Enos on Martell progress, splitting reps, and adding intricacies pre-snap

Stefan Adams
4 min read
After Tuesday’s practice, OC/QB coach Dan Enos weighed-in on how he’s been splitting up reps between his three QB’s, who have each rotated in with the first team.

“Based on their performance by the end of practice, they’re either going to get more or less because I do think there needs to be consequences,” Enos said. “If you go out there two or three plays in a row making mental errors, we’re not going to continue giving you reps. I think you need to understand as a player, if you play that way, you come out. Then I give another guy a shot and then eventually I put them all back in for another opportunity.”

While the QB’s have taken a small step forward overall this spring according to Enos, he is still looking for more improvement in various areas of the game, including preparation and technique.

“We’ve made a little bit of progress, but we have not made a lot of progress in any one area,” Enos said. “We have a lot of work to do. We have to learn how to be a quarterback first and foremost. We have to learn the off-the-field intangible things it takes to be a championship-level quarterback. We are learning those on a daily basis trying to mentor them and teach them how to do that with preparation, mindset, their focus, their attitude, the way they walk in this building every day, the mindset they have on practice days, off days, everything.

“So that is a work in progress and then obviously from a fundamental technique standpoint, we have a long way to go on just taking the proper drop with our mechanics on where our eyes and feet go. We’re making strides, but it’s a slow process as you would expect when we’ve only had four practices.”

Through those 4 practices, transfer QB Tate Martell has shown inconsistencies throwing outside the numbers and has let a good amount of passes get away from him. Enos feels Martell needs to work on his feet and be more decisive to ultimately improve that aspect of his performance.

“I think some of the inaccuracies come with mostly his feet and then some of it may be caused by hesitancy rather than being really decisive and I think that’s what the big thing is,” Enos said. “The ball may come out late. Sometimes when it comes out late, you’re not going to have a quick arm and when you don’t have a quick arm, the ball may wobble on you a little bit. The one thing I always tell these guys is quick feet equals a quick mind equals a quick arm. We’ve got to be quick in all of them.”

In addition to a new playbook and terminology, Enos is incorporating new signals and cadences into the offense before the snap.

“Right now, we want them to get very comfortable with the terminology,” Enos said. “They’re speaking a new language if you will. Some of these guys have never even called a play in the huddle before so that’s new, just articulating the play call to everybody as opposed to looking to the sideline to get the signal and the snap the ball. Some of them have never used cadence very much because they would clap a lot.

“We are incorporating different cadences with them, which will help us in the long run. When you are doing this many things that are kind of foreign to them, there are growing pains in practice, which we are experiencing right now, but certainly just going to continue to grind and grind and get better every day.”

Of course, any coach wants to see their charges get better on the field in a competitive environment as soon as possible. But Enos sees the most improvement coming from his group over the off-season.

“We don’t get to work with them in the off days as far as their techniques and fundamentals, but certainly we’ll continue to make progress this spring,” Enos said. “But where I think the biggest development will occur will be from April 20 until we report in July because right now we’re assessing where their inadequacies are and we’re going to work on those right now and when it comes to the end of spring practices we’re going to give each and every one of them a workout that will be totally detailed and focus on their technique and fundamentals. They’re going to have to do a lot of that in the off-season on their own.”

Comments (73)

No Kosi clap?
Guess he needs to speed up reading the defense if he wants to see the field.
Honestly feel this is where Jarren & Tate have the advantage over Kosi.
We shall see.
Enos is getting us right!!!!
No Kosi clap?
Guess he needs to speed up reading the defense if he wants to see the field.
Honestly feel this is where Jarren & Tate have the advantage over Kosi.
We shall see.
Enos is getting us right!!!!
Did you even read the article? Enos said Martell was inaccurate because of hesitation. There is no mention of Perry here. From all the newspaper articles I read, Martell is 3rd string based on performance. That's the observation from reporters at the practices.
I think it's awesome that Enos is demanding greatness from the QBs. In time, we should see elite level play from our QBs. Enos is basically teaching them how to become an NFL QB. If I'm the #2 guy, I don't transfer for a couple of years because I'd want to be coached up by Enos before I leave.
They WILL NOT be close to naming the starter for quarterback after spring practice. It ain’t happening.

Here is what you have to remember, forget everything else:

“...the biggest development will occur will be from April 20 until we report in July....They’re going to have to do a lot of that in the off-season on their own.”

My guess is the guy that ends up being the starting quarterback is the one that puts in the most work in learning the system, and improving his skills during this crucial period between the end of spring practice and the start of July practice . Make no mistake about it. It’s all about how much work they each want to put in.
How does a coach become a worse coach over the years? I saw how bad Richt's offense was, but experience should enhance your offensive knowledge. I have a lot of confidence Enos will give us the offensive sets, motion and level of complexity we've wanted/needed for a many years. IRS should bill baby Richt for the full salary he was "given" last year. Just another example of privileged shame.
There is no 3rd string QB. Total clown remark from you.

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There is no way I would have first hand knowledge of the QBs performances. Like I said, he was reported as "performing" 3rd string. We all know the QBs are sharing 1st team reps. I'm just passing along what I read. So you can take back your Ronny McDonald and learn how to read.

As I stated in many posts, the QB battle will go all the way into Fall camp and a starter won't be named until 1 week or less before the UF game. Whoever comes out on top after the Spring won't necessarily be the starter because guys will improve over the Summer and in Fall camp under this new system.
It’s becoming more and more evident just how bad the Richts were . Perry and Williams should improve significantly just off the strength of learning these simple things and intangibles they get from a competebt QB coach
Those two were literally the worst combination ever! Mork a has been and Jorn a never was. Smh a pure recipe for disaster that was 2018. I’m so glad their gone!
Good grief . . . never called a play in a huddle before?

Mike Leach calling a play: "Line up in Ace, see how they line up against it and call a good play."
Did you even read the article? Enos said Martell was inaccurate because of hesitation. There is no mention of Perry here. From all the newspaper articles I read, Martell is 3rd string based on performance. That's the observation from reporters at the practices.

I did. Thanks for asking.
Kosi made the clap famous..... and SLOWWWWWW
My comment was only based off the clap going away.
Kosi struggles processing. He takes a long time to read the defense hence the slow clap
Jarren and Tate will read the defense quicker... IMO.
Glad to see the clap go away!