Tyrique Stevenson Visits Miami... Again

2 min read
Tyrique Stevenson visits Miami more than he visits any other school. He also visits more than any other prospect Miami is recruiting. This is why it was not a surprise to see the 6’2’’ 200 pound defensive back on campus with his Southridge teammates for one of Mark Richt’s 7-on-7 tournaments.

“I did pretty good, besides me being tired because when you are tired the flaws come in. I feel like I did pretty good today.”

Stevenson is working on improving his game this offseason, but he is staying at his current weight at around 200 rather than getting any bigger.

"Right now, I’m not trying to get any bigger. Right now, I’m at a size where I should be. For high school, I’m pretty good. I’m just working on my conditioning."

Stevenson, who will be signing and enrolling early, is putting a major focus on improving his coverage skills.

“I’m just trying to improve my coverage. Because I’m a big guy, I really feel I can cover. I’m just going to improve on my coverage and getting my hands on the receivers at the line.”

Stevenson seems to be in Coral Gables almost every weekend.

“You know it’s home and I could be home. It’s close so I could just get up and decide I want to come here.”

Stevenson, who visited again this past Saturday for a barbeque, will be back at Miami for Paradise Camp.

Stevenson already knows two schools where he will be taking an official visit - Miami and Georgia. That being said, this is not his official top two.

“No it’s not my top two. It’s just some schools that I talk to. There are other schools, but those are just the two off the top of my head that I know will get an official.”

Stevenson will likely be in Coral Gables many times again before he makes a decision, but it will not be the only place.

“Georgia and some of the other offers; I have to see the campus before signing day.”

Comments (2052)

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Tyrique if he was in the last class he would have been just as good as any of the dbs in that class. Hope we get him, just think his recruitment has a different feel than some of the other elite dbs we have recruited over the years for sure. Seems like he has genuine interest with Miami and there are definitely plenty of ties here with the previous class and this one with some of his sfe teammates
This class will be serious if we land our top prospects.
NOPE! I'm not falling for the ol' visit Miami 100 times then visit Bama 3 times in the next 5 months a porster, on cue, says: "He visited Miami a bunch of times he just having fun on these OV." then signs with Bama just a week later.
UM is becoming more and more of a real choice for these guys every year we are successful in recruiting and on the field. I think if the T.C's and PS2's of the world would have given us a much more realistic look if they were Category 20 with 3 years of top 10 crooting ahead of their decision. That is why the pioneers should get more respect than the followers in later classes.
Haven't heard about a kid being on campus this much since Henderson, hopefully this ends much differently
Make it to Paradise, couple visits through the season and we get the last official visit......and I'll feel real comfortable about getting him in this class.
Hoodies been off for a minute, but when a kid visits this frequently, it’s almost as a bad as when a kid doesn't visits at all. Maybe b/c of Sony, Henderson and Jobe, I’m weary.
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Hoodies been off for a minute, but when I kid visits this frequently, it’s almost as a bad when a kid don’t visits at all. Maybe b/c of Sony, Henderson and Jobe, I’m weary.
Yeah sure let’s just discount all the kids who have visited a bunch and signed here.
And sony didn’t visit much at all going to his senior year especially after he committed to Georgia.

Keep bringing up Henderson Miami coaches had him and he was going to go to Miami after a whole cycle of having uf #1 up until a day or 2 before signing day in which he switched back to uf.

Jobe is incomparable to Stevenson, remember he ain’t committed anywhere and can visit whoever he wants. Jobe would visit other schools frequently while committed, post trolling edits of schools on social media and basically played Miami staff all cycle. Stevenson doesn’t seem to be that type of kid and I haven’t seen him troll anyone at all like jobe did period. Seems much more mature than jobe ever was. Only Miami fans can spin a prospect visiting a lot as a bad thing...
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I definitely agree!!

Some ppl forgettin, the season hasn't even started yet.. IF our Canes can come out week 1 and beat LSU, we could see this Surge19' class get real interesting and our boy Stevenson will be the front runner!!
Been saying this all we have to do is win. Make it to playoffs players we didnr even pay attention to after we offered cuz the kid was high on other schools will flip to us just look how Georgia did it. We win we get to pick our players not our players picking us
I am concerned about his flirting with Georgia, but all of his visits to us do indicate a sincere interest.
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