Upon Further Review- Florida

Lance Roffers
Lance Roffers
16 min read
Welcome back to Upon Further Review, where I will review each Canes game and bring you screenshots from important moments in plays throughout the action. This week is the infamous “week zero” in which Miami and Florida engaged in a sloppy battle filled with mistakes and coulda, shoulda, woulda’s.

First play of the game and Miami motions both TE’s to the wide side of the field and runs a jet sweep to KJ Osborn. I froze the action here for a couple of reasons: 1. I’m not sure why John Campbell is attacking the backside LB and leaving the pursuit LB free to roam on a play designed to go outside. 2. The Florida defender is pretty sneakily holding Brevin Jordan from getting outside to his block. I still cannot imagine the plan is to simply let the LB flow down the line and make a pretty easy tackle here.

2nd down and Miami motions out of a bunch set and puts DeeJay out wide on the boundary. They take Brevin from one side and put him into the slot. This is nice design as it gets Marco Wilson to follow DeeJay, the slot CB to go on Jeff Thomas and the LB to come over on Brevin. That’s exactly what you want is to get Brevin isolated onto #33. Small additional tidbit is you can see the maturity that Osborn has among the receiver group as he is the one pointing out a possible CB blitzer. The play was a little swing pass to Brevin that goes for big yardage and was half a step away from a TD. I like how they started Jarren out under center, then put him back into shotgun.

The truth of the matter is that Mallory was a poor blocker last year and on this play if he gets one step upfield and turns this block, this play goes for nice yardage. Instead, #7 easily long arms him with one arm and strings this play out. Have to do better or they might need to think about replacing him in that role.

First game as a true freshman and he’s out there at LT, I get that part of things, but Zion is late off-the-ball. Ball is essentially to the QB and he hasn’t moved out of his stance. Look at Scaife, who is halfway into his pull already. This was a swing pass to Osborn outside and the defender nearly knocked it down because he runs right by Zion on this play. By the way, if anyone ever wonders why Mike Harley plays so much, it’s because he is a ferocious blocker. He blocks his man with a cut block, then gets up and impedes a second defender to allow Osborn a big run.

Campbell never touches this defender, who if he makes this block Brevin might score. He has to evade 51 and it pushes him to the sideline where the S gets him down. It probably isn’t a popular sentiment, but I think Scaife should be the LT and Donaldson should be the RT moving forward and fill out the interior with what is left. These T’s are starting out very poorly.

Mallory on the end (against 7) is such a bad blocker. This is comical how easily he is tossed away by the defender. Donaldson completely bent over at the waist. Then the second screen shot shows 51 just stealing Campbell’s soul. Go hit someone big fella! You are the lead on a toss sweep against a LB and a S. Go in hard right and cut through #51 and impede the S at the same time and he gets the edge! Scaife is the best OL on this team by a long way.


To this point in the game, I haven’t seen a play where I would say Zion “won” his block. Welcome to college, my man.
Jarren missed it here. I think he’s looking for the corner route, so this may not have been his read, but he can throw #3 open behind that LB on this play. Essentially throw it to the official and this is a completion. Zion is beat easily again and the RB has to help, which means he can’t step up and hit the defender coming up the middle who eventually sacks Jarren.

Gurvan has to make this tackle in the hole rather than getting shook and giving up a bunch of extra yards.

Something went wrong in the special teams alignment here. Two guys should not be standing on top of one another at the 31-yard line here. I really wish 7 would just kept going upfield here and made sure he was outside and forced the punter back inside to his pursuit. He stops his feet and let the punter get outside of him. Bad contain and poor alignment led to one of the biggest plays of the game.

I believe Pinck and Shaq were supposed to slide one step to their left on this play as Toney is in motion and creates a mismatch at the bottom of your screen.

But this official standing right there and watching the play misses a blatant hold on Bandy. That has to be called, my man.

Then the OL has a pretty blatant block-in-the-back. This has to be called, my man.

