Upon Further Review- Louisville

Lance Roffers
Lance Roffers
16 min read
Winning is more fun than losing. Scoring 52 points and dragging a well-coached opponent up-and-down the field is even more fun. Here at Upon Further Review I am enjoying this recent stretch a lot more than I did the early stretch. Miami wins again!

Louisville’s LT is a legitimate NFL draft prospect and Garvin knifes inside of him so quickly he’s actually looking for him here. This forces the RB to bubble right into the LB pursuit. Pinckney gets a little wide and allows a cutback inside of him, but Garvin made a nice play.

Both LB’s take false steps on the jet sweep and Gurvan Hall is flat footed for some reason. Finley shoots the gap, but Tutu is too fast and gets the edge. Because Hall is flat footed here, he doesn’t get there in time to cut the angle and Tutu gets a big play. Tutu Atwell, Anthony Schwartz…too much pure speed is getting outside of Miami area right now. They need to be taking these kids and finding a spot for them with that kind of speed.

A defensive formation that has transformed the Miami defense on 3rd down is a 2 or 3 down lineman setup with Rousseau on the nose. Allows them to move guys around, bring rushers from different places, and stunt easily. Bandy directing traffic (he’s blitzing and the S needs to get in position for the slot), but good thing Louisville didn’t pull a Tua and snap the ball here though. Blades makes a great play to knock the slant out of the receiver's hands.

Double TE’s, run split zone out of pistol, Irvin II is the lead blocker and Dallas has a nice hole to run through.

Pass is a little off for Jarren here and Harley has to go to a knee to catch it. If this throw is a little more on-target, Harley has a wide-open space to run to. Long throw, Jarren had poor mechanics on the throw. No weight transfer, short stride and all arm. From a clean pocket, that’s an error to me and I’m sure Enos agrees.


Good decision here by Jarren. The LB is baiting the slant here and wants the throw so he get his hands on it here. Nice play design as Clark kicks out the edge and Scaife blocks down and opens a nice rushing lane for Dallas. Because the LB baited the slant, he wasn’t able to fill this rushing lane as hard.

Jarren is getting comfortable in this offense. He’s got this ball coming out before the receiver is even out of his break. Outside receiver runs a clear out and the underneath is wide open against this cover-3 look (Louisville blitzed their CB).

Louisville was shredded by this slant RPO all game. Jarren has his mechanics on-point here and the LB stays outside and Jarren throws his WR open inside of him. We probably got away with a hold there in the middle. Miami has been almost all shotgun and pistol with Brevin out of the lineup.

Simple offense. Get the ball out to playmakers in space. The defense can decide where that space is going to be. They can leave the middle open and you attack the slant. They can bunch and you attack the edges. Like what Enos has done thus far. I’ll probably write it every week from here on out, but the college rules allow you to block downfield if the ball is thrown behind the LOS. It’s a huge thing to take advantage of.

Dallas with a man’s run for the TD on the next play. (Not pictured)

Patchan with a beautiful arm-over move and the Canes bring smoke (double-A gap blitz with both LB’s). Hit the QB and force an errant pass. (Not pictured)

After Amari Carter forced a fumble by Tutu that Louisville recovered, Pinckney beats the LT and forces the QB to bubble. While the QB outruns him and gets a few yards, this was a nice play.

Louisville does such a good job of getting their players into space on offense and creating flow away from the play that is hard for the defense to key. Pinckney recovers well on this play and runs down the TE. As an aside, if I were the FSU AD I’d be reaching out to Satterfield and trying to get him or Dino Babers to come there. Either one would be deadly on offense with their level of speed.

You can see what Louisville does here to get their man in space and create confusion. The plan is to get Tutu the ball in space all along here. Carter is completely confused on where he should be going and does the natural thing humans do when they’re confused (stops). Bandy is forced to be running all the way across the formation trying to cover Tutu here. The only way to effectively cover this is to have Pinckney get wider instead of staying with the TE in the seam. Bandy runs with 7. Carter comes down and takes the crosser on the 1st down line. Ivey has no idea who to cover on this play. Gurvan flat-footed (because the seam route holds him there) and that’s why he couldn’t recover with the angle. This play goes for a TD, of course. Beautiful design and got exactly what they wanted.

