Coaching You were Warned...

He’s coaching in Mannys zone scheme, why would you bring in a man cb coach that teaches technique that doesn’t match what the dc runs? He likes physical man coverage.

Do you think he’s a miracle worker? Fact is manny is going to die doing what he does. T Rob was obviously brought here for recruiting , that’s all.
Some smart posters pointed this out before we played a game. Maybe you included. The hopeful somehow imagined that T Rob would overrule manny on scheme. But that's just not how it works. He can teach technique and recruit/evaluate, but if we run the same thing over and over, we'll get similar results.
Complacency has taken over the entire football program. Chill, collect a nice paycheck and return to your home on the beach at the end of the day. Frankly, that's a nice life huh? Lazy *** coaches hate newbies who come in and try to raise the bar. This phenomenon is found in all workplaces. What would you expect T Rob to do?? It starts from the top. Imagine having to answer to Saban instead of prep-school nerd Manny and Balakay.
I have been hammering the importance of a strategic assessment as a starting point for a search, so agree with all this, with one exception. I disagree with turning over the strategic assessment to a headhunter. They're brokers, basically. Great at interviewing people and compiling notes. Poor in my experience at depth or analysis (and they tend to outsource the analysis often enough). UM has to own the strategic assessment. If it doesn't have the people or capabilities to do it right, it should probably hire a legit strategy person to lead the exercise. It's not that complicated. An ex StratCom person at DOD or retired McKinsey partner could do this in under 90 days, even allowing for some primary research. And the person who does it doesn't even have to be publicly identified. It's a project for the BOT (sorry, don't involve AD or Potus here) in effect, not a public engagement. Headhunters are publicly identified to facilitate people reaching out to them.

One of the previous times a search firm was used to find the next Miami HC they came back with the exact names thrown around on this board.

One of the previous times a search firm was used to find the next Miami HC they came back with the exact names thrown around on this board.
Oh definitely. We hired a fig leaf guy to give cover to the Admin for the search. That was the Golden search, iirc.

There's not that big a universe of coaches. Search firms are useful for reasons which don't really apply to coaching vacancies. They can give you reach to find and screen interested people you don't know about -- this can be hard both because the business world is big, and because people with jobs are naturally cautious about taking calls from someone who isn't their employer. Search firms are good at pretending they're asking for 'advice' or a reference on someone. They can help you create awareness of the opening, also, amongst potentially interested parties. They can run quiet searches if circumstances warrant that. Yes they can help you assess people and think through the spec. But it's more about reach and filtering. In football, the universe of candidates isn't huge and the job opportunity isn't a secret. Every potentially credible candidate already knows Miami's headed for a search and knows how to reach out. Also, coaches have agents to reach out through, which already makes them different from managers who search firms tend to reach out to.

Nothing against a search firm at all, they serve purposes and there's a role for them. But UM doesn't need more outside advice so much as it needs first to step up and own its own situation. No search will work if the people leading the search are clueless, unfocused, don't care, don't know what they need, etc.
Días playing in this coastal made him look a lot better as a DC 16’-18’ than what he really is. His Defense was always overrated. Anyone with a clue could see his Defense was a gimmick show and ineffective with anyone with a pulse. People fell in love with stats (misleading), blitzes and TO chains because D’Onofrio was so bad. Our Defense is exactly the same today.
Issue with that is youre speaking for the tools(certain people who are blind optimists and know jack **** about football)because yes in the coastal we look like we have a top defense due to how bad the parity really is. But anytime we've played a disciplined team or most other conferences our flaws were pointed out as glaring weaknesses. Unfortunately most on here and in life just see this as entertainment and don't understand what's going on. Blind leading the blind. They don't exist & when they do we encounter problems like this. Lol
Issue with that is youre speaking for the tools(certain people who are blind optimists and know jack **** about football)because yes in the coastal we look like we have a top defense due to how bad the parity really is. But anytime we've played a disciplined team or most other conferences our flaws were pointed out as glaring weaknesses. Unfortunately most on here and in life just see this as entertainment and don't understand what's going on. Blind leading the blind. They don't exist & when they do we encounter problems like this. Lol
its almost as if teams who play assignment football beat teams who dont play assignment football

only analogy i have for our style of play is amateur youth soccer... and i dont even want to write it down
@Poopscoop it is my understanding you are a former Hurricane and pro player... good on you... tremendous accomplishment...