Then Gurvan has to make this tackle. Yes, the official standing there should be let go after this play, but this is exactly what we feared without Jaquan out there erasing mistakes in the secondary. Last year, this is simply a first down and move to the next play. This night it was a TD as Hall and Carter both fail.

This play needs to be a check to a pass at the LOS. He’s got all that space in front of him and you can just pitch it out there and one missed tackle might be 6. They run a slant right into where #3 is going already and it’s a big hit.

Does Zion know the snap count? Hasn’t moved and his man runs straight by him and sacks Jarren.

If I’m the OL coach at Miami I’m questioning my tackle’s manhood. You have a free shot at this man’s ribs and you give him a love tap. He didn’t release downfield, he just taps him. Hit this dude so hard in his ribs with everything you’ve got and you will start to slow down that pass rush. You can truly impact speed rushers by attacking their ribs every single chance you get. I want my OL to be mean and want to body people out there. Zion, get physical. In fact, this guy gets off this block and hits DeeJay downfield. That is despicable to allow that to happen to your RB.

Then we take a timeout on the punt because we can’t get lined up. No Bueno, fellas, no Bueno. (Not pictured)
Florida does the quick jet sweep to Toney and he gets the edge. Garvin retraces and hits him, but Romeo did a great job taking on two blockers to force Toney to come back inside. (Not pictured)

Bethel gets off a block and makes a tackle right at the LOS. Miami is playing assignment sound defense for the most part. (Not pictured)
Bandy gets off a Trevon Grimes block and tackles Perine before the can get the 1st down. I thought there was no way he was getting there.

But then you gotta make this play on 4th down. They had him stopped. As a point of reference, Mullen is doing a much better job utilizing his chess piece (Toney) than Enos is with his (Thomas).

Finley called for PI on this play when he’s knocking the hand away from the receiver pushing on him. As a reminder, face guarding is legal in college football, you do not have to turn and look for the football. Some truly poor officiating thus far.

Frierson saved our backsides on this play. He was shot out of a cannon here and splits this block and beats #61 to the ballcarrier. If Frierson gets blocked it could be trouble because they had a pursuit blocker and a lead blocker in #7. Shaq did beat this block and had pursuit though.

Have to make this play #15. You’re too talented to be letting guys get away this easily and get big yardage pickups.

This gave me flashbacks to D’Onofrio. You can’t defend this play with this alignment and the QB just walks around the edge to the top of the screen for an easy 1st down. Miami needs to steal this play with the ease in which they picked this up. What made it so easy for them is they created so much space with the receivers up top rather than trying to bunch everything together.

Two plays in-a-row Florida does an inside give and Miami misses tackles to bring up 3rd and short. This entire drive isn’t happening if Rousseau gets the pretty easy sack earlier. Little things add up to big things in games like this and it was apparent Miami simply wasn’t ready for the moment on this night. (Not pictured)

This is an awesome play design by Florida. They run the TE and slot up the seams, which holds the outside CB and the striker. They slip the RB behind the DE and the LB will never get there in time because of the TE running straight at the LB at the snap and holding him for a split second. Patchan tips this pass and Perine still gets it, so when UF fans talk about Brevin’s tip, remind them they got their own luck here.

74 gets beaten like he stole something straight off the snap. He kind of ruins a decent looking play as well. This is an RPO and the LB’s are playing pass the entire way.

Jarren showed some nice escapability here and I think he’s throwing it to Jordan, but Mallory sat down in his zone when his QB scrambled. Goes through Mallory’s hands or Jordan has a nice play and an easy 1st down. Miami can’t get out of their own way.

Miami gets a penalty for 12-men in the huddle. Then Campbell jumps. This is tough to watch and I may need to simply speed this up. (Not pictured)
If you’re going to use a FB, he needs to be able to make this block on the Mike. Right at the 5-yard line Realus can make this block and Harris has a nice gain. Instead he whiffs and it goes for just a few yards.

