Staff Changes - 1/3 PM Update

Staff Changes - 1/3 PM Update

Stefan Adams

Comments (434) soon as I heard there was a second name, I fully assumed it would be the second name.

I've resigned myself to this. Nothing that can be done. He's not who I wanted but for now, I'll give him a chance.

The good thing here is I fully get the impression Manny is the kind of coach that will show zero hesitation firing his *** if he doesn't produce right away.
Anything is better then MR at this point.
The two aren't actually all that comparable.

Fedora is 79-62 as a HC with success at 2 programs in Southern Miss & UNC, and was an established OC before he became a HC, plus he had multiple options after being fired from UNC. FSU tried to hire him & he very well could end up the HC for Temple or another school.

Applewhite is 15-11 as a HC & was questionable as an OC before he was HC at Houston, didn't really have any options on the table aside from Manny throwing him life raft, which is something to me...

I'm willing to see how it works, but I'm cautious due to the fact I've seen from multiple people both Texas & Houston fans saying some really interesting things about him as a play caller, I hope it works out for us though.

And yes I know he'll be better than Mark, Lil Jon or Thomas Brown, that goes without saying lol.

This is 100% where I am at, and said so earlier. I really hope he's learned from Herman / Briles, but I've been confused by his career because he's never been that great at any of his stops. He's also made some questionable hiring decisions as well.
Manny said he was humbled and overwhelmed by the amount of OCs wanting the job.

If that’s the case, how is fedora and Applegate top 2?
Who else would you guys choose? Knowing that Manny is smart and has taken every step to ensure we get the right guy (Fedora is best option realistically in country and we went for him )
Only issue I have is that our O looks like it’ll never be elite. Top 30/40 offense but never top 10-15. Like I said High floor/low potential...

Way too many other factors to make a blanket statement like that.

I am not over the moon with Applewhite either, I'd prefer Fedora or Coley over him, but you can't say what you said. What if he recruits and develops an All-America type QB. Miami's offense couldn't be higher than 30th? What if you pair him with a monster defense who controls games and forces turnovers? He can't score 35 a game?
The two aren't actually all that comparable.

Fedora is 79-62 as a HC with success at 2 programs in Southern Miss & UNC, and was an established OC before he became a HC, plus he had multiple options after being fired from UNC. FSU tried to hire him & he very well could end up the HC for Temple or another school.

Applewhite is 15-11 as a HC & was questionable as an OC before he was HC at Houston, didn't really have any options on the table aside from Manny throwing him life raft, which is something to me...

I'm willing to see how it works, but I'm cautious due to the fact I've seen from multiple people both Texas & Houston fans saying some really interesting things about him as a play caller, I hope it works out for us though.

And yes I know he'll be better than Mark, Lil Jon or Thomas Brown, that goes without saying lol.

These guys casted a two foot net into the Atlantic Ocean. Why didn't they at least give Kalen DeBoer a call?
Major is the human embodiment of the movie Rudy. The media fawning over him and over the top tough guy dramatics during the Simms QB battle at UT was too much for some of us. But there are a lot of bubba head coaches over here who eat that **** up, too. I’m skeptical that it plays in Florida, personally, where people seem to be more cynical than many Texans. There are certainly lots of QBs in the state of Texas who he should have some connections with. Many of the best Texas QBs have not been the high profile recruits but guys who are accurate and smart. We will see if he can find them. Forget Kyler and Stafford types, I would kill for a Charlie Brewer at Miami. Hopeful Jarren can be someone like that in a competent scheme.

Ok cool, I’m in. Didn’t know how much weight his name carried in that state and most importantly, would that translate into recruits. I’m of the mindset that Jimbo is now the top QB coach in the state of Tx but if you’re saying he has “the heart of the people”, that’s good. Texas does produce better QB prospects per year than Fl plus people are being too hard on the Applewhite hire. I think it would be a good hire. Automatically, he’d double as a QB coach, something Fedora couldn’t do.
There's dozens & dozens of Uptempo Spread play callers in college football, why is Applewhite the only one we're considering? And does anybody else find it weird that NO other team is even talking to Applewhite?...

Not trying to bhitch & complain, I really like the hire of Blake Baker as DC, like Hester as the potential S&C as well, I even like some of the names being throw out for RB & WR coach from a recruiting standpoint, I just don't get this Applewhite thing.

I'm willing to give it a chance & see how it works out, but there's some real skepticism on my part with Apple. And you don't have to propagandize me with spin, I know he called plays under Herman but that doesn't convince me. They booted his *** outta there as soon as they could, that's a red flag imo.

Hopefully he does a great job here though.
This is my feeling. No one else is gunning for Applewhite lol
I obviously wanted Fedora, but if it's Applewhite it's still gotta be a big upgrade, right? Let's roll with it and see what happens.
These guys casted a two feet net into the Atlantic Ocean. Why didn't they at least give Kalen DeBoer a call?

How do you know who they contacted and didn't contact? You really think that Coach Diaz was giving you 100% accurate information yesterday about who and how many were on their potential target list? It is very possible Miami has contact 25 potential OC candidates and either for $, life circumstances, what they see as an undesirable situation in Miami (professionally or personally), or perhaps Coach Diaz not liking what they were selling, the list grew shorter very quickly.