Comments (101)

Seems everyone sees it the same way. We all agree on the issues. We know the coaching staff is a joke. Its the administration that fcks us.

Not to beat a dead horse but take a look at Jennifer Strawley's twitter feed. Her last tweet about football was acknowledging the win over BCU. Besides that the only time she's tweeted anything football related was retweeting **** about Murphy. She posts more about women's tennis, basketball, volleyball and soccer than any men's sport, much less football.

We know Blake James is ra-tard, but this woman's priority is clearly women's sports and only women's sports. There's no hope with them in place.
Seems everyone sees it the same way. We all agree on the issues. We know the coaching staff is a joke. Its the administration that fcks us.

Not to beat a dead horse but take a look at Jennifer Strawley's twitter feed. Her last tweet about football was acknowledging the win over BCU. Besides that the only time she's tweeted anything football related was retweeting **** about Murphy. She posts more about women's tennis, basketball, volleyball and soccer than any men's sport, much less football.

We know Blake James is ra-tard, but this woman's priority is clearly women's sports and only women's sports. There's no hope with them in place.

Really now, the football program is in crisis and we're reaching for clues in Ms. Strawley's twitter feed. Who gives a flip if she ****ed off our lil friend Petey, the agent in training. Enough about this woman.

So, our offensive line is **** because she's showing more twitter love for the women's volleyball and soccer teams. And Mr. Baxa can't kick straight because Ms. Strawley hasn't tweeted about the football team in 2-3 games. Just as bad, our secondary and linebackers so frazzled as to be busting assignments.

Next thing you know the dangerous Ms. Strawley will be held accountable for demolition of the Orange Bowl as well as being the lead culprit behind Miami not having an on-campus stadium. She's the reason late-round draft picks and the undraftables are bolting campus early. And, of course, Ms. Strawley or the thought of her future role played a hand in Howard, Jimmy and Dennis moving on to the pros.

If only Petey had told us earlier.
Really now, the football program is in crisis and we're reaching for clues in Ms. Strawley's twitter feed. Who gives a flip if she ****ed off our lil friend Petey, the agent in training. Enough about this woman.

So, our offensive line is **** because she's showing more twitter love for the women's volleyball and soccer teams. And Mr. Baxa can't kick straight because Ms. Strawley hasn't tweeted about the football team in 2-3 games. Just as bad, our secondary and linebackers so frazzled as to be busting assignments.

Next thing you know the dangerous Ms. Strawley will be held accountable for demolition of the Orange Bowl as well as being the lead culprit behind Miami not having an on-campus stadium. She's the reason late-round draft picks and the undraftables are bolting campus early. And, of course, Ms. Strawley or the thought of her future role played a hand in Howard, Jimmy and Dennis moving on to the pros.

If only Petey had told us earlier.

Oh thanks for clearing it up for me dip****. She has no input whatsoever.

Oh wait..
From her official bio:
Deputy Director of Athletics and Chief Operating Officer
Second in command
"She is the sport administrator for football"
"Strawley played a key role in the hiring of head football coach Mark Richt, serving on the selection committee."

She plays a major role & yeah.. Focusing on football might be a little more important than women's tennis.
Oh thanks for clearing it up for me dip****. She has no input whatsoever.

Oh wait..
From her official bio:
Deputy Director of Athletics and Chief Operating Officer
Second in command
"She is the sport administrator for football"
"Strawley played a key role in the hiring of head football coach Mark Richt, serving on the selection committee."

Uff facts
Can someone tell me why Rousseau does not play start/play more? He is only one making impact negative plays, I dont get why he is on sidelines soo much but only comes in to play DT. He has earned the right to rush the passer from DE.

Edit: Just heard Kim bring it up and D$ say he he was gonna play more.. This is bad coaching, It was painfully obvious from first game, now SIX games in after playing 22 snaps, we will see.
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Can someone tell me why Rousseau does not play start/play more? He is only one making impact negative plays, I dont get why he is on sidelines soo much but only comes in to play DT. He has earned the right to rush the passer from DE

He will play a lot on Friday.
@DMoney, do you see Enos continuing the same Power-I, run heavy offense, or do you see him spreading it out?
Steve Kim, in regards to oline you cannot build for future and get your qbs hurt.. I remember Kyle wright getting sacked 9 games and basically broken in first game.. We did even worse with Jarren against UF, now a few games in your young qb is hurt and that can start to get these guys creating bad habits, seeing ghost, looking at line, etc.

We are depending on a guy who would be redshirting at App st right now playing the premier blindside position on oline which means he is best olineman we got. Kid might be broken because of how he looks on field. I have never seen an olineman struggle that much and not get pulled out of the water.. The water is too deep for the kid and its obvious. That is dangerous for our QBs. We could see all 4 this year.. Good luck building ANYTHING that way
D$, no matter how expensive Enos is, he was hired under same terms of Pat Nix. He doesnt really have a strong resume, he gained alot of clout because he was affiliated with record breaking Bama offense but before that he was a middle of pack OC, who had maybe 1 or 2 good years at Arky. I think he is really good QB coach but as OC he was I form with HUGE oline at Arky. Not really what Diaz promised as cutting edge offense.

These guys who try to be multiple in college with limited coaching time, and try to shoe horn spread into their prostyle always have high chance of struggling. This has been mentioned multiple times and broken down.

The pro-style spread

Then there are the teams that want to run pro-style concepts but love the way in which going up-tempo and spreading out your opponent makes everything easier. As Alabama has found under Lane Kiffin, RPOs are like WD40 for a simple zone running game.

