Why is butch so special


Aug 25, 2014
Im only 17 and i didnt grow up in the Miami area so i wasnt able to watch the U's Golden (no pun intended) days. Still, just wanted to know why people want Butch so bad. i mean, im sure he is a great coach but the way people on this site talk about him you would think that he will come in and make miami national championship material next year.
No one said he will make miami a national champion.

If you want to know why he is special, look up the rosters for the 2000 and 2001 Miami hurricanes team. Then compare the talent level on those rosters to every national champion in the past 12 years.
Im only 17 and i didnt grow up in the Miami area so i wasnt able to watch the U's Golden (no pun intended) days. Still, just wanted to know why people want Butch so bad. i mean, im sure he is a great coach but the way people on this site talk about him you would think that he will come in and make miami national championship material next year.

Go back and watch some of his teams play then get back to us. Pay particular attention to the defense.
Butch is responsible for assembling a 3-deep at almost every skill position and most other positions that went on to excel in the NFL. He also hired and surrounded himself with a world class staff that, down to position coaches, went on to head coach D1 teams, national championship teams and multiple NFL teams. The collective football acumen was off the charts(detractors will point to a single kickoff to prove otherwise). Butch was also the last winner we had whose career was defined by Santana moss after FSU in 2000: "big time players make big time plays in big time situations." That attitude has been missing since he left. He intended to stay forever, and most fans want him to pick up where he left off... Unfortunately though, it's probably too late.
Simply put, he was the architect of the greatest college football team of all time and imo the second greatest team regardless of sport ever (the dream team being first, can't really top that). He also built a really nice team at UNC more recently (2007-2010 if I remember right). I'm 24 and the canes were the first sports team I chose as a kid so I still have memories of that 01 team. I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have that to hold onto over our recent stretch of mediocrity.
Go watch the U Reloaded documentary. If you hear players on what practices were like and the overall culture, then compare it to what we have now, you'd understand why a lot of us are wanting a regime change; That change being one - Butch Davis.
Im only 17 and i didnt grow up in the Miami area so i wasnt able to watch the U's Golden (no pun intended) days. Still, just wanted to know why people want Butch so bad. i mean, im sure he is a great coach but the way people on this site talk about him you would think that he will come in and make miami national championship material next year.
Because he's probably the best talent evaluator, bar none, ever, in college football.
Also do some research on pell grant scandal and 1995 ncaa penalties.
You'll see who has actually rescued the program successfully from a truly disastrous probation.
Watch some of UNC's defenses when Davis was there. He really knows how to build strong, attacking defenses and then knows how to get the right players. UNC had largely its second string defense playing against LSU in 2010 (I think that was the year). They were allowed to put in one of their starting LBs in the second half and he was just destroying people (apparently UNC had the top 2 LBs in the country that year). If UNC had their starters in, it wouldn't have been a game.

Butch was building a team with a lot of depth at UNC. Although I was unhappy that he was doing it at another school, I did take a peak at their games just to watch the stout defensive play.

Im only 17 and i didnt grow up in the Miami area so i wasnt able to watch the U's Golden (no pun intended) days. Still, just wanted to know why people want Butch so bad. i mean, im sure he is a great coach but the way people on this site talk about him you would think that he will come in and make miami national championship material next year.
Butch with a good OC and 1 or 2 recruiting classes equals trouble for the hack programs in the ACC coastal.
Im only 17 and i didnt grow up in the Miami area so i wasnt able to watch the U's Golden (no pun intended) days. Still, just wanted to know why people want Butch so bad. i mean, im sure he is a great coach but the way people on this site talk about him you would think that he will come in and make miami national championship material next year.

he pretty much but a NFL all star roster out thats why.
Say "hello" to coach Davis. This probably has something to do with it...

Butch was a good coach. Great recruiter but just a so so game day coach. He has been hated here for years because of how he left. He is now revered because he is not the coach right now. In short, Canes fans in general aren't particularly bright.
To OP he was a goat evaluator....but younger Cane fans (under 33) tend to believe he was the greatest ever. The 2001 team was amazing but the 86 team may have been as if not more talented. The 91 team wasn't too shabby. Point being we had a history of greatness.

What makes Butch unique is his availability... But I remember the vitriol and hate when he was here. Many feel but for poor coaching we win in 2000, back then some believed it took Coker to win in 2001, I know sounds funny in 20/20 hindsite mirror.

People derisevly called Butch freckles. You know how people think Mario screwed UM? Butch was that times 29, he flat out lied to everyone who would listen.

But all that aside he is the ONLY coach available who has PROVEN success AT Miami.

