some of these kids have probably barely traveled in their lives, and they don’t get paid to play in college so at least they get a chance to see a bit of the country.
Don’t even know how to feel about that stuff. On one hand I used to hate it because it feels disingenuous. On the other hand I’m sure the schools are happy to at least get a foot in the door, also some of these kids have probably barely traveled in their lives, and they don’t get paid to play in college so at least they get a chance to see a bit of the country.

Right. For a lot of these kids, it's the first time they've been able to travel the country (for free at that) and visit places they probably never envisioned when they were young. Also, they're in the process of maknig a decision that will shape their future.