Gibbons Glad to be a Cane

Tito Benach
3 min read
The University of Miami’s 2014 Recruiting Class got a lot better on Monday when top offensive linemen Reilly Gibbons committed to Coach Al Golden.

“I’ve been down to Miami five times and I loved it. Its a great school with great academics which is what I’ve been looking for. Every time I went the coaching staff and I were getting closer and closer.”

One big factor that intrigued the top linemen was Miami’s persistence in recruiting him.

“I went down to Miami for one of the spring practices and thats when Kc (McDermott) committed and then they had a barbecue. After that my family and I went to our house and we then received over sixty hand written notes from Miami just talking about how they wanted me there and to join the “Cane Family”.”

One huge factor that played a key role in Gibbons’ decision was the academic side of each school.

“Miami is rated the top university in the state of Florida. It’s a three hundred thousand dollar education and it’s really difficult to deny that. The chance to win national championships while getting an education like that is amazing.”

Gibbons spoke about the relationship he built with Head Coach Al Golden and spoke about his philosophies.

“He is one of the rare coaches that you meet. I saw him when I went down there and he is a really nice guy and almost reminds me of my dad. When I was in his office he was telling me his ideas in trying to find a great school and his ideals were the same as the ones I have had.”

The St.Petersburg Catholic (Fla.) product is now apart of an offensive line class that contains other stars such as K.C McDermott, Trevor Darling and Nick Linder. He spoke about what it meant to be apart of such a potentially great offensive line class.

“It means great competition, it means we are going to dominate my junior and senior year. I really believe we have the best offensive line class in the country so far and I think with the help of one other guy we will have the best.”

Lastly, Gibbons has one message for Miami fans around the country

“I would like to thank all the Canes fans for accepting me into the Cane family. I’m gonna be down at the spring game, feel free to come up and approach me, I’m a nice guy. We really want everyone to come out because there are a few guys on the ropes of becoming ‘Canes so we want to show them.”

Comments (29)

I hope this wasn't your big interview. I'm glad to hear from the kid, but this isn't much of a surprise.
i think he meant "accepting" rather than "expecting"!

Thanks for the article, Tito. Glad to have this young buck on board This class is about to take off
"I think with the help of one other guy we will have the best.” (OL)

Attention Corey Martinez come on dooooooown
“It means great competition, it means we are going to dominate my junior and senior year. I really believe we have the best offensive line class in the country so far and I think with the help of one other guy we will have the best.”[/SIZE]

But really though, it's rare you get a kid so well spoken.

Pretty **** impressive for a HS junior.
I'm drivin down from Jacksonville to attend the spring game. We need to get some asses in the mufuggin seats on Saturday.
the kid is great, enjoy folks!!!! More please, feed the beast...
Man, this kid is sharp as ****. He needs to be in other kids ears. The part about the $300k education is an excellent point that should be hammered home to all potential recruits. These degrees are priceless when it comes to the job market. This is why you see UM alum in places like NYC, L.A., Philly, D.C., Chicago and abroad, and why UF and FSU grads tend to stick around central Florida. Tremendous opportunity opens up with a degree from an institution such as UM.
Tito - great story. It's refreshing to hear a well spoken kid be decisive with a decision. Sounds like Reilly is going to be this class' Duke with regards to recruiting other kids. All Cane! Makes me smile.
Man, this kid is sharp as ****. He needs to be in other kids ears. The part about the $300k education is an excellent point that should be hammered home to all potential recruits. These degrees are priceless when it comes to the job market. This is why you see UM alum in places like NYC, L.A., Philly, D.C., Chicago and abroad, and why UF and FSU grads tend to stick around central Florida. Tremendous opportunity opens up with a degree from an institution such as UM.

I also heard that UM has more corporate CEOs that any other school in the country. Amazing! That's my school and I'm proud of it.
Great stuff Tito.

Really excited about this kid after seeing his press conference. His dad is enormous, and you can just see that Gibbons is going to be a huge kid when he fills out. Combine that with his athleticism and brains, and you have a **** of a tackle prospect.