Mark Pope senior clips

Peter Ariz
Peter Ariz
1 min read

A look at Miami WR commit Mark Pope's touchdown scores from his senior season.


Comments (58)

Richards Thomas and Pope starting on the field together is absolutely ridiculous. lots of talented others but these three are complete and utter mismatches.
Crazy receiving group we will have

Pete, would he come even if Dugans decided to go up to FSU? (I don't think Dugans will leave)
I saw and talked to pope at the acccg he was decked out in cane gear. Taller than he looks on film
I'm glad he's an EE. I'm looking forward to what NJoku will bring to the group. And yes Hightower will be asset as well because he's physical.
is this guy a good fit for our scheme? In the highlights his QB was throwing the ball in a way that allowed him to catch it. That’s not really our style right now.
Hard to replace Berrios and Herndon. But Pope, Mallory and Jordan are a pretty good start.