4-star CB Elam updates the latest with Miami

Stefan Adams
3 min read
The Benjamin School (FL) 4-star CB Kaiir Elam was one of the select few that earned an invitation out to the Opening Finals in Frisco, Texas last week. Through three days of the event, Elam was pleased with his performance against the best camp competition you’ll ever see.

“I did pretty good,” Elam said. “The ball didn’t really come my way. I did what I had to, didn’t get beat deep, no passes caught on me.”

Who was the toughest cover at the event to that point?

“Toughest cover, that’d be Jadon Haselwood, but we we’re mostly playing cover 2, I didn’t play any man,” Elam said.

Last time we talked with Elam 2 months back, he said contact with the Miami coaching staff had increased after they watched one of his spring practices. However, Elam feels communication has dropped back off again from UM.

“Not as much,” Elam said on his contact with Miami. “I had been hearing from coach Rumph, he’ll text me once or twice every now and again.”

So, I was curious about what “constant contact” means to Elam. When asked about how another one of his favorites, Ohio State, treats him, he had this to say: “Coach Schiano, coach Meyer, and coach Davis text me almost every day. Definitely I talk to coach Meyer at least once a week. I can definitely tell they’re serious.”

If Miami increased their contact, Elam says he’d still listen to the Canes.

“Just so close to home,” Elam said on UM. “Good coaching from coach Rumph and they just showed what they could do last year. Miami’s such a good academic school.”

The Turnover Chain fired up the Miami defense last season and helped propel them to become one of the nation’s leaders in takeaways. Elam said he can certainly see why.

“I like it, it’d definitely motivate me to make some plays,” Elam said on the Turnover Chain.

While some prospects are about to start winding down their recruitments in anticipation of a summer decision, Elam believes his process is just beginning in some ways. He doesn’t see a commitment coming anytime soon and just wants to continue to get to know his favorites better. In fact, he’ll be at all the Florida schools, including Miami, in the near future.

“I’m just going to continue to make some visits. I’m not worried about committing anywhere,” Elam said. “I’m going to go to all the Florida schools when I get back home, when the dead period stops.”

What will Elam be looking for on his visits, some of which will be return trips?

“A visit, by the time you get there for the second time, you pretty much know everything after the first time,” Elam said. “So, I’d like to build a relationship [with the coaches], but I’d rather do that face-to-face than through text.”

Elam isn’t ready to list any leaders or favorites, but does know how a program can win him over.

“Just offer the ability to play, good academics, and coaches that develop players to their maximum potential.”


Comments (194)

For the life of me I don't understand why they didn't stay on this kid from the beginning.
One of the biggest mysteries of this cycle. Every other school is all over this kid except us and we are the school that is the closest to him. He checks all the boxes, don't understand.
Only been saying for 6 months now this is the dumbest recruiting decision of the cycle. Sure hope the kid turns out to be a serial killer or something and this is thrown back in my face in a year or two, because otherwise I have absolutely no clue what the defensive staff is doing here.
Only been saying for 6 months now this is the dumbest recruiting decision of the cycle. Sure hope the kid turns out to be a serial killer or something and this is thrown back in my face in a year or two, because otherwise I have absolutely no clue what the defensive staff is doing here.
Lol a serial killer was the best example you could use?
Let’s not jump to conclusions, last year we didn’t give Nadab Joseph any attention, and Dude didn’t qualify.

Maybe grades are bad
Maybe some off the field things bother us
Maybe he’s in the Bag game and we know that
Maybe we just Dont like him as a prospect

This isn’t the Golden Era, there has to be a reason but we may never know.
LISTEN UP, we back to basically recruiting the old Miami way, only certain type mentalities are being recruited here. Coach rumph along with the rest of the UM coaches are not about to start recruiting desparate, either you a Cane or not. They already showed em what he needs to see, but know this, coach rumph and crew can sniff out gaytor blood real quick, so if he wants to come to UM, he got his offer, sign, if not, we already like what we got in our room and what's on the way. Everything elam said he looking for, he already know he can get all that at UM, coach rumph not wasting his time with the diva mentalities, he looking for goons, he's one, he played with many and he bringing in more.