Legitimately have no clue what 12 is doing.

This is great pre-snap recognition from Jarren. Look at that CB on the boundary. He’s giving away the bail technique and with the S coming up into the box you know he’s looking to blitz when coupled with bail technique by the boundary CB.

Jarren is immediately looking for that deep shot, rather than looking for 4 across the middle. DeeJay Dallas is the unsung hero of the play as he gives Jarren the time to make this throw with his block on the SS. Jarren also shows toughness on this play as he keeps his eyes downfield while #9 is coming free to crush him just as he releases the ball. Touchdown. Incidentally, I have no idea what the CB is doing on that play when he’s looking away from Wiggins. There is no logical explanation for why he’d be looking that direction.

Finally, from the All-22 look at where Jarren lets this ball go. Remember, Wiggins caught this ball inside of the defender, so Jarren threw him open as much as anything. Wiggins isn’t even looking for the ball and it’s already in-flight.

I’m pretty sure I saw a tweet about Miami being dirty or something to the effect after this game. Well, I think I’ve discovered why Jarren was a bit salty with Louisville after this one. Look #9 standing on Jarren’s leg and looking directly at it as he does it. He just stands right up while stomping on Jarren’s leg here.

I wouldn’t say it’s underrated, but an aspect that makes Rousseau so deadly is his length. Here he bullies a cutter into the dirt and makes a TFL.

Send both LB’s on the blitz again. Not sure why the QB didn’t let this go because he has the post and is looking right at it. Doubling Rousseau and he still sets the edge over there so the QB can’t escape. Pinckney gets the sack. Jon Ford probably isn’t going to make this his profile picture.

Give some shout to Coach Patke, as the return units and coverage units are much improved this year. Not just in the return yardage itself, but also in the fact that they have taken to his coaching points of making “shield” blocks with your arms up in the air as you run by, rather than all the holds and blocks in the back that we saw last year. Big return by Osborn on a bad punt and some nice blocking. 3, 41, 29 all do this as they run downfield to avoid a crippling penalty.

Roman already broke down the screen, but it was wonderfully manipulated by Jarren, who had a DE ready to intercept the screen to Dallas if he throws it immediately. Touchdown Canes! Wiggins sealed the edge with an (Not pictured)

I write about this a lot, but the way to play this if they leave you unblocked on the edge is to attack. Don’t squat and let the mesh stress you. Attack this and get to the mesh before they have time to execute. Patchan is on this mesh point and if they give he’s got him, if they keep, he’s got him too. QB keeps and it’s a big loss forced by Patchan. Last year, I said a team like the Patriots would love Trent Harris because of his discipline and ability to set the edge. He’s on the Dolphins (Pats former coaches) and I believe Patchan will make a team for that same reason as well.

Shaq attacks the wrong shoulder on this play. Pinckney has backside pursuit responsibilities. If Shaq stays on the outside shoulder of the blocker there is nowhere for the RB to go. Instead, he hits this crease and gets the 1st down. Shaq played well in this game, but this one is a mistake. 94 gets pancaked by the LT and Hill rolls his leg. Trevon kneels beside him and comforts him until the trainer can get out there. Such a dirty team Miami is.

3rd down and Cunningham makes Rousseau whiff (he’s human) and he gets the 1st down on a scramble. Great play by him. Knowles makes an open field tackle to save a TD. (Not pictured)

Coverage bust. Speed of Atwell draws a crowd.

Pinckney has him in the hole but he slips. RB gets to the 3. Louisville gets a TD a few plays later.

DT jumps a gap and Gaynor rides him out. Zion blocks down and Campbell gets out to the second level. But look up top and see the type of team we are trying to build. Role players playing their roles as Polendey executes an excellent block and Marshall Few blocking as well (though Marshall’s guy makes the tackle 47 yards downfield). Harris hits this hole hard and gets a huge gain.

This is growth here for the OL. Louisville stunts and we have trouble with it again as the defender gets inside but Clark recovers and regains position, Jarren gets outside and gets some yards.