Knowles makes a nice tackle on the punt return. Then fills his gap and gets the RB down on 1st down. Headley has sucked as a punter thus far. (Not pictured)

Trevon Hill used his athleticism to get to the edge and the RB bobbled a pitch play and the Canes get the turnover. (Not pictured)

Yes, Tate playing so much at WR was surprising, but you can see it got Florida’s attention here. There were so few Florida defenders left in the box that Campbell and Scaife both pull and both take the same guy because there was no one for Scaife to take so he just hit the guy Campbell was engaged with. This run goes for 24 yards.

Williams panics in the pocket here. He’s got a beautiful pocket if he just steps up a step. He literally runs into the back of his OL standing there. Hit somebody Scaife, look for work!

It was at this moment that Ventrell Miller regretted the day he decided to buzz the flats on Cam’Ron Harris.

Brevin, you have to catch this ball. There was a ton of hype and praise coming Brevin’s way after this game, and he had a pretty good game, but he’s one of the ones that needed to play better for Miami to win this game. Football comes down to who is going to make the most plays. Jarren Williams stands in there, evades pressure after his line folded immediately like a cheap suit (look at Gaynor knocked flat on his butt), finds a window, zips a dart to you on a critical 3rd down and this is you right here. This ball is in your hands and you just drop it. Make a play, playmakers.

Knowles is going to take crap for this in the film room. He gets lifted and put on his backside right in the middle of the screen on the kickoff.

I understand why you do it, Franks really took off as a player when he started using his legs last season, but I want Garvin hunting the QB, not standing there in the middle of the field doing nothing but being “in case” he runs. Gurvan Hall comes on a late SS blitz and it’s going to actually work because the secondary held up in 1-on-1 coverage. Your Sr. MLB needs to stay with his assignment here and stick with the RB. Instead he lets him go and the QB drops it off for a nice gain.

Major hold that wasn’t called on Patchan that impacted the play as Patchan was set to make a TFL.

Defense runs that same SS blitz again and Hall is trying to get there. Thankfully, Franks is pretty terrible and throws a “hospital ball” to the RB instead of taking either guy wide open in the middle of the field. Btw, this is what I want Garvin doing for my defense. Making LT’s look silly.

Couple of plays and Miami gets a 1st down. Then Campbell jumps again. Just can’t have that stuff. (Not pictured)

Williams throws a nice little swing pass over the outstretched arms of Zuniga that goes in the books as a run because it was slightly backwards, but it was a nice spin by Thomas to get the yards. 14 more yards could be on Williams’ ledger from this game. (Not pictured)

Ball is in Jarren’s hands and Zion hasn’t moved out there. You can’t even see him because Donaldson is already standing up. It’s no wonder why he gets blown by on this play, but Harris, help your LT out. It’s clear as day that Zion is expecting the RB to chip the edge player on this play-action pass. Instead, Harris misses the edge and chips Zion and nearly knocks him down. Harley doesn’t block the S either and they meet at the QB. This was going to be a big play on a deep crosser to Osborn but didn’t have time.


Campbell is absorbing blows far too often. Go hunting for contact on this pass play. Scaife, look for work! Hit somebody! Jarren does a great job of stepping up on this play and hitting Thomas on the square-in for a huge 3rd down conversion. This OL has to get meaner and start looking to bury 3-man rushes. This is frustrating to watch.

I don’t know the play design, so I can’t speak to why, but you need someone to go attack the LB’s if you want your run game to work and not have Brevin doing whatever this is on this handoff. That’s an uncovered play-side LB reading a 7-yard deep handoff.

Next play Campbell and Scaife do a pretty solid job of passing off a stunt and giving Williams time. He scrambles down the sideline and slides just short of a 1st down. Guess he was being smart, but go get me that 1st down. (Not pictured)

Gotta recognize this nickel blitzer sooner and update your protections. Dallas does come across and at least get in the way (he gets blown up) but if he flips Dallas to the other side, slides his protection right (to allow Scaife to be responsible for the inside shoulder of Campbell) you cover this up and give yourself protection. Gaynor doesn’t recognize the MLB blitz and crashes down, they double up top as well and the MLB has a free walk to the QB. Herbie says he held the ball too long but there was nothing to do except spin the opposite way, but that’s a tough move.

