Staff Changes - 1/3 AM Update

Staff Changes - 1/3 AM Update

Stefan Adams

Comments (515)

Just as long as it isn't Poncho. I saw his work up close at App State and he's nothing more than a glorified offensive staffer who was in control of the teams Instagram page.
He's been at Ark St for 4 years. That's a head scratcher. Why the move there after his rep was super high back in his SEC days?

Simple answer--family. He coached his son Blaise there from 2014-2017. His daughter is starting point guard. She is a junior. Probably ready to move on and get back into it at a major program.
Fedora waiting on Temple makes sense. Manny just proved that DC/OC at UM looks at Temple HC as a step up, especially if you're trying to get a P5 HC job.

Hopefully Fedora realizes he's in a different spot than Manny in his career. The typical rebuilding path for someone in his spot is to get a coordinator job and prove they're still a top option. If you go to a small school like Temple, you can get pigeonholed as not good enough for P5. Our offense is literally pure upside compared to last season.

I disagree. I think Manny realized this is a sinking ship and that Richt would be fired sometime next season. Add to that his defense was not going to be as great next season.

He was cashing in before it was too late.
The buzz around the program is so much higher than it was a few days ago. He's not settling for any position. Looking at the names mentioned, it's obvious he's going to have some elite recruiters, along with the X's and O's guys.

Temple is definitely not Fedora's dream job. It's no one's dream job. The most you can hope for there is about four years, if a coach is successful. A guy like Fedora is just looking to repair his reputation, and show he can coach. If he was successful there, he'd be gone in two years at the most.

Temple should hire Al Golden. He did well there the last time, and I doubt he would ever leave for a bigger job ever again.
I think Fran Brown will become the temple head coach. Some Miami fan asked about fedora on the temple board and they hadn't heard anything about him being an option
Fran wants that job bad, he might be the one guy on earth who sees that as his dream job.

#Salute the hoot
Everyone’s favorite broadcaster Orlovsky said Applewhite would kill it here
This guy James who said "some will not be happy" earlier, also said 13 hours ago:

so yeah looks like Applewhite
Fedora and Applewhite are red herrings. The guy they are working out details with is an very interesting name. Might work out pretty good.