Gerald Willis note

Peter Ariz
Peter Ariz
1 min read
Quick update here because I've seen some people ask about Willis' status for next season. After asking around over the past two days, there is a ton of confidence in where he is at right now. Obviously Willis has had an up-and-down Miami career, but people within the program are very encouraged with the steps he took this season on-and-off the field, while he was still able to practice and workout with the team.

The expectation right now within the team is that at least one, if not both starting DTs in Norton and McIntosh, are leaning towards turning pro -- this would make Willis' return of the utmost importance. As we are in the midst of recruiting season, just remember that Coach Kuligowski's most important addition this offseason is arguably Willis.

UPDATE: After seeing this post, Willis' attorney Jason Setchen reached out to me to say, "Gerald is 100 percent committed to the University of Miami and Coach Richt and he is excited about playing football next year at UM."

Comments (179)

Thank you for update. If any of them should go McIntosh is the one. Still think he needs to come back but he has a legit case.
Rj should go his stock will rise, especially after the combine and pro day to go along with tape. But Norton no way.

We will need Willis next season though for sure.
Both Norton and McIntosh need to come back.
Norton leaving is just a terrible decision on his part. RJ would be foolish to return.

Hoping Willis has finally figured things out. He will be needed.
Willis has a ton of potential...hope he can keep it together until he graduates.
Man if both RJ and Kendrick leave our DT’s will be Willis, Bethel, Nesta and whatever other recruits we bring in? Good but not great.
Both Norton and McIntosh need to come back.

Hopefully RJ does not take your advice. No reason for him to come back. After watching last nights MNF game with all the injuries incurred, come out when you can and get paid.
Willis just needs to put together 1 dominate season. For himmslef and for us.
Norton leaving is worse then Brad leaving. He’s as ready as I am to run in the olympics. Actually if he leaves he ends his own football career.
Whoever else we bring in
Not to mention guys who can slide inside on certain downs like dj Johnson or djack we will be more than fine
Norton leaving is worse then Brad leaving. He’s as ready as I am to run in the olympics. Actually if he leaves he ends his own football career.

I think he is good enough to make an nfl roster but leaving now will cost him lots of money