The big screen to Dallas before halftime. Great catch. Gaynor getting out in front and making the key block. Donaldson misses his block here DeeJay breaks that tackle. This is an example of a playmaker making a play and was simply something Brevin and Thomas didn’t do enough of.

Campbell holds on the next play and Jarren runs around and holds the ball for an eternity. You can rest assured the coaching staff will be speaking to Jarren about throwing the ball away in the next game. (Not pictured)

This is the throw that makes you salivate at the potential of Jarren Williams. Look at the muddied pocket he is trying to throw into. This is a throw that Franks has never thrown in his life and Jarren is in the first half of his first start. This was all arm talent and toughness to take the shot from both sides.


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Comments (123)

First play of the 2nd half and Garvin eats Perine for no gain. They send a CB blitz to the boundary side and leave the WR wide-open for a 1st down. (Not pictured)

Bethel is the one ducking his head and just battering into the OL here at the LOS. He needs to attack this OL and shock him back and set the edge. This is really poor technique that allows Perine to walk to a 1st down.

The officials had a rough night. No doubt about it. They actually called a play that I would put on a teaching tape as PI. Blades gives contact, turns, finds the ball, spins, finds the ball again and forces the WR towards the sideline. Woof, what a bad call.

Ford beats a blocker inside. It’s also a hold, but we won’t nitpick on that one because you can call this on most plays (it’s still pretty blatant).

This is why Patchan starts over the talented Trevon Hill. Look at him set this edge and force the ball carrier back inside to his pursuing backside LB. He tries to bounce it and loses a bunch of yards, but the play was actually made by Patchan.

Florida is just eating Miami up in the punting game. A huge part of this game that hasn’t gotten much pub, but the ability of Florida to control the field position with their kicking game was a big factor. (Not pictured)

Zion has no chance of winning this rep if he’s going to drop his head. 58 fakes outside and then goes inside and Zion immediately drops his head and is beaten inside. They also tried to block Zuniga with Mallory and that is just not a good plan. They meet in the backfield for a TFL.

This is on Jarren. This has to be a completion for the 1st down. These are the plays that change games. They finally give you a clean pocket. It’s your first read to Thomas, just set your feet and drill this ball. Instead he turfs it.

Instead Miami has to punt from their own goal line and Hedley gets off another ugly kick. (Not pictured)

Frierson makes a great play when they try to run a slant on him on 3rd down. (Not pictured)

Another game changing mistake by the officials in this game, who truly were incompetent at times in this game. This is clearly and easily a false start by the RT. This isn’t a judgment call. This isn’t a missed holding call. This is a clear and easy false start that they would be punting the ball if you make the call and instead they get a TD later in the drive.

Next play Miami brings the boundary CB blitz again and again it is a mistake. Florida gets an easy completion inside the 5-yard line. (Not pictured)

Do you see the Florida OL with two hands full of the Miami DL jersey? He spins and two-hand throws him down by the back of his jersey on this play. Another egregious, easy call completely missed. Did they think Jordan Miller just spun and fell down on his own?


I think was an RPO and Jarren chose wrong. He’s got KJ out there with blockers and instead he gives it. Brevin gets owned by Greenard (not a good matchup for us). What happened to the screen passes? What happened to getting our playmakers in space?

Miami gets a lucky call on a late hit (but it was a pretty late, if not soft, hit). (Not pictured)

This sack is 100% on Jarren, get rid of the ball.

Just so it’s clear I’m not a homer when it comes to the officials, Brevin did hold on the play. He slipped trying to make his block in-line and tackles the defender. The sucky part is it had absolutely nothing to do with the play. This was going to work even if Brevin had stayed on the sideline. They actually called holding on Jeff Thomas as well and that was a good call also.


Zion has gotten better as the game has gone along. Campbell has not, honestly. Here he gets long-armed by #7 and nearly gets Jarren decapitated.

