Mark-Antony Richards talks Opening, updates latest

Stefan Adams
4 min read
Everyone knows 2019 Wellington ATH Mark-Antony Richards is the brother of star Hurricane WR Ahmmon Richards. But the younger Richards is out to make a name for himself, and yesterday, Mark-Antony competed in Nike’s “The Opening” Miami Regional in a loaded field.

“I didn’t think I did that hot. I tripped up on the 40, but I think I was running about a 4.59 (before the trip), I don't know the exact time. But my second time running it, they didn't write the time for some reason. I do know for a fact it was low. Pretty sure it was in the 4.5's. I wasn’t really satisfied with that, though, I know I’m faster.”

Playing both ways, Richards had a huge junior season on the field with 2,163 all-purpose yards, 986 rushing yards, and 615 receiving yards. On defense, he had 56 tackles, 3 interceptions, 2 forced fumbles, and two sacks.

“We went 6-4. We had a lot of injuries, our QB got injured, our RB got injured, a few offensive line players, but I think we did pretty well considering,” Richards said. “I think I did pretty good myself, but I plan to get at least 3,000 all-purpose yards next season.”

Because he’s shown his talent as a two-way player, Richards is getting looks from schools on both sides of the ball. So, which side does he prefer to be recruited to?

“I’ve only played defense for really 1-2 years, so there’s a lot of things I still have to learn and stuff,” Richards said. “I’m more comfortable on offense so, as of right now, I say offense is kind of where I lean.”

Some programs are even offering Richards a chance to play both offense and defense. And that’s something Richards contemplates doing at the next level.

“Yeah, they want me to play both ways if I’m willing to, which I’m kind of willing to,” Richards said. “If I could, I would.”

Richards is hearing from Miami nearly every day and has been getting a bit of a personal touch in his Hurricanes’ recruitment: head coach Mark Richt has been his lead recruiter in trying to get him to Coral Gables and Richards said he has built a great relationship with the head coach.

“They’re all great people down there. Coach Richt, he’s a good dude and, of course, Lawrence right here.” (He points to Miami WR Lawrence Cager standing nearby).

At that point I asked Richards if he had a decision timetable in mind. He said December, but was cut-off by Cager, who at that point decided to join the interview for some shenanigans.

“The decision’s already made,” Cager said, implying the Canes are the clear-cut favorite for Richards.

While Richards would like to play with his older brother again, he said it won’t be a deciding factor in his recruitment.

“It’d be cool, but I want to go somewhere where I feel comfortable and can have academic success.”

When asked if Richards had a top group, Cager jumped in again.

“Yeah, he has a top 1,” said Cager. “It’s over, it’s a wrap.”

Everyone around started laughing and we tried to get him to throw up “The U”. Richards just flashed a huge smile.

Richards also plans on taking advantage of college football’s new early signing period, as long as he graduates early.

“Yeah, I’ll probably do that (sign in the early signing period),” Richards said. “As long as I can graduate early, if I can’t, I’ll sign in February.”

In the meantime, the 6’1” 190 pound junior plans on taking a few visits, including to two of the big three programs Florida has to offer.

“I’m gonna go to Florida for their junior day and spring game, then I’ll be back at Miami during the summer and for their spring game too. I can’t make Miami’s junior day, though.”


Comments (91)

It seems obvious (as much as such a thing can to a person who's never met the kid) to me he likes Miami a lot but wants to go through the recruiting process to make sure he makes the best choice for him. I respect it. Certainly not an automatic lock yet, but I think when all's said and done, he'll be running through that smoke at Hard Rock for years to come.
Must land. Hopefully he doesn't buy what the hucksters up north are selling.
Thought he had the diva gene? Good to hear him looking to sign early
He just messaged me for clarification on that. He said he thinks he was running about that time before he tripped. Fixed
Did he read your article? Is he reading this Nesta did?
I’d be shocked if we lost him.
getting a ty campbell vibe from him saying the right things and stuff...long way to go on this one
getting a ty campbell vibe from him saying the right things and stuff...long way to go on this one

It's funny you said that because I feel the same. Not making it to junior day? Seems a little fishy to me. Let's see what happens over the next few months and into the summer.
It's funny you said that because I feel the same. Not making it to junior day? Seems a little fishy to me. Let's see what happens over the next few months and into the summer.

The big thing to watch is if he makes it out to Paradise in the Summer. I think Tyson skipped out on Junior Day and Paradise. If Richards makes it to Paradise, I think we have a chance.