Recap: Triumph of the Human Spirit, Canes Win 30-27

Dan E. Dangerously
Dan E. Dangerously
16 min read
The Miami Hurricanes overcame awful officiating to gut out a clear and decisive victory against the Duke Blue Devils.


I sat down and watched last night's game as just a dopey fan for probably the first time in 10 years. No muttering under my breath at every mistake. No screaming about poor play calling or missed assignments. I just watched as a stupid homer would, who merely wanted his team to win. It felt **** good. I didn't have any expectations going into the season, and the only issue I had was resolved last week when Al Golden was finally removed from our program. I never wanted to win a game more in my life, and as it went on I was on the edge of my seat as the clock slowly ticked down.

The Miami Hurricanes overcame the loss of their head coach and their starting quarterback from the week before. They dealt with a team leader who tragically lost his mother days earlier. The disparity in penalty flags favored Duke, 23 to 5. On Duke's final drive they benefited from phantom pass interference flags, and scored a touchdown without ever actually crossing the plane of the goal line. Our boys gave ZERO ***** about that and pulled off one of the greatest finishes
to a college football game in the history of the sport. The *****ing and moaning about our decisive victory catapults this game well beyond the 2000 FSU game as my favorite since I became a fan.

Picture of the game:


When I lost my mom I was a wreck for weeks. Artie Burns lost his mom Tuesday, and played a tackle football game just 4 days later. Unreal. He's dealing with a lot of stuff that a person his age shouldn't have to deal with.



Rosier struggled early, but by the 2nd quarter he seemed to settle into a comfort zone. The OL didn't do him any favors all night, but he was able float some dimes when he had time to set up. Miami's defense played fairly well outside of some stretches where they couldn't stop the run. Duke had 3 redzone opportunities in the 1st half and came away with just 3 points. Blowing a 12 point lead in the final 5 minutes was another Dorito special though.

....lets recap.

1st Quarter:

Miami received to start the game and things went south quickly as Walton got drilled, fumbling the ball away to Duke's Quay Mann.


Soon it was 4th and goal from the 1 and Duke decided to go for it. They sent in their short yardage QB Parker Boehme to keep it up the middle, but Ufomba Kamalu stood his ground and stuffed him for the turnover on downs.

On 2nd down Rosier took a hit to make a play, passing it to Waters to move the sticks. Everyone's buttholes were squeezed super tight because Rosier was shaken up. But Malik's a hockey player, and he was back after Vinny's son took 1 snap. Nothing else of consequence happened the rest of the quarter other than both teams trading a couple of punts.

2nd Quarter:

Duke crossed over midfield to begin the 2nd frame, but then some Duke guy fumbled in the redzone. Rayshawn was there for the scoop. They reviewed it and the play stood. Miami ball.



Then Rosier started dealing. He began by completing a 23 yard pass to Waters. 3 plays later UM crossed midfield when Malik found Njoku up the seam for a 26 yard gain. On the next snap the Canes got a free play when some guy jumped offsides. Rosier made them pay and dropped a dime to Waters for the first score of the game.



7-0 Miami

Miami's defense forced a 3 and out, then Duke's punter shanked an 11 yard punt out of bounds. Miami began their next drive at Duke's 35 yard line. After a couple of passes to Coley, Miami was on the 1 yard line. 2 plays later James Coley remembered that Walter Tucker existed, but Tucker fumbled the ball into the endzone. Fortunately Sonny Odogwu found the ball before anyone else and pounced on it like it were a birthday cake.



14-0 Miami

With Miami controlling the game, the zebras began making their presence felt to fix that. Aided with 3 penalties, Duke went on a 15 play, 69 yard drive that resulted in a 27 yard field goal by Ross Martin.

14-3 Miami

After another Miami punt, Duke managed to get into field goal range before the half ended, but Martin's 42 yard attempt sailed wide right. Given the circumstances, a 14-3 halftime lead seamed pretty **** acceptable to me.

3rd Quarter:

Duke came out in the second half and finally put a real drive together. They went 75 yards in 7 plays, capped off by this embarrassing touchdown run by Jela Duncan. Notice the 3 down lineman on 3rd and 1.



14-10 Duke

Miami followed this up with a penalty ravaged drive then ended with Rosier being intercepted by Jeremy McDuffie. Duke crossed the 50, but their drive stalled shortly after that. On 4th and 3 Duke's Punter tried a fake, but Chad Thomas was having none of it. Chad chased him down from the backside forcing a turnover on downs. Both teams traded punts and Miami got the ball at their own 10. On 2nd down Rosier found himself under pressure and forced a throw to avoid the sack. Unfortunately, he was in the endzone and flagged for grounding. Safety.


14-12 Miami

Duke had to punt after the free kick to end to the quarter.

4th Quarter:

Miami needed momentum and some insurance points. So James Coley dusted off the playbook from when Hagens was still on the team. Walkon Gage Batten came in and Miami went straight up power I on this drive. 3 successive runs by Walton got Miami into the redzone. A few plays later, Rosier lofted a floater to Stacy Coley in the back right corner of the endzone for a touchdown.


21-12 Miami

Duke followed that up with a turnover on downs, which gave Miami the ball at midfield. The drive was highlighted by a 31 yard pass to Rashawn Scott to set up a 37 yard field goal by Michael Badgley.

24-12 Miami

With a 2 touchdown lead and under 6 minutes remaining I was feeling pretty good. Then our defense started to Dorito. The second half defensive play which led to the collapse against Nebraska returned. Miami was in uber, "don't get beat deep," mode. Duke orchestrated a 14 play drive when Thomas Sirk threw a 13 yard touchdown pass to Johnell Barnes. Barnes ran over 2 or 3 Canes and the Umpire on his way to the endzone.