Next play, Campbell gets beaten inside and he is knocked into Scaife, allowing his man to come free. It looked like Scaife was beaten, but it was Campbell. Jarren made that guy miss and then danced and was sacked. Needs to get rid of the ball, but Campbell is really struggling. Jarren can make people miss, but the next step in his evolution is to get his eyes downfield after making someone miss and hit a big play somewhere. You see that WR running free down the sideline? Neither did Jarren as he ducked his head. Had a TD or a PI if he keeps his eyes downfield.

Pass rush gets nowhere near Franks and he has forever on max protection. Finds a deep comeback for a 1st down. (Not pictured)

I wonder if the plan was to have three guys rush from the same side like this. They want to force Franks to his left and they do here and it is incomplete. You can see they are spying Franks with Garvin in the middle of the field. I get the plan, but I want him hunting QB’s and trying for strip sacks.

Major mistake by the defense here. They aren’t set. They aren’t ready for the snap as Blades and his S are talking over there off the LOS. They throw it out for a screen, pick up 9 yards and almost got a 1st down. Gotta be ready to play.

Their kicking game was the difference in the game. Their punter just punted magnificently all night long and then Thomas dropped the ball.

A game of what-ifs for Miami. Rousseau has to make this tackle in the backfield. He has him wrapped up. He squirts free and makes it a manageable 3rd down rather than 3rd and 13.

Shaq with a big mistake here. He vacates the middle and he has his back turned and doesn’t see that Perine is coming right into his area here. Needs a more controlled drop with eye discipline and this play doesn’t happen. Pinckney jumps outside and Perine beats him on an angle route. This is a TD Miami gives up maybe once in 10 plays and this was the one.

Easy PI called on Chris Henderson gets the 1st down. (Not pictured)

This kind of stuff is just drive killing. Campbell is beaten so badly he’s tackling Zuniga from behind and he blows up the run in the backfield for a huge loss. Moon clearly stood over him and taunted him right in front of the officials to save us. It truly was an easy call though. You’d think getting blocked 1-on-1 by Tate Martell on the edge there (#7) would keep him from chirping, but I guess not.

Everyone is looking at Tate after they faked the jet sweep to him. Scaife not exactly helping Zion out here by ramming into his back. This play goes for a TD only because of the brilliance of Dallas, but the impact of Tate on the field is real on these plays. Give some love to Campbell, who goes from where he is on the end of the line on a pull around left side and gets in the way of a defender at the 40-yard line. Great effort young man.

Campbell blocks three guys on the play. He gets his man initially, gets a LB, comes off that man and then gets just enough of 55 here. I’ve heard Florida fans say this was a missed block-in-the-back, but it was not. Clearly impacted from the side to start.

Bethel makes a nice run stop on 1st down. (Not pictured)

Miami gets lucky on this one. Florida motions their RB to the bottom of screen and the QB tells him to go to the other side. Pinckney and Shaq are communicating about it, but Miami doesn’t really reset the strength of their defense and they get a free runner down the seam. Finley is clapping his hands trying to get Gurvan’s attention and the ball is snapped while they are nowhere near set to play. Finley and Gurvan try to cover the same player. The CB slips and there are two receivers basically uncovered behind this. A stunt by Ford and Patchan gets pressure in Franks’ face and he once again falls apart and throws a pick that Carter makes a great catch on. It’s really where Miami threw the game away. In the 4th quarter, with the ball in Florida territory, a TD probably salts this game away.

You know what really hurts? If Carter slows down and goes outside he walks into the end zone. He cuts into the defense instead of letting his blockers block #20 and then follow them into the end zone. There were zero Gators out there besides #20 all the way to the end zone.

First play is a toss sweep to the right side and Campbell never touched a soul.

Not sure about a play design that is a deep handoff and pull the RG in front of Zuniga and let him run straight to your RB with no one ever touching him- on purpose. This play call was the one that really drove me crazy. You have to be a little more aggressive in going for the TD in my opinion.

This was the play call on 3rd & 7 right at the red zone where a TD really puts a strangle hold on the game. Harris made an excellent individual effort to get close.

