When Did It Go Off The Rails For Enos at Miami?


Dec 31, 2018
I ask this question not in relation to on-the-field, but behind the scenes. From insiders and such, has there been any stories about when the relationship with CMD and Enos began to sour? Likewise, when did it start to go off the rails between him and his offensive players (if indeed it did so)? Was it during the season, or even prior to it?
30 seconds after the Florida game
It would be interesting to hear the behind the scenes story (or stories) of how things broke down. I almost wonder if CMD left the August scrimmages questioning how this any way resembled the "high octane offense" that he had promised publicly.
I want to know how he was hired in the first place. Let’s start there before we give a pass to Manny. Not enough questions and or more importantly the right questions weren’t asked in his interview. Almost like a offer was given without any conversations.
I want to know how he was hired in the first place. Let’s start there before we give a pass to Manny. Not enough questions and or more importantly the right questions weren’t asked in his interview. Almost like a offer was given without any conversations.
I wonder if just the Alabama brand name, "QB coach for Jalen Hurts and Tua", and OC in waiting for Alabama overwhelmed everything else. On the surface is sounded great and a lot of people were quite pleased a year ago.
I wonder if just the Alabama brand name, "QB coach for Jalen Hurts and Tua", and OC in waiting for Alabama overwhelmed everything else. On the surface is sounded great and a lot of people were quite pleased a year ago.

I fall into this category. I didnt know much about him and felt that because of the Alabama name he was good. I was wrong.
hoes mad enos.PNG
First the first half of the season or so I though he was doing a decent job with the QBs. Boy was that wrong.
I want to know how he was hired in the first place. Let’s start there before we give a pass to Manny. Not enough questions and or more importantly the right questions weren’t asked in his interview. Almost like a offer was given without any conversations.
He had the resume, Everybody on the site had him as the next Bill Walsh. He was the most hyped coach ever on this site, Saban was ****ed.