There are major spread elements present in the NFL today, because it's usually the best way to isolate match-ups which is what the pro game is all about, thus you're now seeing it at traditional power programs in the college game.

The good pro-style spread teams are concept based, like the Air Raid, and try to do a few things really well. The bad ones try to mix in spread formations and concepts with pro-style language and approaches, call themselves "multiple," and are inefficient at most everything.

It's very difficult for college teams to actually be really, really good at multiple comprehensive concepts. The amount of practice time and the versatility or roster depth necessary to be balanced between the run and pass is usually beyond most programs. You see this most prominently at tight end.

The best tight ends you've heard of are usually just okay run-blockers and great receivers. Then there are tight ends who are great blockers but aren't typically awesome receivers. The challenge of the pro-style spread is usually how to run the ball effectively from formations with a TE if the TE isn't actually a good run-blocker.

The answer has essentially been the RPO game, which is why nominally pro-style teams are now embracing spread formations and tactics. If you can combine your drop-back West Coast passing staples with your zone or power run game on the same play you simplify protections and you put much less burden on your TE to be a master of both blocking and route-running.

Main strategy of the pro-style spread

To use spacing, tempo, and options to augment both pro-style run and pass concepts in a balanced attack.

Signature scheme

Dropback passing concepts like Y-stick and curl-flat combined and run from a spread formation.
Seems everyone sees it the same way. We all agree on the issues. We know the coaching staff is a joke. Its the administration that fcks us.

Not to beat a dead horse but take a look at Jennifer Strawley's twitter feed. Her last tweet about football was acknowledging the win over BCU. Besides that the only time she's tweeted anything football related was retweeting **** about Murphy. She posts more about women's tennis, basketball, volleyball and soccer than any men's sport, much less football.

We know Blake James is ra-tard, but this woman's priority is clearly women's sports and only women's sports. There's no hope with them in place.

Yeah. It seems the Miami power brokers been STICKING IT UP the football program for a long time now. Now that's fresh. Shannon, Golden and now the Miami native who should have NEVER been hired as a MAJOR college football head coach!
Can someone tell me why Rousseau does not play start/play more? He is only one making impact negative plays, I dont get why he is on sidelines soo much but only comes in to play DT. He has earned the right to rush the passer from DE.

Edit: Just heard Kim bring it up and D$ say he he was gonna play more.. This is bad coaching, It was painfully obvious from first game, now SIX games in after playing 22 snaps, we will see.

Dude it's politics. Politics. In other words, it seems to me that both Diaz and his incompetent LAP POODLE are playing FAVORITES! Nothing more, nothing less. In other words, there was a time when a head football coach put out the players, whom GAVE A TEAM the BEST CHANCE to win!!!!!!!!!!
D$, no matter how expensive Enos is, he was hired under same terms of Pat Nix. He doesnt really have a strong resume, he gained alot of clout because he was affiliated with record breaking Bama offense but before that he was a middle of pack OC, who had maybe 1 or 2 good years at Arky. I think he is really good QB coach but as OC he was I form with HUGE oline at Arky. Not really what Diaz promised as cutting edge offense.

These guys who try to be multiple in college with limited coaching time, and try to shoe horn spread into their prostyle always have high chance of struggling. This has been mentioned multiple times and broken down.
Bookmarking this for later to read.

I will say I've seen multiple coaches talk about keeping it simple: Chip Kelly at Oregon and Briles. Both had absolutely dynamic offenses that were actually very simple. They ran a handful plays with superb execution. They dressed it up with different window dressings (formations, motion, etc.) but the core plays were the same. Simple for the players. And they executed those plays to a T.

People laugh that Kendal Briles doesn't have a playbook at FSU, but he did the same thing at Houston. They had no playbook either and most of us were drooling over their offense. You have 20 hours a week to coach your players. You can't have a giant playbook that takes a year to master because you just don't have enough coaching time with the players. Master your few plays instead of trying do everything good.
Steve Kim, in regards to oline you cannot build for future and get your qbs hurt.. I remember Kyle wright getting sacked 9 games and basically broken in first game.. We did even worse with Jarren against UF, now a few games in your young qb is hurt and that can start to get these guys creating bad habits, seeing ghost, looking at line, etc.

We are depending on a guy who would be redshirting at App st right now playing the premier blindside position on oline which means he is best olineman we got. Kid might be broken because of how he looks on field. I have never seen an olineman struggle that much and not get pulled out of the water.. The water is too deep for the kid and its obvious. That is dangerous for our QBs. We could see all 4 this year.. Good luck building ANYTHING that way

Yes. I remember the mighty FSU game. Wright was NEVER the same after that game. Especially against staunch defenses. And with all that lost yardage, Miami still had an opportunity to win a close game.
Oh thanks for clearing it up for me dip****. She has no input whatsoever.

Oh wait..
From her official bio:
Deputy Director of Athletics and Chief Operating Officer
Second in command
"She is the sport administrator for football"
"Strawley played a key role in the hiring of head football coach Mark Richt, serving on the selection committee."

She plays a major role & yeah.. Focusing on football might be a little more important than women's tennis.

Ok, she has a key administrative role. That's a shocker. But where exactly has she negatively impacted the program? Give a few examples where she solely - the ever-dangerous Ms. Strawley - impacted its direction?

So, she was the lead dog on the hiring of Mark Richt? Was she a one-person search committee?
Is she holding back money for the football program? Reducing money for the coaching pool? Even the reason why we don't have a 100-yd indoor practice field?

Don't know the woman and maybe she's evil as ****, but find it comical that some suggest she plays a major behind-the-curtain role in the on-the-field issues currently facing the program.