Mallory. What a mistake. He had this the whole way, Mallory. Just use your hands and don’t panic. This is a hold, I know others disagree, but it’s a real call. He didn’t need to do this at all. Just shield him and stay in his way and Baxa walks to a 1st down. The personal foul gives us a 1st down at the 11, but we’d have had it at the 2 and that opens up everything.

This play wasn’t going to score, but a quick little flip to Thomas here has his speed in the open field out there. Instead, Donaldson is annihilated so badly he tackles Thomas and Jarren has to throw it to Mallory, who drops it.

2nd down and do I ever dislike the play call again. They bring in Tate in and flex Jarren out wide. It’s a read and they give it to Dallas who has no chance. (Not pictured)

Best throw of the night from either QB. He throws it on time, in the only spot his man can get it, in the end zone. You have to catch this, Jeff Thomas. He tried to cradle it instead of plucking it with strong hands.

Bubba Baxa misses a 27-yard chip shot FG and Miami just gave this game away. Just gave it away. (Not pictured)

Here’s your difference in the two players. Bandy knows he needs to get deep quickly and is in position to run. Frierson is flat footed and the WR has a free release and a running start to add to his already built in speed advantage. Carter is in single-high and simply doesn’t have the range to get there on this play from where he started.

This 4th quarter is painful to watch with all the mistakes that we know added up to a loss.

Gurvan Hall absolutely killed us here. Why are you stopping your feet and standing up? If he knifes into that opening outside he has a LB and Patchan in backside pursuit. They get a TE get free from this for a 1st down. It should’ve been 3rd and 10, instead it’s a soon to be TD.

Jarren finally gets protection as Donaldson pulls around and handles Zuniga. Nice pass to Osborn. 1st down. (Not pictured)

Florida’s front-7 just dominated us. Campbell is beaten immediately by Zuniga. Gaynor trips Scaife and that allows 55 to run right in and combine for a TFL.

This is a beautiful play by Jarren. He steps up in the pocket and keeps his eyes downfield. Brevin is just coming up at the top of the screen and this gets down to the 30-yard line. How did Miami lose this game?

They went back to the Tate Martell direct snap and I just want to jump off a bridge. TFL…again. Stop it. (Not pictured)

4th & 9 right here is a bad decision. It was truly unfortunate that Osborn had his knee touch down on the play or it would have been 4th & 1 and that’s a different game. (Not pictured because I can’t stand to picture it)

Franks is not a good QB. When you pressure him he will blow the game. This should’ve blown the game.

Al Blades should’ve gotten kicked out of the game for this. I love all the swag and the bravado and the intensity that comes from being a Cane, but you can’t do this. It’s selfish. It’s also a dude who might be hurt and you’re acting like this. Not cool at all.

The final drive was a calamity. They obviously got fortunate on the 4th down play and they simply could not handle the pass rush when Florida knew they had to throw. Jarren panicked on the final drive in my eyes and didn’t stick to the plan or his progressions. The interception could’ve been a TD return but then the penalty put it all the way back at the 40 and then things went ugly from there. A game they absolutely should’ve won becomes a loss.

