Zach Carpenter: I'm here to play football, not video games

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Oct 13, 2011

Miami filled one of its biggest needs in the Portal when Indiana C Zach Carpenter transferred to the Canes. Now that he’s already gotten acclimated and gone through spring, Zach joined the CanesInSight Podcast to discuss his transition to Miami and more:

On the spring: It was great. It was a a good opportunity to communicate, build relationships with not just O-line, but all the rest of the teammates and get used to the coaching staff. I’m excited for this fall.


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"I think we'll be Joe Moore (award for best OL in nation) contestants for sure."
The Rock Sunglasses GIF
Following Jesus gives you strength to play OL? Wow.
I absolutely dislike churches, I cannot identify with religion and hold very strong and very negative opinions towards all of them.

However, people believe in them and I'd rather have them believe in God instead not believing at all.

Believing goes a long way and can move rocks.
Following Jesus gives you strength to play OL? Wow.
Laugh all you want. His faith gives Zach courage and strength to do his best in life daily. Cheezy, corny, lame call it what you want its his faith. Sharing that to the public was his choice and he's essentially throwing a life raft to those who don't know, understand or even heard the Word. There's a spiritual battle going on in everyone's lives even if you don't want to believe it. If you want to live blind to the fact that there is EVIL in this world and there is Righteousness then so be it but don't spew hate towards someone who has faith in something more. The secular worldly views hopes and dreams of eternal life on this earth greed and money all that life has purpose for means nothing in the end when we return to ash. A path on this earth that leads to eternal life after death while witnessing to others toward the same path should not be discouraged and unfortunately is and always will be.
Hey man, if you don’t understand it, that’s fine, but don’t knock a young man for his strong faith, we all pull to our beliefs, no need to knock. Kudos to the youngster
No, I completely understand, and Jesus does not impart physical strength to play football.

For instance, I Timothy 4:8 says, "For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come". And what Paul means is, strengthening your physical body for serving Christ is of little value, since the outer body is wasting away; but stengthening the inner man is what's profitable. Notice the distinction between bodily exercise (i.e., the outer strength), and godliness (the inner strength). The Spirit of God sanctifies the one (the inner man) unto godliness, but He doesn't sanctify the other (the outer man).
Laugh all you want. His faith gives Zach courage and strength to do his best in life daily. Cheezy, corny, lame call it what you want its his faith. Sharing that to the public was his choice and he's essentially throwing a life raft to those who don't know, understand or even heard the Word. There's a spiritual battle going on in everyone's lives even if you don't want to believe it. If you want to live blind to the fact that there is EVIL in this world and there is Righteousness then so be it but don't spew hate towards someone who has faith in something more. The secular worldly views hopes and dreams of eternal life on this earth greed and money all that life has purpose for means nothing in the end when we return to ash. A path on this earth that leads to eternal life after death while witnessing to others toward the same path should not be discouraged and unfortunately is and always will be.
I'm not laughing, I'm disagreeing, and shocked that someone would believe that because it's incorrect. The Spirit of God does not strengthen the outer man; we do that through bodily exercise. the Spirit of God strengthens the inner man. There's a different. What Zach said was completely wrong.
You may be surprised what Christ can do for you. Try it!
I'm not surprised. But Zach (and others who believe the same as he) are wrong. I've said this twice in the thread: The Spirit of God does not strengthen the outer man; we do that by bodily exercise. The Spirit of God strengthens the inner man. It's Christianity 101, dude.
I absolutely dislike churches, I cannot identify with religion and hold very strong and very negative opinions towards all of them.

However, people believe in them and I'd rather have them believe in God instead not believing at all.

Believing goes a long way and can move rocks.
As a believer, I totally get where you're coming from especially on the dislike of churches. The good ones are hard to find. We all have our own path. I absolutely respect yours, Bender, and I respect ZC's as well.