Who still supports Manny?

I will show face and say I still support coach. A brave thing to do in this climate. No sunshine pumping here and no question about it, that was as ugly an ***-beating as I have seen. I never have been and never will be the dog in a doggy-style but I imagine the feeling I feel watching Mac Brown do to this team what he did is how it feels. We got some glaring problems that need to be fixed--starting with Baker.

They say failure rolls up to the top and I agree to the extent that the top continues to let problems fester by not correcting their mistakes. I don't blame Diaz for hiring Baker from the start as in hindsight it might have seemed like a good idea to him at the time. The experiment is over. I lay the fault of this deflating loss at the feet of Blake Baker and Diaz will be complicit if he sits on his hands and does nothing.

Through the first nine games, we've average 34.88 points made and 22 points allowed. Bakers Defense allowed the most points all season, 20 more than Clemson on the Road in the rain, 40 more points than the pre-UNC average. Lashlee's Offense ripped 26 points which is not terrible to be honest--4th best offensive showing points wise all season--so mostly average. We will never know how good our offense could have been had our defensive done their job and forced some 3-and-outs and turnovers. They would have at least given them a fighting chance.

tl:dr version: This is Manny's Al Golden/D'Onofrio moment. Our current DC is a joke and not worthy of P5 play. Diaz doing nothing about a problem is a college coaching cardinal sin. Get Baker out of here and get a guy on the coaching carousel that has quality experience with defenses in the P5.
I’d prefer another HC but I think Diaz has earned the right to at least fix the problem with the defense. If he chooses not to, then he’s gone. The problem takes care of itself.

Yeah he really deserves another chance, maybe two more. No, he deserves three more chances and then the problem takes care of itself.

Oh wait, Manny isn’t the problem. Manny didn’t hire himself. Who hired Manny? Maybe that is the problem.
I will show face and say I still support coach. A brave thing to do in this climate. No sunshine pumping here and no question about it, that was as ugly an ***-beating as I have seen. I never have been and never will be the dog in a doggy-style but I imagine the feeling I feel watching Mac Brown do to this team what he did is how it feels. We got some glaring problems that need to be fixed--starting with Baker.

They say failure rolls up to the top and I agree to the extent that the top continues to let problems fester by not correcting their mistakes. I don't blame Diaz for hiring Baker from the start as in hindsight it might have seemed like a good idea to him at the time. The experiment is over. I lay the fault of this deflating loss at the feet of Blake Baker and Diaz will be complicit if he sits on his hands and does nothing.

Through the first nine games, we've average 34.88 points made and 22 points allowed. Bakers Defense allowed the most points all season, 20 more than Clemson on the Road in the rain, 40 more points than the pre-UNC average. Lashlee's Offense ripped 26 points which is not terrible to be honest--4th best offensive showing points wise all season--so mostly average. We will never know how good our offense could have been had our defensive done their job and forced some 3-and-outs and turnovers. They would have at least given them a fighting chance.

tl:dr version: This is Manny's Al Golden/D'Onofrio moment. Our current DC is a joke and not worthy of P5 play. Diaz doing nothing about a problem is a college coaching cardinal sin. Get Baker out of here and get a guy on the coaching carousel that has quality experience with defenses in the P5.

If he fires Baker and promotes from within it makes no difference.

He needs to completely scrap his amateur hour defensive scheme that has never EVER stopped elite teams.
U know I been a wrong hire guy since day one. But what's the point or effort to even care. I read I keep track but breaking my head about it no more. They won't hire the right guy with balls and I have come to grips that the old Miami is dead this is who we are. Big game cfb for UM is over and it's crazy that alot of the smart people here and some staff members still hold onto hope. Denial is a Bytch....this U will never rise where it was again and even if we have a good season money talks. Kids ain't coming here for one or two good seasons they want to make money to feed there families. If they can market themselves it still won't erase money under the table for the big schools. It's over ladies and gentlemen just root for the canes but remember they are the new York mets. Have a good season here and there fire coaches rinse n repeat.

Mets just got the richest owner in sports who a die hard fan. Going to have to lower the comparison a peg
Manny is nothing more than an influencer who duped a couple of morons into hiring him for a job he isn't qualified for. He should stick with coming up with catchy hashtags and frat boy pranks and leave coaching to someone who actually can lead men.
Not every loss.

He just now, in 2 seasons, as 4 of the "top 10 losses" in Hurricanes history.

So there is that.

That awesome Greentree head man is on a tear. GOOOOOOOOOOO Manuela!!!!!

What do you mean "top 10"...How are we measuring this?
The biggest issue I have is that he won’t put his foot in (players, coaches, referees) anyone’s ***! Look I get it’s a different generation but this be liked at all costs & all the time is bs! As a head coach it’s part of the job. I’ve yet to see anger as one of his emotions. I’m not saying you have to be this way all the time but his attitude & perception will do him in if his loyalty on the defensive side doesn’t!

Healthy fear is good a thing.
What do you mean "top 10"...How are we measuring this?
  • Losses to lesser division programs, like FIU and LaTech. How many games has Miami lost to non-P5 teams since 1980? I can think of three, and Manny owns two. The other is Al Golden’s loss at Cincinnati. And let’s not forget an inspiring 17-12 barnburner over MAC powerhouse Central Michigan. Hey! Manny may own the worst win in a decade or more.

  • Blowout losses to teams of equals talent. Embarrassments. Not even showing up. The records for futility set last night are not forgivable. UNC had two RBs combine for 544 yards and 5 TDs. The 36-point margin could have been worse had UNC not kicked two chip shot FGs.
I’m not even counting straight margin of victory. Clemson could have rolled up 60+ had Dabo been in the mood. Miami is not on the same level so in my mind it’s not as bad a loss as the other two categories.
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I think the part that hurts the most is that it looked like we were genuinely improving despite some lackluster performances. Even though it's unlikely that Manny is "the guy", it was nice to see the team I love do well. Then we lose to UNC in such a spectacular fashion that it's downright humiliating. It hurts. I won't begrudge the mopiest mope the chance to bytch their heart out. But we still have another game and another offseason before we go through this again.
diaz temple.jpg
Supporting is the wrong word. He certainly has lost me with that performance.

And I have already said it, if he doesnt make the neccessary changes in the offseason regarding the defensive staff (hiring a DC that runs the show and picks his assistants), he has shown me that he is incapable of being a HC and therefore needs to/will get fired in the foreseeable future.

And, since I dont expect him to fire one of his buddies... well, you get the point.
I do. He’s our HC. Guy is getting two 5 stars to come down here after a 6-7 season and has addressed every issue that has been identified.

However! I am very concerned at the lack of second half adjustments.
@Go Canes!! can you believe this sh*t? What the fvck is this dude talking about with regards to second half adjustments?

Get em bro
I will support him if and only if he hires Muschamp or a guy of his caliber. If he keeps Baker then no. And if he keeps Baker it won’t matter he will be gone after next year anyway.
IF he makes staff changes I'll still support him. IF he pulls an l Golden I'm done
He fired the entire offensive staff last year and needs to do the defense this year. That’s every coach he hired fired in 2 seasons. Guess who the real problem is.
He fired the entire offensive staff last year and needs to do the defense this year. That’s every coach he hired fired in 2 seasons. Guess who the real problem is.
Making mistakes is human. Leadership is admitting you got it wrong and making a change