Details on Friday meeting between Blake James and large donors

Details on Friday meeting between Blake James and large donors


Comments (923)

this message board has an insane obsession alonzo highsmith. the guy has never worked in college and just got fired by the cleveland browns. he's not a magician or a wizard. there are other people in america who can help fix the program... many of them are more qualified to do so than alonzo highsmith. blake james should not be murdered for declining to create an entirely new athletic department based around him.
So Zo turning down an offer means they were going to offer him a position, maybe not czar of football. So what position would he be looking to take at Oregon? And why Oregon? Coincidence that some on BoT wanted Mario and got squashed? This seems like someone leaking info. even misinformation to just up the pressure from fan base hoping it forces Blake's hand. Too much conflicting information coming out so it's hard to know what is really going on. Just seems like info wars to sway public opinion to one side or another.
If they do not win 9 games next year, they will fire Blake and Diaz.

Simple as that.

Diaz better have that defense humming.......
Wait I don’t understand.... Zo will turn down a chief of staff job at his alma matter to take the same admin position at Oregon?

If however he is going to have power on par to a HC and AD you think cristobal and rob mullens want this type of big brother situation after a pretty successful season??

Just doesn’t make sense.
I know Dmoney wouldnt post false **** on here but I cant believe this. I can believe Blake doesnt give a **** about athletic success as long as the money is coming in but if this is true he is not incompetent. He is actively trying to destroy the program.
Purposeful leaks from the BOT members pushing for change, trying to up the heat on Blake James. At least, that's what makes the most sense.
Blake isn't acting in the interest of the program at this point. He's in self preservation mode.

I think that Manny and Lashlee can succeed next year, or get fired like Taggart. I also think bringing in Highsmith, his expertise, and likely vision for a football program are the best for us in the long term. BOT needs to meet with Frenk at this point. If Frenk's really in danger of not being renewed, convince him these moves could save his job.
If I'm the ACC I'm trying to replace us with UCF.

They thought they landed a whale but instead got some limping emasculated wussy program that's a shell of its former self.

Miami has proven it no longer prioritizes winning and that the people in charge are incompetent.
Per a source with knowledge of the meeting, a group of high-level donors met with Blake James on Friday. The purpose of the meeting was to offer significant money if Manny was willing to make necessary changes.

Most notably, the group wanted Alonzo Highsmith to take on a general manager role that would usurp some of Blake and Manny’s power over the football program. One booster even offered to pay Highsmith’s salary for two years. Blake refused and instead offered a more traditional “chief of staff” role that was mostly administrative in nature.

Highsmith is not expected to accept the offer and instead is in discussions with Mario Cristobal at Oregon.

James is one MOTHER F'in coward. Simply because he, and Diaz, are AFRAID of the possibilities Mr. Highsmith could do for the program!!!!!!!!!! And I'm yapping POSITIVE possibilities. hUH

And I do hope Mr. A is hired by Coach C at Oregon. Which would just indicate that Coach Mario is... ALL ABOUT WINNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Serious question. If the BOT cant control Blake James nor remove him from his position, then who can? Wouldnt their next course of action be to meet with the president of the University and force Blake out?
I assume they can. The problem is they are split into factions and cannot get on the same page. There seems to be a “pro Blake” faction that butts heads with the faction pushing for the Zo hire, and then there are others who simply don’t care. It’s extremely dysfunctional.
So who fires and hires the AD? The president? Because if the BOT does that why dont they just fire him and hire Zo and someone elsecas AD?
What benefits does Zo bring to Oregon? We are complete mess but Oregon just won the rose bowl. Why would the AD and coach give up power to bring Zo in
If I'm the ACC I'm trying to replace us with UCF.

They thought they landed a whale but instead got some limping emasculated wussy program that's a shell of its former self.

Miami has proven it no longer prioritizes winning and that the people in charge are incompetent.

Amen! Bloody well said Cane dude. Most of the powers that be, BUT NOT ALL, don't give a F'in crap about winning at an ELITE LEVEL, again. And that's a crying shame. hUh.
Sounds to me that Blake might have the backing of Epstein and Kadre, since they're the ones that influenced Blake James to make a quick hiring of Manny before the other BOT pushed Mario. This is higher than Blake , this falls on Epstein but Blake is taking the heat. Epstein made a political and self-interest decision based upon his relationship with Manny Sr. IMHO as it appears to me. Hence, the BOT civil war and Blake stiff arm to AH. He's got Epstein and Kadre in his corner. Frenk is just in the middle of a BOT struggle IMHO