24-19 Miami

Duke decided to go for the onside kick and nearly pulled it off, but Chris Herndon made a diving catch to save the day. Miami went 3 and out, then punted into Duke's endzone with less than 2 minutes remaining. What followed was the most disgraceful display of officiating I've seen since Tempe. Duke quickly got to midfield because of our soft coverage, but Artie Burns showed up for the Hollywood ending. He picked off Thomas Sirk by breaking on the ball and outfighting the receiver for it.


Game ove-- oh look...a flag. Apparently there's such a thing as unsportsmanlike interceptions. The flag put Duke at midfield, and 5 plays later Corn Elder was given a bull**** pass interference flag. The very next play he got another, which put Duke at the 11 yard line with only 35 seconds left. There was really no point in watching the rest of the game. That was now 3 defensive pass interference flags on 1 drive. The 3rd gave Miami 23 penalties for the game, the 2nd most in the history of the sport. 3 plays later the Devils are out of timeouts when Sirk keeps it up the middle. Young and Jenkins stone him short of the goal line to end the game.


Final Sco-- oh look...they called this a touchdown:



Look how happy they look. ****s. They went for 2 and took their 1st lead of the game.

27-24 Duke

At home I changed the channel, but my moping tendencies forced me to flip it back. The past 10 years have made me want to wallow in the misery of each loss, so I decided to watch the rest and soak it all in. I'm so glad I did. Duke squib kicked it and Miami began the futile lateral game everyone does. The same sad game we all get annoyed by when we want ESPN to switch to the next match. Elder, Crawford, Walton, Johnson, and Brady began weaving around deep in Miami territory. It looked like a hockey team executing an elaborate, grinding cycle game in the offensive zone. Then Dallas Crawford put his highschool quarterbacking skills to use and threw across the field to Elder. All the laterals lulled Duke to sleep and now a wall of blockers were finally set up. Then Njoku blew up some guy, and slowed up another.


Then...aww **** it just watch it again.


They spent 9 minutes reviewing if Walton's knee was down and some random flag. The booth found photographic evidence that Walton's knee wasn't down.


They picked up the flag too and that was the game.

Final Score:

Miami 30

Duke 27






Other Suff:

I made Joe Zagacki's call my ringtone.



I'm so glad he got to experience a win, but it sucks he was robbed of a cathartic moment when his interception was waived off. Ms. Smith wasn't the only person looking down on us last night.


The flying spaghetti monster willed it.


David ****cliffe spent his postgame press conference crying. It's hilarious that Duke of all schools is whining about bad officiating. I've lost all respect for that *******. They proved as a traditional Tobacco Road school that they still have clout, and got all the officials suspended for two games. Miami's twitter account had the perfect response to all the day's hysteria.


And thus, a new school logo was formed.


The entire nation is now butthurt. And of course the usual suspects of Miami haters are out delegitimizing our win. Charles Robinson, Michael Wilbon, Paul Finebaum, Danny Kannel, Dan Wetzel, and Robert Smith are here to remind everyone how awful we are because they didn't like what the officials decided.


These people spent all week declaring how irrelevant we are now, and now others are demanding Miami atone for the sins of every poorly officiated game in the history of sports. Don't care. Scoreboard is all that matters.

Comments (48)

God**** epic Dan.

Man everything feels right for the first time in a long time.
Nice write up. Couldn't have said it better, myself. Fucc em! Us against the world!!!
When Elder takes off down the sideline, who throws that massive block? Same guy that throws the questionable one at the end?

Fvck this voting system you can fix wrong upvotes but not fix wrong downvotes? [MENTION=1]Andrew[/MENTION] get this schit together please.

Great to have you back Dan!!!!
Vinny didn't come in at QB I don't think? I thought we were redshirting him and went wildcat for one play
When Elder takes off down the sideline, who throws that massive block? Same guy that throws the questionable one at the end?
Njoku made the big crackback block. Walton, and Johnson were his convoy before he cutback at the 40.
So good to have you back dan. Are we going to get the previews again too? And the GameDay writeups?
When Elder takes off down the sideline, who throws that massive block? Same guy that throws the questionable one at the end?
Njoku made the big crackback block. Walton, and Johnson were his convoy before he cutback at the 40.
Yeah Njoku's was legendary. But after seeing it 1,000 times I never really noticed the crucial one by the sideline and that whoever did it kept running full speed
Im almost positive it's Walton. Huge effort.
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When Elder takes off down the sideline, who throws that massive block? Same guy that throws the questionable one at the end?

Great job Dan.

When elder was taking off, half my brain thought this is going to be epic and the other half thought I was going be disappointed because he either runs out of bounds or gets stopped. He made some insane jukes to stay alive though
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Great job Dan. Love the pics at the end. Very fitting.
When Elder takes off down the sideline, who throws that massive block? Same guy that throws the questionable one at the end?
Njoku made the big crackback block. Walton, and Johnson were his convoy before he cutback at the 40.
Yeah Njoku's was legendary. But after seeing it 1,000 times I never really noticed the crucial one by the sideline and that whoever did it kept running full speed
Im almost positive it's Walton. Huge effort.
Rechecked it, Walton and Charles Perry are the 2 guys escorting Corn.
After this game, the Duke football team made it to the list of OSU, UF, FSU, and Va Tech. Teams I hate with an uncomfortable passion.