Pierce still evaluating Miami

Peter Ariz
Peter Ariz
2 min read
Plantation tight end Ravian Pierce recently named Arkansas, Alabama, and Florida as three schools that were sticking out to him. Although those three might have the edge right now, Pierce is not limiting is recruitment them.

“To be honest, those are not the only three schools I’m looking at. I’m still open, but right now I’m feeling that those schools are leading for me,” said Pierce.

Despite Miami not cracking his top list, the two sides are staying in touch.

“Me and Miami are still talking. Coach D’Onofrio and I are still chatting.”

What is it about the ‘Canes that Pierce is unsure about?

“It’s nothing about them that I didn’t put them in my top three, it’s just I sat down with my coach (Steve Davis) and we laid out my options and he was talking to me and told me ‘Ravian you gotta make sure you take a look at the depth chart and go somewhere you know you’ll have an opportunity.’ Not just for football, but for school also.”

Pierce reiterated that he has not eliminated Miami.

“I’ll definitely still consider them. I didn’t stop looking at Miami. I’m still looking at them and thinking about them.”

On the field, the 6-4, 220-pound tight end is a matchup problem for opposing defenses.

“Most linebackers are too slow for me and the DBs are too small. To be honest, I feel like this might be the year.”

Comments (32)

Davis is a hater.
Want. Gotta reload for when Sandland and the Warlord are gone.
Davis is a hater.

I was just thinking that...how could he not see opportunity here?
Not hating on you, but we have several people that say this about every recruit at every position.

I don't think that's true.... Of course we over value UM in general relative to other schools, but TE in particular is thin down the line. You don't hear that about WR, but you do about TE and DT.
Another guy thats scared of competition.... smh

His coach is right though Standish Dobard would keep him off the field. :crownpour:
There are 3 upperclassmen TEs and 2 underclassmen TEs with Herndon and Lockley coming in. I'm pretty sure Herndon is being brought in as an H-back and there's no guarantee Lockley stays at TE. There's plenty of opportunity for Pierce but it sounds like he wants guaranteed early burn.
UM uses multiple TE's so he would definitely see the field alot. As for the statement that his coach told him to consider not just football but the school's educational value, should then give UM a commanding lead for this kid. Ark overall is a not a strong academic instution, neither is Tenn and as a matter of fact Tenn is about to put on probation due to their low APR an will also lose several scholarships this year unless they have a great academic year from their football team. So that just leaves Florida and UM is rated as a better higher academically then UF by US News. So then why is ommitted from his Top 3, the only thing I can think of is his coaches influence, considering UM is considered TE U.

Go Canes!
so when a dude commits to miami at a position of need hes not scared of competition?
Wow, with all those Bama, Razorbacks, and gator TEs in the NFL, hard to see him coming to THE U. Wait, does Bama or Arkansas have any TE in NFL? There is that gator, no he is in prison. Maybe kid should consider FSU--they have a ton of NFL TEs. Wait, it is Cane TEs that end up in the NFL. Well at least this kid's coach is looking out after his education -- can't beat that SEC edgemacation with a switch. That must be the depth chart he meant--list of potential graduates.
There's not another place in America where multitudes of local coaches push their kids away from the local school.

The worst.
dudes are not getting sold on players that was here 5 years ago under a diffrent staff. if your talking NFL they want to see what we have done recently and as of right now bama and fl are head and shoulders above us
There's not another place in America where multitudes of local coaches push their kids away from the local school.

The worst.

because he said look at the depth chart? davis didnt tell him who to put in his top 3
so when a dude commits to miami at a position of need hes not scared of competition?

No when a dude makes it obvious that he's scared of competition is when he's scared of competition.

that may not be the case. if he comes to miami he is almost guaranteed not to start as a fresh. when his soph season comes he will be at least 3 semesters behind griffin & lockley. and they as both better then guys ark & florida bringing in not bama but they are winning they will make alot of guys top 3. to say commit because they are close and they put dudes in the nfl at your position a long time ago will be foolish