Gun-3, Zion with a 45-set and gets beat around the edge but pushes defender past (growth for Zion). Jarren sees the lane and uses his legs to get the 1st down. This is a sack if we had gone Gun-5, so continued growth from Enos.

TD throw is a slant RPO out of 20-personnel (Burns & DeeJay, zero TE) that is behind Wiggins, who makes a great play and tweaks his ankle on the landing. (Not pictured)

2nd and short and a double-move didn’t fool Ivey, but WR had a chance at a deep ball that was off his fingertips. (Not pictured)

Making an open-field tackle on Atwell is impressive, but being so disciplined to stay outside of Atwell here and watch the belt buckle is what really made me excited on this play. He’s got Rousseau and Nesta in pursuit so he knows he just can’t let him outside and he sticks him for a TFL.

Stunt works again against the OL as you can see Zion completely turned around. Irvin is there to help so Zion is turning to find his guy (he actually recovers and pushes him wide, showing his excellent athleticism). Pressure forces Jarren to throw early and it’s incomplete. I am baffled by the fact that teams don’t stunt us repeatedly.

Jakai Clark lets #90 get under his pads and he takes the young fellow for a ride all the way into Jarren’s lap. It hurts because Irvin comes up for a 1st down conversion if there is time.

Shaq leaves #60 trying to find him on this run stuff. Nice work.

Canes send all-out blitz on 3rd down and get a sack. QB completely dropped his eyes rather than delivering a shot against 1-on-1 coverage. Blades then blocks the punt. (Not pictured)

Anticipation is a wonderful trait for a QB to have, in my mind it’s right up there with accuracy, but it also has a downside and that’s when the QB is tricked. Here, Jarren is not expecting the DE to drop into the flat and Jarren hits him in the chest. Luckily, it’s dropped. Hands like feet.

Louisville tries to stand everyone up on the DL and the DT spins into the boundary. Leaves a huge area that the DE tries to replace. Look at Jeff Thomas getting mugged at the top of the screen, you can’t even see his head. Jarren runs for a 1st down as he starts to show all the tools.

Once the QB picks up a 1st down a couple of times with his legs, the DB’s start coming up aggressively once you break the pocket. Players start trying to do things that aren’t their role and they pay for it. You see Mallory is running right by the SS here as the S bites hard on Jarren scrambling. Easy TD.

This play looks like Garvin legitimately ate the QB. There is a QB under him here believe it or not.

This is not called as a hold on Rousseau (he was adamant for a flag and I see why), but the Canes tackle the QB short of the 1st down. Louisville had major chances on this drive to score but the QB just misfired badly.

The missed call on the hold looms large as Louisville hits a deep shot. Great throw to make up for two misses earlier. Blades got fooled on this one when the receiver looked back for the ball and started looking for the ball way too early to allow the WR a chance to get separation.

Bad throw and easy interception as Ivey read the corner route the whole way.

Smart design on this designed cutback run. Irvin comes across for a wham and kicks out the edge, Thomas holds the outside defender with motion, OL blocks down. DeeJay has a big run.

After a TD for each team, Zion gets too high and has a weak punch that allows the edge to shed him to the inside and sack Jarren. Still seeing a loss or a sack in each game from Zion, though he has made nice strides it’s time like this one where you see he needs more sand in his pants.

Tutu juggles the punt and Blades knocks it loose for the turnover. (Not pictured)

DeeJay lets the edge get inside of his block and tackle Osborn for a big loss. If Dallas gets this block he has the edge with two blockers and one pursuit LB.

Deep post to Harley and the record is there for Jarren and this game is salted. (Not pictured because I couldn’t get a good angle to show what happened).

Stunt gets home (drink). Jarren takes off and picks this one up with his legs.

Gaynor and Scaife let their guys take them upfield and then steer them out of the way, Clark does a fantastic job of using that step to get the leverage on the defender. You see how he’s using his left leg to get outside of the defender? That’s not natural, normally you want to keep that leg in-line for balance. Young fellow understands angles and how to get leverage. Harris cuts off Clark for a big run.

I think Jarren gets there (or very close) if he just keeps running. He wants another TD pass and tries to find a target instead.