What we really need is Condi!
Davis' lies undo years of hard work at UM
By Mark Kreidler
Special to ESPN.com

The easiest thing in the world to do right now is to jump on Butch Davis for, among other things, prevaricating to University of Miami officials, misleading their top football recruits, betraying a couple of the Hurricanes' premier returning players and generally making fools of the people who've been insisting for the past several weeks that Davis was on the level when he said he'd stay in Miami until the day he retired.

Yep, that's the easiest thing to do, jumping on ol' Butch. You know why it's the easiest thing to do?

Because it's right.

Davis, Butch
Butch Davis told players and recruits he would be back at Miami next season.
Nearly every time something like this happens, a top college coach ditching his program in a crucial moment (and when isn't there a crucial moment in the college game anymore?), you find yourself inundated with what are best described as reality-qualifiers. Generally speaking, these are offered by the coach's supporters as a means of defending the kinds of actions that would get you tossed out of the local Rotary club were they put into motion in any venue other than sports.

Reality Qualifier No. 1: Sure, he told those recruits he wasn't leaving right up until the day before he left, but he had to do what was best for his family.

Reality Qualifier No. 2: Right, he wasn't entirely truthful about his intentions, but who tells the whole truth anymore in the midst of a secret negotiation? We all know how the game is played, don't we?

Like that. The coach didn't mean to hurt anyone, but it was (a) the opportunity of a lifetime, (b) a move he had to make, (c) a job he couldn't turn down, (d) stop me if you're getting queasy out there.

As you'd expect, there isn't one of these arguments that is worth a bucket of warm spit. Butch Davis said he'd be staying in Miami as recently as Sunday, while in the midst of a visit with a prized recruit. Not 10 days ago, Davis said, "I will have a new contract, and I will be the coach at Miami next year." On Monday, Davis made known his decision to jump to the Cleveland Browns.

Why bother with the qualifiers? Butch Davis lied like a Watergate co-conspirator. This guy shouldn't be able to turn a corner in a hallway; his nose ought to be getting places 10 minutes ahead of him.

You want qualifiers on Davis? I could give you a fistful. Davis, up until now, has enjoyed a reputation as the man who cleaned up Miami football in the wake of the Dennis Erickson mess. Davis went in there and took his licks, endured the NCAA post-Erickson sanctions and yet returned the Hurricanes to national prominence. He deserves every one of the accolades that have flowed his way over the past couple of years of the turnaround.

Not only that, but the Davis family is going to come out ahead financially on a scale that's dazzling even by fat-money standards. His proposed new contract at Miami -- the one that Davis kept telling university officials was all but done, yet repeatedly failed to finalize -- was to pay him upward of $1.4 million per year. Under the Al Lerner Money Machine program in Cleveland, the coach will more than double that: five years, nearly $15 million.

And all together: So what? At what point does the context outweigh the action? Here is Buck Ortega, quarterback at Miami Gulliver High School and a recruit whom Davis visited on Sunday. Interviewed by the Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel, Ortega quoted Davis as telling him this: "I took this job to be my last one. I'm going to stay until I retire."

Remember, that's Butch Davis talking to a high school kid the day before he accepted the job with the Cleveland Browns. Is there anything in Davis' previous six years at Miami, no matter how salutary, that can possibly turn that lie into the truth?

It's a given that college coaches get the worst of it when it comes to trying to bust a move to another job. There's never a good time to leave; someone always feels betrayed. Miami fans now have gone through this twice in a shockingly short span: Leonard Hamilton, a man both well-liked and well-respected, nevertheless bolted for Michael Jordan's Woebegone Wizards shortly after signing a seven-year contract to remain the Hurricanes' basketball coach.

It's usually messy, and sometimes coaches get unfairly smeared for what is, when you get down to it, the basic act of trying to improve their lots in life. But not this time.

Nope, this time Butch Davis got the Miami program to within barely a week of National Signing Day, then left the Hurricanes for an NFL job that he repeatedly said he had no interest in. He left behind 18 oral commitments from high school players, several of whom now say they're wavering on Miami as their football program of choice. He left behind a couple of top-flight collegians whom he practically talked out of the NFL draft by saying they'd all stick around for next season and bring home a national championship together.

Whatever Davis is, whatever he has been and whatever he may yet become, he has spent a good portion of the year 2001 telling lies. It doesn't need to be qualified. It is what it is.

Revisionist history.

1-4 vs. FSU
1-4 vs. VT
0-2 vs. ECU
Lost 66-13 to Syracuse in a critical game.

Nothing special about him.

Queue the excuses for him...
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