1) What is a name (or tree) of OL coaches in the style of what Miami should have on staff?

2) What type of OL recruit should Miami target?

obviously our Canes are facing a 5yr-ish rebuild project with next AD/HC
First I gotta clear something up for you. We play in one of the worst conferences in p5 football. NOTHING should be looked at as a 5 year build... We have talent that if it's allowed to mature and coached up properly we'll be fine. Yes plenty of our evaluations are ****. However they aren't so bad that everyone we take is 95% misses. We need to stick with calling a game that utilizes the strengths of our team. The issue were running into now(if we already haven't)is these kids are losing their identity and in danger of giving up on themselves... That's more of an indictment than anything else on this staph for me. We can realistically turn this around in 2 years in the acc. Just look at unc for example. We have the best recruiting ground in America as our backyard. Far as the rest of your question goes I don't speak on things I don't know. Ol isn't my thing. I'll give you my opinion. I don't think justice is the problem. I think it's this zone blocking system we use. Myself I just feel like youth coaching in the south is severely lacking. From optimist through high school coaching is minimal for kids like this. You end up on online if your either big as in tall or worse yet big as in fat. Obviously you do get the freaks who physically stand out from the pack. But that's an aberration. Those are the kids who eventually get coached up. But you get to that point junior or senior year at certain high schools at best. Your employing a system in zone blocking that requires an advanced level of communication and awareness as well as technique... These kids Excell to get to this point because of their physical tools. Not their mental... Put kids in a place physically and mentally were they are more likely to succeed.
Here’s what I found

But that's got zero to do with what I'm talking about. That's strictly about rule changes to fall camps(and a limited number of them as well)everyone has the same rule changes. if anything this article simply points out more the flaws of staph not knowing how to emphasize technique and fundamentals. I'm taking about from one practice to the next during the season. Everyone will point out how the NFL doesn't practice to contact during season either. Problem with that is college is NO PART of the NFL. When you get to the NFL, ideally you've already been coached up to a high level and practice is simply all about fine tuning and staying healthy. College is about taking kids and coaching them up to play at their peak as men... That comes through adapting to physicality and being thrown in the fire. Then again 1v1 is critical. Ask anyone that knows better, how we used to practice in any of the old days. You really think when we told y'all practice was always harder than the games, we meant that because we were practicing against back ups... We all know this game is cotton soft now on game days. But do you really need to make it the same in practice as well. Why do y'all think amari is a living breathing version of a targeting call if he's being coached up in practice with live tackling... Lmao. It's because he practiced tackling against dummies and players that aren't allowed to adapt to a defender...
He’s coaching in Mannys zone scheme, why would you bring in a man cb coach that teaches technique that doesn’t match what the dc runs? He likes physical man coverage.

