Will VT expedite AGs tenure?

Firing Day is 45 away.

Sleep tight tonight, Flubbernutters. We want you well rested for your lunch-pail job. Do it well.
Bud, you bring on the heat with your D. Those Miami boys are so polite and well mannered that they'll probably step aside, on your way to the QB.
Don't worry about the Dorito. He's back on the sidelines, still trying to figure out his own charts.

Now I lay me down to sleep
Pray the lord my soul to keep
If I die before I wake
Pray the lord my soul to take


I hope VT wins tomorrow. I am closer to the pulse of VT than most here as I live in VA and, since most of their players are from NoVA, we get a lot of coverage here. When gaps in coverage exist, I got to the local VT papers. Vegas is right on the money on the spread.

The Canes SHOULD win this game by 7 points. Although the VT running back had a nice 60 yard run last week it was against NC State at home. He really didn't dominate the game other than the one long run. On defense, VT is giving up almost 200 yards a game on the ground (the bigger question is whether Golden etc realize that). Although I am no fan of either Yearby or Walton in a truly physical game, I don't see that happening. VT best lineman is Dady Nicholas and he has issues with both hands. He broke one hand and jammed his other hand that limits his ability to be physical on the line. So he is around the ball a lot because of his size but not as effective as he could be. The LBs are decent but not great and there is not enough depth in the secondary to send all out blitzes that are a staple of a Bud Foster defense with Kendall Fuller being out.

Moten the QB can be rattled. I actually don't think UM will send the house not because they shouldn't but because it isn't the philosophy. But if they do, we will see Brewer in a hurry. But the Canes never stick to that strategy, and he is a good but not great QB who could beat UM on his own. Moten can not. But he can run for a lot of yards against man to man and I can see us falling into that trap like we did against Logan Thomas.

This IS a HUGE game for Beamer! He hasn't hyped it but he senses the end and wants to stop it NOW. He would like to coach for a few more years until he moves his son into at least a coordinator position before retiring (he is current occupying the DNofrio position of (Assistant Head Coach). Coordinators become head coaches others do not. Do NOT be surprised if we see VT's best effort tomorrow. I am not saying we win or lose but expect a very, very competitive game tomorrow.
Expedite probably isn't the right word. Blake is on record as saying Golden will not be evaluated until "after the season". Consequently (and unfortunately), I don't think there is any single game that will result in his immediate firing. However, theoretically every loss from here on out increases the chances of Golden being fired immediately after the season.

this. He gets to play put the year no matter how horrific it gets. Al just "helped out" with the defense and we gave up over 500yds of offense at over 10 yards per clip. These are "all time" numbers at UM. The entire UM admin. is brain dead when it comes to football.
If I'm not mistaken, if we lose today and I fully expect we will. We can be eliminated from winning the coastal on October 31st when Duke beats us. We would be 0-4 with four left and Providing Duke beats VT next week they will be 4-0 and hold the tie breaker.
If I'm not mistaken, if we lose today and I fully expect we will. We can be eliminated from winning the coastal on October 31st when Duke beats us. We would be 0-4 with four left and Providing Duke beats VT next week they will be 4-0 and hold the tie breaker.

I believe this team will finish 2-6 in the ACC if that is not grounds for a dismissal, then nothing will get this guy fired.
To clarify, Golden won't be dumped immediately a la Philbin if we blow today. Minus a near-impossible implosion like Sarkisian we'll stick with him the remainder of the season.

With a loss today the math no longer works for him. That bottom range needed to tolerate another season is not within probable range. Yesterday I unfortunately had to attend the funeral of a neighbor who died suddenly this week. Big sports fan. At the home last night I talked to many of his friends and relatives. The Canes subject eventually came up. Without exception they were down on Golden and said a change needed to be made.