Looking back at Miami's 2013 offensive class

Looking back at Miami's 2013 offensive class

Peter Ariz
Peter Ariz

Comments (44)

Absolute nightmare, there should be no doubt why we have succed for years. That little troll kept us with bad coaches for years.
From reading the off and def lists...maybe we should have gone OOS...the list of 'we got' and 'didn't get' were all ugly...and we were an average team at best...and I can't wait for Kuugs to turn Willie Williams into a ..errr AQM into a 10+ sack guy...OVERRATED and dumb...the lists are litter with them
what does really talented mean? We had talent and still do its obvious??

Our last two coaches sucked at recruiting.

But we have talent.

We just have to trust you since we aren't getting players drafted and we're not winning games.