Army All-American Game - 1PM on NBC

Army All-American Game - 1PM on NBC

Peter Ariz
Peter Ariz

Comments (638)

Lulz @ $9.99 per month for that trash site.
Any drinking games for this one...The ones from last nights all star games got me smashed

Same rules

Muff'd snap is now worth 2 drinks however.

Shotgun/finish your beer if AQM commits
Throw your beer at the TV if he chooses ND
Also any time they show a kid that is considering us and they dont mention us as one of the schools

The reverse also, when a kid who isnt being considered by us is 1) said to be considering us by jokester announcers or 2) has a Miami hat on table when that's the closest they've ever been to even being close to Miami.