Who is going to the Booker T/Central game?

sadly, no....
depends on what time we end up leaving im **** sure trying to be in that place

the traz always delievers
Is it on TV? Would love to go, but need to get all my tailgating prep done so I can be ready first thing Saturday morning...
I never miss a Central game...except last week when they played AH the same night the Canes played. Already got my tickets!
Should be a great game, but sadly I live in Rochester Ny which would be kind of a long commute.
might maske the game...just came from a clothing store/....and there was like 4 dudes in there talking about hitting the game....all grown men..

its a big buzz for it/ similar to our game
Gonna try to get tickets at the game tomorrow, will be wearing a UM shirt. Pretty pumped for this game its gonna be awesome.

Whats the stadium gonna be like exactly? I have a rough idea of what to expect but figure someone on here can depict an accurate scene.
Does anybody know where I can purchase tickets early? Otherwise, what time would be best to arrive to assure that I can buy them at the game? I was thinking about getting there around 5:30.
Does anybody know where I can purchase tickets early? Otherwise, what time would be best to arrive to assure that I can buy them at the game? I was thinking about getting there around 5:30.

That should work. I've never seen a game at Traz with these kind of national stakes so it's hard to predict.

The guy in front of me in line this morning bought 20 tickets. Wouldn't be surprised if some folks make money tomorrow.