Do you think he’s a miracle worker? Fact is manny is going to die doing what he does. T Rob was obviously brought here for recruiting , that’s all.
100% fact. Not to be that guy but why weren't y'all defending mike the same way though. It was the same exact issue. To be fair though brother I don't remember if you were one of the people snapping on mike or not so I'm just saying in general. It's the same issue all throughout both sides of the ball. Just like justice on oline.
@Poopscoop told y'all for the better part of 2yrs this staff was Trash...and after being ridiculed and scorned upon, Guess what??....He was 100% right once again...That's why I listen to a former player..who's close to the entire situation...Don't get me wrong, I truly appreciate @Cribby and @gogeta4 for their contributions to this site. But I for one listen to someone who knows exactly what a quality staff looks like, because he **** sure played for one.
Who is Poopscoop?
Understand tix are already purchased. I was talking actual breathing bodies there for CCSU.. Sorry for using your post to go off on a tangent.
I agree. It’ll be noticeable with the eye test. I feel bad for the players but it is what it is. This isn’t their fault.
Just looked this up so I thought I'd add more fuel to the fire....
In Total Offense so far were ranked 110th out of 130 teams...
In Total Defense were ranked 100 out of 130 teams...
Maryland - Yes the team Enos is OC at now is ranked tied for 13th out of 130 teams... Yes I said 13th...
In A Box Reaction GIF
100% fact. Not to be that guy but why weren't y'all defending mike the same way though. It was the same exact issue. To be fair though brother I don't remember if you were one of the people snapping on mike or not so I'm just saying in general. It's the same issue all throughout both sides of the ball. Just like justice on oline.
I was a rumph the coach fan. His recruiting for whatever reason (neither here nor there) wasn’t up to par but I maintain he was a good coach. Just coaching in the wrong system under the wrong man
I have been hammering the importance of a strategic assessment as a starting point for a search, so agree with all this, with one exception. I disagree with turning over the strategic assessment to a headhunter. They're brokers, basically. Great at interviewing people and compiling notes. Poor in my experience at depth or analysis (and they tend to outsource the analysis often enough). UM has to own the strategic assessment. If it doesn't have the people or capabilities to do it right, it should probably hire a legit strategy person to lead the exercise. It's not that complicated. An ex StratCom person at DOD or retired McKinsey partner could do this in under 90 days, even allowing for some primary research. And the person who does it doesn't even have to be publicly identified. It's a project for the BOT (sorry, don't involve AD or Potus here) in effect, not a public engagement. Headhunters are publicly identified to facilitate people reaching out to them.
Without emphasizing it that was my point. Agree 100% just keep all of that away from anyone not qualified to analyze it.
100% fact. Not to be that guy but why weren't y'all defending mike the same way though. It was the same exact issue. To be fair though brother I don't remember if you were one of the people snapping on mike or not so I'm just saying in general. It's the same issue all throughout both sides of the ball. Just like justice on oline.
I think most attacked Mike because he can’t recruit
Oh definitely. We hired a fig leaf guy to give cover to the Admin for the search. That was the Golden search, iirc.

There's not that big a universe of coaches. Search firms are useful for reasons which don't really apply to coaching vacancies. They can give you reach to find and screen interested people you don't know about -- this can be hard both because the business world is big, and because people with jobs are naturally cautious about taking calls from someone who isn't their employer. Search firms are good at pretending they're asking for 'advice' or a reference on someone. They can help you create awareness of the opening, also, amongst potentially interested parties. They can run quiet searches if circumstances warrant that. Yes they can help you assess people and think through the spec. But it's more about reach and filtering. In football, the universe of candidates isn't huge and the job opportunity isn't a secret. Every potentially credible candidate already knows Miami's headed for a search and knows how to reach out. Also, coaches have agents to reach out through, which already makes them different from managers who search firms tend to reach out to.

Nothing against a search firm at all, they serve purposes and there's a role for them. But UM doesn't need more outside advice so much as it needs first to step up and own its own situation. No search will work if the people leading the search are clueless, unfocused, don't care, don't know what they need, etc.
I'm not sure I get your process here. Obviously you're aware the people in place are completely clueless when it relates to how to compile a legit list. We don't have football people anywhere near this program. If you leave it up to any of them then again we're back to square 1. That's why zo is integral in this if a indepent firm that's been thoroughly vetted isn't in place. No way around one of those situations. You don't own something simply for the sake of owning it... & Yes we did use a firm when we came up with golden. However as you already noted all a firm does on its own is compile a list of interested candidates. You need someone indepent of them to vett their info as well. Also I think alot of people fail to recall how highly thought of alfraud was in the coaching world coming in here. He was coming off of numerous coaching awards and had turned a temple team into a legit squad. No need in rehashing the obvious. But if no d wasn't tied to the waste of alfraud the narrative on him would've been very different. Regardless of any of this I can tell you emphatically that Mario will be the focus of any campaign if we are able to get rid of this assclown.
Issue with that is youre speaking for the tools(certain people who are blind optimists and know jack **** about football)because yes in the coastal we look like we have a top defense due to how bad the parity really is. But anytime we've played a disciplined team or most other conferences our flaws were pointed out as glaring weaknesses. Unfortunately most on here and in life just see this as entertainment and don't understand what's going on. Blind leading the blind. They don't exist & when they do we encounter problems like this. Lol
Not even sure we can say this anymore.