What am I missing??

Ashevegas Cane

Redshirt Freshman
Apr 16, 2015
If Slaton wants to take a shot at DT then why the **** not? Even if his limited film at the position doesn't blow anyone away Kul has done more with less. I know we don't need a 0 tech anymore but it doesn't look like there will be another DT in this class so roll the dice on TD @ DT. If it doesn't work then there is always OG.
If Slaton wants to take a shot at DT then why the **** not? Even if his limited film at the position doesn't blow anyone away Kul has done more with less. I know we don't need a 0 tech anymore but it doesn't look like there will be another DT in this class so roll the dice on TD @ DT. If it doesn't work then there is always OG.
I'd do the same. I'd tell him he's welcome to try.

Then when he figures out he's likely not the type of upfield 0 or 1-tech we're looking for, he can go play LG.
Didn't he want to play basketball too? The kid just wants to do everything. He needs to stick to OG.
I'm guessing that's just an excuse. Nobody in their Richt mind would not add him to the class over this kinda stupid *** ****. Seems like when the dumb reasons/excuses for looking elsewhere start spewing outta their mouths they are already gone. And most of the time I'd bet there is probably a lot more to the story.
Didn't hurt with Norton at all. Anything to break the Heritage curse.

Slaton is sloth like slow. Norton was very explosive

I hear ya but Kendrick admitted that he reported to camp way over weight (334lbs) in the fall of his freshman year. Slaton definitely has to reshape his body also but he's still killing on both sides of the ball at the Army All-American practice.

If he can't cut it as a Dlineman at we get a highly recruited player on the Oline from Heritage. I'm sure Rumph wouldn't mind :)
Yeah....at this point I give him the ol' college try. Once he sees that he's not a collegiate DT that can fit this scheme, move him to OG. ****, you know that's what UF's going to do.
Whether we recruit him at dt or not, I'm not sure how interested the kid is
Slaton is pretty agile for a guy that huge.

If he cuts his weight to 320 he could definitely be a DT and play the 0 technique in some of Diaz's 3 down linemen packages.
To me they key is getting the best players on your roster even if they need some real convincing, getting their *** beat in practice, they better suited for one position than the one they crave. The key is convincing the best players to sign even if you feel they better suited for another position. When you put him against Donaldson every practice and double team his *** so often that he never touches a ball carrier, he'll open up to being a guard.
If Slaton wants to take a shot at DT then why the **** not? Even if his limited film at the position doesn't blow anyone away Kul has done more with less. I know we don't need a 0 tech anymore but it doesn't look like there will be another DT in this class so roll the dice on TD @ DT. If it doesn't work then there is always OG.

BC the kid is all over the place! He wants to play hoop...he doesn't want to be bothered with recruiting...he wants to play DT.

I think Richt is trying to send a message to all these kids
--No we don't see you as a DT, you have no shot to play hoop here T. Slaton? ESPECIALLY not when you and your teammates seem to really get sick pleasure out of jerking UM
-- Yes you were a backup plan, but you still had your offer well before the 11th hour Mr. Harley...you coming or not? And no your sister has no prayer to get a volleyball offer...

The inmates aren't running the asylum anymore. Whether it is right or wrong, Richt has NEVER been a hyper-aggressive, pull at all stops to get a kid recruiter. He's laid back, and will treat you like an adult, and will move on to the next one. It may not be the best technique for getting kids in today's market, but he will get his fair share! I believe he's looking for a certain type of kid, and he's building the type of program he wants. The kids he's bringing in WILL respect him and this program, and he has only so much space for the primadonna types.

Just my 2 cents. I think it will work to get us AT LEAST back to the consistent top 15 plateau...Whether it can go further in today's blood game of recruiting remains to be seen.
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