Things I liked:
  • The defense looks like it will continue to create pressure and be smart in the front-7.
  • DeeJay Dallas looks like he is poised to be a playmaker this year.
  • Jarren showed enough things to make me believe he will develop into a strong QB for Miami.
  • The first game is over and a team with 20 players making their first start in their two-deep now are through the first game against a major rival.
  • The cornerbacks played very well. Blades held up. The young corner held up.
Things I didn’t like:
  • The game plan. It moved away from a plan to create mismatches and win and turned into a flashback of the Enos’ Arkansas offense.
  • The S’s gave up some big plays- in particular Gurvan Hall played poorly. Last year Jaquan and Redwine erased so many mistakes that are now shining through in big plays.
  • Officiating was really bad at times.
  • Coach Diaz going for it on 4th & 9 when you haven’t protected your QB all night.
  • Every player on the OL played poorly in my view. Scaife and Gaynor were the least bad, but still had their moments and got very little push in the run game. Campbell was all-time bad in this game. Zion was just awful (rather than all-time bad).
  • Giving away a game that you absolutely should’ve won on national television with recruits and everyone watching.
  • Penalties and sacks. Last year, the highest sack percentage any team in college football had was 10.64%. Miami gave up a sack on 25% of passing plays against Florida. The worst team in college football average 9.2 penalties per game last year (Florida State). Miami had 14 penalties in this game. I ran a scrub of plays last year and found no combination of the two stats that another team had all of last year. Woof.
  • Tate Martell in the Wildcat. It doesn’t create lanes and big plays, it just stalls the offense. Throw it out of the playbook and if you want to go Wildcat stick with DeeJay and use Tate as a decoy.
  • Baxa missing that kick had a trickle-down effect on the entire game.
  • Lack of nasty from the OL. Yes, Zion was late out of his stance a bunch of times. Yes, Campbell just couldn’t handle the quickness of the Florida DL. What really bothered me was the lack of nastiness on the OL. Several times a Miami OL had a free shot at the ribs of a Florida DL and just decided to love-tap him rather than hit him hard. Those body blows absolutely add up over the course of the game and Miami never really tried to bury anyone on the OL.
Like most of you, I was pretty upset after the game and couldn’t shake the feeling that we gave this game away. After rewatching the game, I do feel better about where the team is headed and do feel that things are better than first glance. Miami still finishes up 9-3 or 10-2 this season. They’re a ways away on the OL to being a true contender, but I do feel Miami showed more fight in this game than they traditionally would when adversity hit.


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@Lance Roffers, check out the bomb play again. Because of the ball placement (toward) middle of the field, if Carter's truly single high on that play, then his alignment is F'd. Because he's playing too close to the Canes sideline, almost as the ball were on the left hash and he'd be the boundary Safety.

Instead, the ball is in the middle of the field, the WR to the bottom of screen (Canes sideline) has outside release on Blades, and Frierson gets beat (to the inside) immediately a few yards outside the opposite hash. That puts Carter in position to essentially cover 30+ yards between the vertical routes. On a ball that never hung. He definitely has range issues, as we all know, but perhaps a handful of athletes could have gotten there, and they would have needed a better read on the play (Carter holds his drop and waits till Franks is basically releasing to break toward the slot's vertical).

Tough play because of so many things. I'd start with his alignment. Then a bunch of stuff happened against us - Frierson gets smoked (it happens), Franks gets enough time (why), Franks throws a great ball (kind of a miracle), the ball never hangs, and the WR finger tips it in full sprint.

I think they try that play 100 more times and maybe hit it 10% of the time.
Amazing work, Lance. Well done! Our fans keep talking about how UF isn't very good (and they ultimately may prove not to be), but they sure seem like they were better prepared for this game. I know our schedule is *** but 10-2 seems ambitious with our OT situation as it stands. Zion is gonna have to grow up real fast and Campbell is borderline unplayable apparently. If this unit doesn't improve considerably as the season progresses Barry should be shown the door. I see 9-3 and hopefully a Bowl win.
That was a ton of informative detail analysis work mixed with pain and love. Best view takeaway is the feeling I get is that all the errors or less than stellar play can (and will hopefully) be remedied with more effort, seasoning, and coaching. Seems like the raw Talent is there and much of the play-calling seems more than adequate.
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@Lance Roffers, check out the bomb play again. Because of the ball placement (toward) middle of the field, if Carter's truly single high on that play, then his alignment is F'd. Because he's playing too close to the Canes sideline, almost as the ball were on the left hash and he'd be the boundary Safety.

Instead, the ball is in the middle of the field, the WR to the bottom of screen (Canes sideline) has outside release on Blades, and Frierson gets beat (to the inside) immediately a few yards outside the opposite hash. That puts Carter in position to essentially cover 30+ yards between the vertical routes. On a ball that never hung. He definitely has range issues, as we all know, but perhaps a handful of athletes could have gotten there, and they would have needed a better read on the play (Carter holds his drop and waits till Franks is basically releasing to break toward the slot's vertical).

