Was Pitt and Clemson loses a trend

You can count a bunch of things toward the Pitt and Clemson losses. No bye weeks, Pitt on a shorter week then normal. The wear and tear these guys have been through cause of the hurricane probably played a big factor. No it’s not a trend, with the rest we are getting now I expect our boys to come out flying against Wis
It wasn't rocket science to dissect the weaknesses of this team and they were evident all year long. Our OL is a problem. We can't run effectively and efficiently we NEED to. When you have to run QB draws out of the shotgun because you can't push people 2 yards off a ball when it is literally man on man at the goal line you aren't going to be effective against many teams. Yea we broke a few long runs that helped us and the QB runs, but once there was film on it you could see teams and especially in the Pitt game start to scheme for that because we don't have QB who is confident reading a defense and delivering an accurate ball.

We are what our record says we are.
In reality we should have beat Pitt and played Clemson maybe a little closer. The whole not having a bye week in like 11 straight weeks took its toll. Traveling up to Pitt and then back down to Miami and then back up to Charlotte im sure played a role in that fatigue as well. Not only that, but no Walton, no richards, no Herndon at a time where defenses were figuring us out and exposing Rosier. Rosier 3 and outs and missing double digit wide open receivers.

We are better than those 2 games even where we are now in which we have a ton of room to improve depth wise and on field.
I posted this before the Clemson game and i will post it again.

We either change the offense or we lose. We cannot beat good teams without some deception as in motion,counters and different looks. We cannot "out execute" good teams often enough to score 20 points. On defense Virginia showed how to do it against us. Run on first and throw short passes to negate what used to be our pass rush. Sorry but we are a very mediocre Coastal team and quite boring to watch lately.

Change or lose

The most honest post I have read all year. Offensively, we have enough skill to be better with a coordinator that knows how to create deception and get guys like Harley, DJ and Thomas in space. we see teams with less talent create offense using tempo and deception to score points. CMR is a straight forward conventional Offensive coach. If he has a good Oline and power run game he can be very successful but absent that he is mediocre as a play caller in my opinion.

did you watch the pitt and clemson games? receivers were wide open and rosier just couldn't deliver. we don't need deception when everything was already there for the taking.
I got an idea, lets skip work/school, do a **** tone of drugs and alcohol, and then get on CIS and start a new thread .....hold up OP beat us to it.
I posted this before the Clemson game and i will post it again.

We either change the offense or we lose. We cannot beat good teams without some deception as in motion,counters and different looks. We cannot "out execute" good teams often enough to score 20 points. On defense Virginia showed how to do it against us. Run on first and throw short passes to negate what used to be our pass rush. Sorry but we are a very mediocre Coastal team and quite boring to watch lately.

Change or lose

The most honest post I have read all year. Offensively, we have enough skill to be better with a coordinator that knows how to create deception and get guys like Harley, DJ and Thomas in space. we see teams with less talent create offense using tempo and deception to score points. CMR is a straight forward conventional Offensive coach. If he has a good Oline and power run game he can be very successful but absent that he is mediocre as a play caller in my opinion.

did you watch the pitt and clemson games? receivers were wide open and rosier just couldn't deliver. we don't need deception when everything was already there for the taking.

Yup. We just need a QB to make the plays that are there.
I am not wrong and your post proves it. Our offense is way too predictable and easy to defend. Good teams have top talent coaching staffs and equal or better talent we cannot just out execute them
We get off to a ****** start in almost every game. And that goes back to Richt's days at Georgia, and that's fine because he'll usually win. But we've looked awful in our last two games, no bones about it. Hopefully playing at home is the tonic but Wisconsin deserves to be favored because we're not a good team at the moment.
We should be favored at home in this game, but our QB is playing poorly, for whatever reason. Worse enough than their average QB, to be underdogs at home.
I was not wrong and your post proves it. We cannot out execute teams we need some deception just like every other team in CFB uses except us
It seems to me that most posters were not overly alarmed by Pitt and Clemson losses. Before these losses it appeared we were the real deal and headed for the 4 team playoff. Then the shock of losing to a bad Pitt game and crushed by Clemson. You can put most of the blame on Rosier and some injuries. I think these loses may reveal that we are years away from becoming the team we all want and expect. Depth still a problem and questionable coaching on both sides of ball is an occasional problem. I think this team is now in a funk and Wisconsin will beat us. If you check my earliest posts when I joined this forum I stated that our offense is at best average and it will be the weakest area of our team. I predicted a 3 loss season. Next year will be the year we find out if we headed for greatness or remain a 2-3 loss good team but not the great team we all are hoping for.

