Recruiting Chatter - 12/17 (AM Update)

Recruiting Chatter - 12/17 (AM Update)

Stefan Adams

Comments (457)

The thought is the losses at the end of the year hurt UM here more than they anticipated.

This is a great example of how clueless this staff is :snoopfacepalm:

One of the biggest indictments.

Seriously everyone says Manny Diaz is smart. How dumb do you have to be to not think that losing to FIU,GT and Duke are bad for recruiting?

All losses are bad for recruiting at different levels. At our mid-level these are crushing.
The thought is the losses at the end of the year hurt UM here more than they anticipated.

This is a great example of how clueless this staff is :snoopfacepalm:

Great minds, my guy.

Literally was about to post this;

No. 1: If Cristobal pulls in the #1 & #2 ranked LBs in the nation, maybe we need to start giving him some respect for his recruiting prowess. I mean, dude was groomed by both Butch & Saban, and I believe the hard feelings among this fan base is he spurned us for Bama b4 the ink dried; but knowing what we know about the chit show of was the best career move for him & maybe that should’ve been our first warning that we were in deep chit & stop harboring bad feelings towards him.

No. 2: Every year, besides Richt’s 2018 class, these etch and sketch staff have zero touch of reality. I’m sure they are out of touch b/c they are living in a time machine. These guys think they can live off what we did in the past and kids/parents will ignore the fact that we’ve sucked on the field & sucked off of it. Yes, kids want to play early; but they want to play early if that means it will help their path to the NFL. We don’t have anyone projected in the 1st 3 rounds once again. That’s not going to fly where kids r going to have to battle for their NFL careers as a low draft pick coming here.

No. 3 I’ve been trying to tell everyone let’s calm our **** til the ink dries. Every time Manny speaks, I get PTSD. When he says confident, I immediately think otherwise. U can’t go 7-6 in 2018/19, fire an entire side of the ball, pull the antics he did, boast upon urself to get the kids & their parents hyped about #TNM, just to flame out and be worst than your predecessor. Losing to FIU & Duke in the manner we did has left a **** poor taste in many’s mouths.

Again, I’m just waiting for this nightmare to end.
Okay question when you go 6-6 what type of recruiting do you guys expect ? I mean tbh for a team that finished 6-6 i think we’re doing fine in the recruiting part... i mean not keen on recruiting across the country but **** how many 6-6 teams have multiple top players at their position on their boards? I’d imagine we’d be the only one so man idk what else you guys want.

This mentality is the problem. Miami may not have talent to be a top 15 team, but Miami has more than enough talent to be a top 25 team. When a team with talent plays down to competition and looks/plays unprepared....and doesnt HURTS recruiting. Manny is the head winning usually means poor recruiting.

Oh....wasnt Manny the DC before he was head coach....look at LB recruiting over the last 4 years....
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So basically every uncommitted prospect we went after we're not going to get and were going to struggle to even keep the class we had... Well that sucks but I guess losing to MF Fiu and Duke will do that. If these kids don't think this coaching staff is good enough to even beat a FIU team where we were significantly more talented across the board then why should they Trust then with there recruitment
Recruiting is still going good seeing we went 6-6, we are 6-6 with a possibly top 15 finish that's great actually compared to how we performed on the field.

Being that we were once upon a time the #1 class, I would disagree. The teams behind us r still recruiting and our current class is still unsteady per this last report.
So basically every uncommitted prospect we went after we're not going to get and were going to struggle to even keep the class we had... Well that sucks but I guess losing to MF Fiu and Duke will do that. If these kids don't think this coaching staff is good enough to even beat a FIU team where we were significantly more talented across the board then why should they Trust then with there recruitment

what makes that FIU loss worse is that it isnt like a fluke play lost us the game (like 10000 missed fgs against GT or a fake punt or a bad spot), but it looked like we were the less talented team in that game. no one, including the coaching staff, even bothered to show up in little havana.
Being that we were once upon a time the #1 class, I would disagree. The teams behind us r still recruiting and our current class is still unsteady per this last report.

those number 1 class 2 years out are nonsense. we should never bring those up again bc no matter the staff (richt, golden, manny), those always trend down due to the number of early commits who use the program for leverage elsewhere. our current class is fine imo in terms of signing. i think height will sign here and the knighton rumors were put to rest. beyond that, good luck manny bc no one will buy ur bs
"The thought is the losses at the end of the year hurt UM here more than they anticipated."

I want to be optimistic, but this is why I hate this staff, they are CLUELESS.

"More than they anticipated"? What, exactly did these genius coaches expect from recruits after posting a 6-6 record that included losses to GaTech, FIU, and Duke?

Fire Baker. Fire Enos. Give Manny 300 days to turn things around and fire him at midseason if we are not undefeated.
Bro, and add in NO ******* CHANGES.. why would anyone want to come to Miami when 6-6 is acceptable? I don't even want to be a fan of that ****.. let alone my blood, sweat, tears, and possibly my financial future. fuuuuuuuuuuuukkkk that
That’s the funny thing. As much as I dislike a lot of this staff and the fact they suck at coaching, the recruiting haul ain’t that bad. Will finish in top 20. Of these dumbass coaches could have just beat FIU and Duke, maybe would have ended up around 10.

everyone always gets emotional cause we miss the big fish at the very end. Here’s the thing, we are typically never going to get these kids at the very end cause they are all going to bag schools/elite programs. Manny will continue to have to front load his classes with good evaluations and hope to pluck one or two at the end. Not sure why everyone is *****ing and crying cause we didn’t get Washington or Flowe. Did y’all really think we were going to get these types of kids?

The main issue with this class is not getting another CB for depth and OL. We still have a lot of depth at Lb albeit unproven. We will probably hit the portal for a few players. I’m as doom and gloom as it comes when it is about our program right now but all in all, this isn’t a terrrible class like some of you are making it out to be.

Now is time to turn to his coaching staff and what moves will be made after the bowl. If he keeps the staff intact, well he will he fired after next year so who really cares.

You are right to an extent, but this isn’t acceptable when FSU is a non factor. I mean we cant even fill our positions of need. The lack of really high end guys is normal for us, but LBer, DB, and OL recruiting is negligent and should be getting guys fired. Manny won everybody over with the portal last year, but after this season exposed him as a fraud he gets no leeway from me. It’s gonna be a long offseason.
it is what it is. Good class if it ends as is now, I could deal with that.

Portal prospects are strong now, would like to go after a few more.

Are we going w the UF method of determining a good class?

Worsham-major injury concerns

Moises-may not make it in

1 legit OT commit w a project as the other. And Oh, that’s all we recruited along the entire OL where that’s are biggest weakness.

1 DT committed and that DT may not make it. Oh, did I forget to mention the interior is another grave concern for Miami’s trenches?

2 ILB??

Our class can be #15, but we’ve butchered depth, weaknesses, and needs.
those number 1 class 2 years out are nonsense. we should never bring those up again bc no matter the staff (richt, golden, manny), those always trend down due to the number of early commits who use the program for leverage elsewhere. our current class is fine imo in terms of signing. i think height will sign here and the knighton rumors were put to rest. beyond that, good luck manny bc no one will buy ur bs

Do u remember him bragging about that to begin the season? Lol

I’m just laughing at this point. Nothing shocks me.
Recruiting is still going good seeing we went 6-6, we are 6-6 with a possibly top 15 finish that's great actually compared to how we performed on the field.

Wake up man...we aren’t finishing in the top 15. We are barely 15th by a fraction of a point. When other teams finish their classes we will be barely in the top 20