We are playing the #6 team in the country in the Orange ....


[]_[] Forever
Jun 3, 2016
How can any fan not be fired up? WTF, we are at home, in the Orange Bowl, against the #6 team in the nation, this is our chance to open up any plays we have(using DJ more), D-fense to step up, Malik to get his shiit together and win a big ******* game. I get the feeling from this board that we are dead and there is no excitement. Wake the fvck up, this is big game for us. Our offense is hurting, defense is ready, lets go beat that Whisky ***. Crowd, bow up and show your pride, this is almost as big as Miami/ND! We lose and we look like any other 3 loss team. We win and we are 11-2 and one of the top 5 in the country. Get your heads out of your *** and make some noise!
GO CANES!!!!!!
You are right....we SHOULD win this game. Home field advantage. One time for our warriors. Close this year out right boys.

Rosier don't fck this up my dude...Richt needs to get rid of all this milkshake zone read RPO bullsh!t....Diaz better let these boys be savages and knock it off with that zone **** when we have them in 3rd and long. Man on Man violence. Grown man bidness. Panda takes a job back in Texas. #20305 is our next safeties coach.
IDK about anyone else but when I try to get fired up about the game I remember that Rosier is our QB and will probably lose us the game. I think everyone just tired of watching Rosier fail to throw an accurate pass.
Just pray we are smarter in terms of play calling(especially early on with the D)..the players respond to aggressive play calling.
We will win our battles on defense 9/10 if we are attacking and that will give our O more than enough chances to put points up...with the team we're facing there's no reason we'd be in a zone..it should be all man, no stunts just beat the b#tch ahead of you....if diaz sends that message with confidence in our players, well...our coaches have done more than enough to guarantee we are the better team on that side of the ball. Our offence is always a spotty seeing as the QB shows up when the utmost pressure is placed on his shoulders, regardless if our wr/te's are open or not
I'm confident we win. If we do happen to lose it would be a complete fail by richt and staff no excuses. Man fck Wisconsin.
I'll be a lot more fired up for the game when we start practicing for it. Right now my primary focus is on recruiting and basketball.
we have all been demoralized by Roziers last 2 games. it's a shame that there's too much politics and waste of a redshirt or PERRY would of been starting
We will play zone and their sucky QB will start out 21-21 and look like Brady Jr. Rozier wild inaccuracies cause us to break glass on Perry, who leads us to dramatic comeback win.
Rosier is so bad It reminds me of the character Ray Finkle in Ace Ventura Pet detective. Neither can hit their targets.
Rosier is so bad It reminds me of the character Ray Finkle in Ace Ventura Pet detective. Neither can hit their targets.

Actually he's not he's just had two really bad games, we all knew he wasn't going to set the world on fire, but this constant bashing **** is getting old. The guy is limited and it's our staffs responsibility to put him in situations where he can get some confidence and go on a run.

Last I checked he still beat FSU, VT and ND.
It's crazy. The general pulse of this board and fanbase is that the season is already over. People act like we are playing Kentucky in the Independence bowl or something. This is our biggest bowl game in about a dozen years. Wake the **** up, mouthbreathers!
It's crazy. The general pulse of this board and fanbase is that the season is already over. People act like we are playing Kentucky in the Independence bowl or something. This is our biggest bowl game in about a dozen years. Wake the **** up, mouthbreathers!
A product of the playoffs. If you aren't in the playoffs it's just another bowl game.
How can any fan not be fired up? WTF, we are at home, in the Orange Bowl, against the #6 team in the nation, this is our chance to open up any plays we have(using DJ more), D-fense to step up, Malik to get his shiit together and win a big ******* game. I get the feeling from this board that we are dead and there is no excitement. Wake the fvck up, this is big game for us. Our offense is hurting, defense is ready, lets go beat that Whisky ***. Crowd, bow up and show your pride, this is almost as big as Miami/ND! We lose and we look like any other 3 loss team. We win and we are 11-2 and one of the top 5 in the country. Get your heads out of your *** and make some noise!
GO CANES!!!!!!

I hope Miami is ' fired up ' for the game. Because they MAY BE still suffering from the ' ego doldrums ' and what not. In other words, from a psychological perspective those two season ending losses took A LOT out of the team! hUh.

The bottom line: If Miami doesn't come out READY TO PLAY, Wisconsin is going to molest them akin to what Clemson did to them.:Qft9gEw: dUh.

Oh, and one more thing. If Miami defeats mighty Wisconsin they WON'T jump into the Top 5. Simply because they are currently ranked No. 10, and many ' dominoes ' would have to fall for Miami to be ranked No. 5, or higher. OUCH.