Look how corn elder looked in one year under coach rumph, was out there head hunting, got jackson being projected as a high draft pick in just one year under him, malek young was on his way to being a 2nd or first team acc corner. Coach banda and rumph got the safeties playing at a high level with jaquan being out done by no one in all of college football.

So the choice is elam's, coach rumph done did his part, no money bags dropping, that comes down the road when earned it at GreenTree practice field and get drafted, other than that, you can sign with us or get beat by us!
My questions are specifically for Stephan.

How does he come across when you interview him? Was it in person or over the phone? He said some very positive things about the school, Rumph (specifically labeling him a good coach), academics (his high school is an academic powerhouse), and even mentioned the turnover chain.

Does he seem excited when he talks about those things or just good at getting through the interview? In an article, you don't get to hear the context of the interview itself and recruits can rush through them, seem distracted, or sometimes they carry on because they are in fact interested.

Your thoughts if you would.
LISTEN UP, we back to basically recruiting the old Miami way, only certain type mentalities are being recruited here. Coach rumph along with the rest of the UM coaches are not about to start recruiting desparate, either you a Cane or not. They already showed em what he needs to see, but know this, coach rumph and crew can sniff out gaytor blood real quick, so if he wants to come to UM, he got his offer, sign, if not, we already like what we got in our room and what's on the way. Everything elam said he looking for, he already know he can get all that at UM, coach rumph not wasting his time with the diva mentalities, he looking for goons, he's one, he played with many and he bringing in more.

Look how corn elder looked in one year under coach rumph, was out there head hunting, got jackson being projected as a high draft pick in just one year under him, malek young was on his way to being a 2nd or first team acc corner. Coach banda and rumph got the safeties playing at a high level with jaquan being out done by no one in all of college football.

So the choice is elam's, coach rumph done did his part, no money bags dropping, that comes down the road when earned it at GreenTree practice field and get drafted, other than that, you can sign with us or get beat by us!

This was the same mindset Randy Shannon had, look where that got him.

Remember him not recruiting Lamrcus Joyner because of he was not a "Cane" and we settled for that other STA CB that eventually got kicked off the team?
So who are we contacting everyday? I feel like every interview you have posted lately says the same thing. Are we just going to settle for back-up plans this years since guys like Trey Sanders, Elam, etc are long-shots best not to try like we did with Campbell and Surtain last year?
Let’s not jump to conclusions, last year we didn’t give Nadab Joseph any attention, and Dude didn’t qualify.

Maybe grades are bad
Maybe some off the field things bother us
Maybe he’s in the Bag game and we know that
Maybe we just Dont like him as a prospect

This isn’t the Golden Era, there has to be a reason but we may never know.
You'd think these are things that would take him off the radar completely. He says Rumph still texts him every now & then. Why waste time at all if we don't want him?
Why does the staff HAVE to know something?

What did they know when they refused to recruit Asante Samuel until the end of the cycle? That Jobe was coming?

And this isn't like WR where we're in a position to be extremely picky about who we take this cycle. Is the plan to just ride with Couch, Brownlee, and Good? And if not Elam what other elite corner prospects are they hard after? Are they waiting on the 2020 class like they are with QB?

Overall I have high confidence in this staff but some of the choices they make deserve heavy criticism and this is one.
Let’s not jump to conclusions, last year we didn’t give Nadab Joseph any attention, and Dude didn’t qualify.

Maybe grades are bad
Maybe some off the field things bother us
Maybe he’s in the Bag game and we know that
Maybe we just Dont like him as a prospect

This isn’t the Golden Era, there has to be a reason but we may never know.

Well we know it’s not grades if he’s considering going to Stanford
My questions are specifically for Stephan.

How does he come across when you interview him? Was it in person or over the phone? He said some very positive things about the school, Rumph (specifically labeling him a good coach), academics (his high school is an academic powerhouse), and even mentioned the turnover chain.

Does he seem excited when he talks about those things or just good at getting through the interview? In an article, you don't get to hear the context of the interview itself and recruits can rush through them, seem distracted, or sometimes they carry on because they are in fact interested.

Your thoughts if you would.

In-person at the event.

I've talked with Kaiir a few times now and my thoughts have always been the same. He's a guy that's genuinely interested in UM and likes talking about the Canes. Like others have said, it's a mystery why he doesn't get more love, because he absolutely has as much of the talent as a Dent or a Steele