Wednesday, 8/26 PractiSe

@Coach Macho what's the take on Rooster's comments? I know we have given DFB **** over the years. Has the reputation been that we don't **** with DFB at all?
Don says coach Hickson drills him hard on the blocking assignments and schemes. Chaney says Hickson and coach Lashlee have given him plenty of tips on how to handle the blocking responsibilities in pass protection.

Don admits he is working on being patient as a runner at the college level. "In college, the hole opens and closes real fast."
Jaylan says this offense does a nice job of giving the backs opportunities to get through the line of scrimmage and be one-on-one with defenders on the second level and then it is up to the backs to make those guys miss.

Jaylan notes it is important to be patient and wait for the offensive line to execute the assignments before they hit full speed through the hole. He says in the last scrimmage he was getting to the hole before the offensive line and then he had to bounce things and it didn't go well.