OL Javion Cohen Talks Team Chemistry, Road Games, and Miami's Blueprint

OL Javion Cohen Talks Team Chemistry, Road Games, and Miami's Blueprint

Peter Ariz
Peter Ariz

Offensive lineman Javion Cohen took some time today to address the media about his first three games with the team, his experience on the road, and how head coach Mario Cristobal's blueprint for success has been implemented at Miami.

Quick Chemistry with Fellow Linemen​

When asked about how quickly he's gelled with his fellow linemen, Cohen was optimistic and grateful for the team culture. "It's been awesome," he said. "These guys have welcomed me into their family, and we've all hit the ground running. I think Coach Cristobal and Coach Mirabal allowing us to show our personalities and perform how we perform is a great testament to how well they've put this line together."

Cohen praised his teammates for pushing him, as well as for their collective goal. "We all just want to come and go, which is to be one another at the end of the week," he added.

Road Game Wisdom​

On the subject of road games, Cohen advised younger players to bring the same enthusiasm they have at home. "You really want the stadium to be empty by the fourth quarter, and you never leave your running game at home," he explained. "So bring that with you."

On Pass Blocking and Teamwork​

Cohen also touched upon the O-line's success in giving quarterback Tyler Van Dyke ample time in the pocket. "It starts in practice. Coach Cristobal and Coach Mirabal drive us a lot in practice, which allows that to transition over to the game," Cohen said. He was quick to share the credit with his teammates as well. "It's also on the receivers. They get open, and they get the balls. So it's hand in hand; it's not just us, it's them as well."

Miami's Blueprint for Success​

While Coach Cristobal has been vocal about the "blueprint" for Miami's success, which he borrowed partly from his time at Alabama, Cohen suggested that this plan is uniquely tailored for Miami. "This is really a strictly Miami blueprint that he's been placing on us. I think it's just getting us to return back to the national prominence that we once were and bringing the culture back to what it was," he explained.

Praise for the Young Guns​

Cohen was especially pleased with how younger players performed when they got the chance. "You saw Tommy Kinsler get the back-to-back pancakes," he said. "Matt McCoy had a wonderful week of practice, which allowed him to get that playing time he did, and he went out there and performed like a starter. All of those guys brought practice into the game, and I'm just proud of all of them."

Comments (14)

We all knew the OL was going to be an upgrade this year, but I had no idea it would be this much of an upgrade

This interior of the line is as good as I can remember here and Rivers has been incredible

I don’t know a lot about playing the position but the communication seems to be on point
The only question is depth. Starters are money. Reserves are another story. Hope we can keep our top 7-8 healthy all year.
Yep. I know it's a pipe dream but if we could get Zion back just to have as a back up that would be better than seeing guys like Rodriguez and Saggyballs out there.

McCoy, Samson, and Kinsler are our first three off the bench now.
We all knew the OL was going to be an upgrade this year, but I had no idea it would be this much of an upgrade

This interior of the line is as good as I can remember here and Rivers has been incredible

I don’t know a lot about playing the position but the communication seems to be on point
Many of us, myself included, were very wrong about Rivers after seeing the Spring game. Of course he wasn’t playing with Cohen and Lee in the spring game so maybe it is that unit which has helped propel Rivers. We also need to give credit to Mirabal and Mario who consistently praised Rivers and said he was an NFL level player.
I don't know what this young man does after his playing career but I hope he coaches in some capacity. He exudes natural fn leader!
Many of us, myself included, were very wrong about Rivers after seeing the Spring game. Of course he wasn’t playing with Cohen and Lee in the spring game so maybe it is that unit which has helped propel Rivers. We also need to give credit to Mirabal and Mario who consistently praised Rivers and said he was an NFL level player.
it’s a good point

Also Dawson seems to be taking advantage of the strengths of the offense (a novel concept gasp) and he’s getting these guys moving around and using their athleticism

It’s just so **** refreshing to hear Dawson and Guidry talk this off-season about finding what their guys do best and tailoring the game to them, and then actually see it happen
One of the biggest differentiators on the OL is the lack of blown assignments. Last year dudes were just running at TVD untouched. Even in the MTSU game. It was crazy. This year a dude might get tripped or something which leads to a run on TVD or a whole getting filled but other than that these guys know the plan. Coaching is much improved this year, the comments about things being simpler are telling.
2 first round draft picks on this line. The rest all should be draftable talent.

This line got really good in a short time. We've got an insane 5 backs averaging over 5 yards per carry!

Thats every running back.
Yep. I know it's a pipe dream but if we could get Zion back just to have as a back up that would be better than seeing guys like Rodriguez and Saggyballs out there.

McCoy, Samson, and Kinsler are our first three off the bench now.
Yeah and watching Mauigoa have his moments we know we don’t want to be in a position to rely on these guys just yet, no matter how great they will be eventually
Many of us, myself included, were very wrong about Rivers after seeing the Spring game. Of course he wasn’t playing with Cohen and Lee in the spring game so maybe it is that unit which has helped propel Rivers. We also need to give credit to Mirabal and Mario who consistently praised Rivers and said he was an NFL level player.
i second this