Tough play because of so many things. I'd start with his alignment. Then a bunch of stuff happened against us - Frierson gets smoked (it happens), Franks gets enough time (why), Franks throws a great ball (kind of a miracle), the ball never hangs, and the WR finger tips it in full sprint.

I think they try that play 100 more times and maybe hit it 10% of the time.

Yeah, that alignment is weird for single-high. I’d imagine he was still responsible for deep, but tough ask there. I tried to come across more critical of Frierson.

Great throw though. No hang, that was a missle.
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View attachment 95748

@Lance Roffers, check out the bomb play again. Because of the ball placement (toward) middle of the field, if Carter's truly single high on that play, then his alignment is F'd. Because he's playing too close to the Canes sideline, almost as the ball were on the left hash and he'd be the boundary Safety.

Instead, the ball is in the middle of the field, the WR to the bottom of screen (Canes sideline) has outside release on Blades, and Frierson gets beat (to the inside) immediately a few yards outside the opposite hash. That puts Carter in position to essentially cover 30+ yards between the vertical routes. On a ball that never hung. He definitely has range issues, as we all know, but perhaps a handful of athletes could have gotten there, and they would have needed a better read on the play (Carter holds his drop and waits till Franks is basically releasing to break toward the slot's vertical).

Tough play because of so many things. I'd start with his alignment. Then a bunch of stuff happened against us - Frierson gets smoked (it happens), Franks gets enough time (why), Franks throws a great ball (kind of a miracle), the ball never hangs, and the WR finger tips it in full sprint.

I think they try that play 100 more times and maybe hit it 10% of the time.

That's why I didn't want Carter playing single safety. I want him in the box. He's way to undisciplined. Based on Baker's presser Knowles will probably start taking reps from Carter.
Excellent work OP. Appreciate the time and efffort this must have taken to put together.

My takeways are as follow:

The issues were more schematic than physical domination
We left a ton of points on the field
Officiating was actually worse than anticipated
O-line needs to toughen up which I believe they will with experience
IF these coaches are actually the good hires we hope they are, this team has the potential to be a problem down the road this season and into 2020
Amazing work, Lance. Well done! Our fans keep talking about how UF isn't very good (and they ultimately may prove not to be), but they sure seem like they were better prepared for this game. I know our schedule is *** but 10-2 seems ambitious with our OT situation as it stands. Zion is gonna have to grow up real fast and Campbell is borderline unplayable apparently. If this unit doesn't improve considerably as the season progresses Barry should be shown the door. I see 9-3 and hopefully a Bowl win.

Slow down now partner it takes a while to coach up an oline, especially one that has bas habits from the previous OL Coach. They will get better over the season, Coach Barry has actually done wonders with them. So let's shelve the get rid of Barry Talk after one year.

Go Canes
Excellent review.

Those of you complaining about Zion and Campbell realize this.....they beat out ALL their competitors on the team for their position.

Meaning that the coaches feel that they are the best on the team at those positions.

They are both Frosh and 1st year starters that went against and excellent defense. They will learn and grow from this shaky start.
Great breakdown. Much appreciated. But, I do not feel better after reading that.
Great work as always @Lance Roffers ! I always learn something from your breakdowns. Thanks for that.

There were many takeaways from your analysis, but 20 players in the 2 deep in their first game stood out to me.

Based on this review it appears as if the OL played both indecisive and without physicality. Is this assessment correct?

This is a bit surprising given Manny's philosophy. He always encourages the players to be aggressive and will allow them to make mistakes. It will be interesting to see if this trend continues or the line begins to play physical and aggressive football.
Lance, I appreciate you analysis and commentary. Two notes - The officials contributed to some major penalties that sustained drives for those clowns. That can not be underestimated as it drains our D and takes away Offensive snaps. This was especially the case early on. Second, nobody mentions the fact the we rolled out a completely NEW offensive scheme that had never been tested against an opponent. This is a major deal as I'm sure it caused a ton of mis-assignments...