Details on Friday meeting between Blake James and large donors

Details on Friday meeting between Blake James and large donors


Comments (923)

a run where meier has never made it past the second round of the dance despite being the higher seed in 7 of the 8 ncaa tournament losses. she's definitely the best coach we've had for the women, but something about the tournament and preparing the team just doesn't click. big stage yips.

No disagreement. But that doesn't convert us to a "mediocre" team that is "mid-pack". That is all.
You just repeated yourself.

Could be an sign of early Alzheimer’s.

You should report that to your doctor.

The point is very simple, you don't even try to deny it.

Dan Sileo does not pretend to be *** in order to make *** jokes, thus he already starts with more credibility than you do.
The point is very simple, you don't even try to deny it.

Dan Sileo does not pretend to be *** in order to make *** jokes, thus he already starts with more credibility than you do.
You’re right.

He doesn’t do that.

What he does do, is come on this very website, and make up lies about himself while besmirching the name of dead teammates.

First rate guy!
I'm just here for the soap opera but I'd just warn those of you that are believing that BoT members keep offering to personally front the cash for things like Zo's potential salary or buyouts or anything to slow your optimism based roll.

Just remember back to when things were actually looking bright under Rick and we needed a relatively small amount of money to cross the finish line on the IPF- something that was widely regarded as critical to maintaining and building football success. How embarrassingly long did that take?

But NOW we have several BoT members willing to front cash for everything from Zo to Luigi to Condoleeza Rice. As that filthy Nole Lee Corso would say....
I'm just here for the soap opera but I'd just warn those of you that keep believing that BoT members keep offering to personally front the cash for things like Zo's potential salary or buyouts or anything to slow your optimism based roll.

Just remember back to when things were actually looking bright under Rick and we needed a relatively small amount of money to cross the finish line on the IPF- something that was widely regarded as critical to maintaining and building football success. How embarrassingly did that take?

But NOW we have several BoT members willing to front cash for everything from Zo to Luigi to Condoleeza Rice. As that filthy Nole Lee Corso would say....

Maybe the people offering this money ALREADY made significant donations to the IPF and didn't feel they needed to do more.... Just guessing, know nothing.
Blake is feeling the heat from the fanbase and apparently certain donors....

Blake needs to make this happen for 2 reasons:

1. It gives the fans what they want. So if it fails all he has to do is say "Hey this is what yall wanted, no my fault."

2. It take heat off of him if he gives decision making power to Zo. So once again if it fails he can say, "Hey this is what yall wanted, he makes the decisions not me."
This is what baffles me. I'm a charter member of the CYA (Cover Your ***) club and hiring Zo would do just that for the Flake. All the heat for the football program would defer to Zo and Manny and cover his *** if/when it goes down the toilet. If he can't see or understand that, it confirms for me just what an imbecile he is.
Maybe the people offering this money ALREADY made significant donations to the IPF and didn't feel they needed to do more.... Just guessing, know nothing.

I'm sure they did. But this whole narrative about them willing to personally pay for things just seems like spin to setup the notion that Fake James is even turning things down that are free to preserve his own power.

I just don't think Zo's potential salary is the issue here at all.
Could you imagine anyone on the board allowing part of their company to be run like this, let alone one of the higher profile departments? What an absolute banana republic this school is right now, from the indecisiveness, to the leaks, to the lack of any presence from its leaders in putting their foot down. I am firmly in the camp that the school president should hire a competent AD and stay out of key decisions, but I am also firmly in the camp that the school president is the CEO and needs to step in when the school looks like an absolute joke. This is well past that point. I don't know how any legitimate coach would want to come to this dumpster fire, and would question their sanity if they said ok.

Hire him, don't hire him, but make a **** decision and stick to it. I am sure part of the hesitation to remove BJ is driven by wanting a new president to have a say in the AD, but this is just getting ridiculous. Offer to buy out Frenk and tell him to find a landing spot to accelerate the reset process on the entire university's administration if it is really that big of a hang up... it's not like Frenk is actually doing anything anyways.
You’re right.

He doesn’t do that.

What he does do, is come on this very website, and make up lies about himself while besmirching the name of dead teammates.

First rate guy!

First, I would point out that Dan Sileo frequently had the newspaper clippings (which he scanned and provided) to support any claims he made about himself. Second, I do not believe that he "besmirched" the name of any dead teammates, and I'm quite certain that isn't your real issue with Dan Sileo anyhow.

More importantly, Dan Sileo does not pretend to be *** in order to make *** jokes.

You do.

Perhaps you should not be calling anyone a "clown", friend.