Details on Friday meeting between Blake James and large donors

Details on Friday meeting between Blake James and large donors


Comments (923)

No, he is absolutely not "good at fundraising". He is not.

He struggled to get the IPF funded. He has benefitted from Hard Rock lowering seating and parking capacity in a way that he is able to charge us, the alums, more money.

And, in case you hadn't noticed, the meeting was with "high level donors". Beta Blake turned his back on the donors willing to fund the new position for Alonzo. So what do you think is going to happen with this vaunted "fundraising ability"?

Seriously. Tad Foote accomplished a Momentum campaign. Shalala accomplished a Momentum campaign. What has Beta Blake done in seven years that indicates "fundraising"? We funded the arena before that time. Outside of INFLATION and the fact that UM fans try to be supportive of the program (and were lulled into a 3-year boost in our contributions due to the hiring of Richt), what has BETA BLAKE HIMSELF contributed to an increase in fund-raising?

Honestly. Be specific. Don't just refer to his (undeserved) reputation for "fund-raising". Other great ADs who have ACTUALLY raised money around the country can point to new stadiums, new arenas, new facilities.

We have an IPF that took DECADES to build, and we got a million dollar contribution FROM OUR COACH, and we were STILL trying to crowd-source the last few million dollars by offering trinkets.

Give me a break on "fund-raising".

You are 1000 percent correct. The IPF does not happen without Richt. Richt made it happen, and Richt would probably make a better AD.
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Clown show. Miami won't win until the BOT realizes Blake needs to go. FSU's donors got Taggart fired, we can't even get rid of a lame duck AD.
It’s makes zero sense to me. Zero
Im of the opinion that President Frank is one of donna's "boys." I continue to wonder how things would have been different had the BOT chosen to hire Admiral Stavridus instead of Dr. Frenk (who always gave me the "yes man" vibe, which is not what you'd typically want in an executive role).
I get the same impression. This was the former leader recommending a friend as replacement, without thought to competence. Seen it in the corporate world, rarely works out
Blake James just told the BOT to kiss his ***.

The BOT complied.

I thought y'all said Blake was a beta? He's moving like the only ALPHA in the building SMH

He's fighting for his job. Being AD at Miami and not getting credit for restoring the football program to glory is essentially a ceremonial appointment, and Blake knows that. I'd be surprised if he isn't fired for threatening the livelihood of the Athletic Department and []__[] Brand. All for a first-year coach that lost to FIU because he hired his unqualified friends.

IF, Manny fires any of his proteges you know he and Blake are feeling the pressure.
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My biggest takeaway from this thread is many of you do not know how the hierarchy of universities works.

The AD does not work for the board of trustees. He does not work for donors. He works for the President of the school. The only person who can force his hand is named Julio Frenk. And he’s largely absent in this entire situation. There is your problem.
Thank you for explaining to the majority of these clowns. It’s obvious many, many on this board do not understand how things really work
Again, if there’s no big change (and a new OC isn’t it) do not watch or spend money on the team. It’s the only way to fix this program. None of this “You need to support the players” bull****. Half the ******* guys we have we didn’t even want. Unfortunately, this is the only way to be heard.