The Bank (6/8)

The Bank (6/8)


Comments (190)

Yeah!! Lol one of my favorite quotes, I still use to this day. When Rico visits Ace in the hospital after he got shot, says, " People get shot everyday B, you'll be alright"

My kids come to me, "dad, I am sick".

People get sick every day B, you'll be alright. Get dressed.
Man you bout to have me watch that movie
Running 100M (109 yards) at 10.9 is pretty fast A subtraction of 1 second would be Olympic times like.

THEN WHY IN THE **** DON'T WE JUST RECRUIT OLYMPIANS?! what I expect some people on CIS to ask next...not necessarily that one poster, but there will be some who think we should be signing the guys who JUST MISS OUT on making the Olympic team.
I'm in Birmingham. It doesn't get out but T-town is almost as rough
I consume alot of music because i make beats and am seeing all these new artists and im like how tf is man beefing in Mobile?!! Wtf. When did they start having gangs, smh
Something that hasn’t been touched on yet - good to hear Jaden Davis’s name come up. Many of us (including myself) were/are very down on that take. Hopefully it’s not just fluff for the sake of fluff, and the full-time transition to the slot works out.
LJ McCray intrigues me. He has the right frame, too. (Pause)

At 6’6 260 w/ his motor, I would love to steal him. Thought I saw something about him & UF, but regardless that’s the type of raw talent & production we need to pull down South.
Yeah!! Lol one of my favorite quotes, I still use to this day. When Rico visits Ace in the hospital after he got shot, says, " People get shot everyday B, you'll be alright"

My kids come to me, "dad, I am sick".

People get sick every day B, you'll be alright. Get dressed.
den he said “ U tuff right”😂😂😂😂😂
The Cole recruitment seems pretty similar to Popo’s last year. Top LB. Family ties to the U/Cristobal. Popo never even OV’d here and still committed after taking OVs to Bama UGA UF. It was dead silence until late June and then committed mid July.
I Guess The Breakfast Club GIF by For(bes) The Culture