Rousseau is a freshman. Racking up sacks, but knocking down a pass is a big deal. Pass defensed from DL are the second most impactful plays they’ll make in most situations (behind sacks/TFL). Statistically speaking, this is a drive-changing play. My guess is we get one more year to enjoy Mr. Rousseau.

Maybe we have so much trouble blocking stunts because we have so much trouble running them defensively. I’ve posted several shots of our DL running into the back of another defender while stunting this year (94 running into another defender on stunt here). Carter is completely lost here as he’s got to stay over by the hash to defend that flat. Run a screen into it and it’s a big play.

QB never saw Blades who was just watching the eyes of the QB and once he threw the ball he peeled off his coverage and just stepped in front. Can anyone think of a DB that didn’t get better under Rumph? You’d think guys would be lining up to learn from him.

Patrick Joyner #52 in middle pushed wide (jumped around block instead of filling hard) and Nesta gets turned on the 4th & 1 that goes for a TD. Pinckney tried to go around the edge (I’m guessing this was called) and there is just nothing in the middle. Hall takes another bad angle and Knowles doesn’t have the speed to catch him. Bad play to allow a dive play to knife you from 57. Defense heard about this one, rest assured. By the way, Shaq came back into the game on the next series to tell you what the coaches thought.

OL with Perry in was Campbell, Donaldson, Clark, Hillery, Herbert. Interesting that Donaldson stayed in. (Not pictured)


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Comments (27)

Same play that Tutu scored their first TD on. We played it the same way again. LB/Striker has to run with the crosser and Shaq comes down on the other crosser. S picks up the man you see by Shaq. Instead both run with the first crosser and the shallow crosser is uncovered. Coaches will have things to harp on after this game.

Knowles picks his own man on this play. Pinckney forces him to throw early or it’s a walk-in TD on the wheel route. Asking Shaq to run with the wheel is tough enough without his S cutting in front of him.

Tommy Kennedy played a snap. #72 at LG. He can always say he played OL at the U.

  • S play left a lot to be desired in this game, which led to a lot of big plays by Louisville.
  • LB play was the best this season in my mind. We missed a few gaps and let a few big plays, but they were consistent, aggressive, and tackled.
  • Jarren is consistently growing in the offense and had a good game. He even got lucky on a couple of throws that could have been picks, so there will be teaching points to get his attention, even after a record-setting day.
  • There is still meat on this bone, but Coach Enos is evolving his offense and the young players are growing.
Lance I wanted to ask you if 15 was getting downhill too quick. It seemed to me he over pursued a few times and really wasnt a huge factor. I'm just not sure why we dont play a little less downhill against a running qb. I believe this has been used against us in the past. 15 is excellent of course but I think some of it just comes with experience and game planning.
I only Saw a few throws that could have been picked which is one you highlighted already that hit the defender in the chest that he didn’t see .

The other play was pass intended for pope but he was hit as he threw that made the ball fly in the air obviously affecting
he throw . Good play by Pope there.

the other play the td throw to Wiggins in which he was a little behind primarily because that lineman was right there so he was trying to get the ball out so that’s understandable.

only 1 of those 3 throws touched a defender hand though.

good job avoiding a possible pick on the deejay Dallas screen td pass in which he strayed a few more seconds to allow himself the ability to make a clean throw without the possibility of an int
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Interesting that Donaldson stayed in? Because fatso needs the exercise.
**** that was like some NFL network type ****. I love the cut ups and the reviews.
Our defense won’t be the same without Bolden. Just like the beginning of the season this defense needs good tackling safeties
Lance, I didn't see Finley too often, and I thought the Striker would be critical vs. UL. I'm not sure he was in on even one big lay. Any reason why his name wasn't called?
Lance, I am a fan of what you do and appreciate the work and detail you put into it...Can I make a suggestion?

Break the post into 4 quarters... It would make it a little more digestable IMO
I have been running out of gas on these. Especially as the interest has decreased (either too long or just with the team losing etc).

Nice to break down a game that had a lot more fun involved.
Lance, don't give up on these. I look forward to your breakdowns every week, win or lose. It's the best thing going on this site.