Understand your sentiments.

I dont think years. I think this team is totally different with a solid quarterback. Then sprinkle in a few solid backup/rotation guys on the O line.

**** even if we had a couple of the qb's that we went up against. Toledo, Syracuse etc. would have changed the completion of this team. I think there were a lot of times that the offense couldn't stay on the field and it made life so much harder for the defense.

That said I appreciate Rosier and what he has been able to accomplish. Sometimes you need a bit of luck to get this far and its paying BIG dividends in recruiting to solve the above statement.
I was not wrong and your post proves it. We cannot out execute teams we need some deception just like every other team in CFB uses except us

I'm glad you posted this twice, so I could neg it twice.

Deception works against undisciplined defenses who fall for window dressing and fail to maintain gap integrity. This crap never works against a fundamentally sound defense. Look at Ga Tech as a prime example. Every play they have 4 guys running around in the backfield at the snap and they are a perennial 6 to 8 win team. It's the same reason those west coast Oregon and UCLA offenses can't win **** when the cross the Mississippi River where we still play defense.

What it boils down to is this; it doesn't matter what you do, it's how you do it. Execution is everything, and the only way to be successful is to consistently out execute the other team. There is no defense for a perfectly executed play. None. Mark Richt's offense has an answer for anything a defense tries to do, but it all boils down to being able to execute. If you can't execute a vanilla offense, how the **** is the solution to that to get more complex? Never mind that Mark Richt's offense is far from vanilla. It's actually very complex, and it requires a lot of knowledge of formations and defensive alignment in order to be run properly. What you've seen is a stripped down version of that offense due to personnel limitations.
It seems to me that most posters were not overly alarmed by Pitt and Clemson losses. Before these losses it appeared we were the real deal and headed for the 4 team playoff. Then the shock of losing to a bad Pitt game and crushed by Clemson. You can put most of the blame on Rosier and some injuries. I think these loses may reveal that we are years away from becoming the team we all want and expect. Depth still a problem and questionable coaching on both sides of ball is an occasional problem. I think this team is now in a funk and Wisconsin will beat us. If you check my earliest posts when I joined this forum I stated that our offense is at best average and it will be the weakest area of our team. I predicted a 3 loss season. Next year will be the year we find out if we headed for greatness or remain a 2-3 loss good team but not the great team we all are hoping for.

Good take. I, too, have questions about Miami's ' ego ' mindset entering the Orange Bowl game. dUh. I just hope the coaches and leaders get the team's MIND focused and all that. Because mighty Wisconsin is looking to put a beating on Miami. hUh.

Oh, and one more thing. Wisconsin's offensive line is STRONGER than Clemson's. Yikes. And Wisconsin has pretty darn good defense too. Ouch.
It is a trend, and it is one that will continue against Wisconsin, unless Rosier can hit downfield and soften the defense up a bit. Right now, no one respects his ability to make a play, so defenses will get right up in our face and take away any run game and any short passing game. It's the whole "we're playing in a phone booth" thing many other posters have mentioned. Right now, a defense has nothing to fear, so why not sell out on short passes and the run?

Wisconsin has a NASTY defense too!:hh9BEeLFGEOeZUWG.jp Ouch. And Cryst and his D coordinator will EXAMINE both the Pittsburgh and Clemson game films, and won't bother with any other film. hUh.
I posted this before the Clemson game and i will post it again.

We either change the offense or we lose. We cannot beat good teams without some deception as in motion,counters and different looks. We cannot "out execute" good teams often enough to score 20 points. On defense Virginia showed how to do it against us. Run on first and throw short passes to negate what used to be our pass rush. Sorry but we are a very mediocre Coastal team and quite boring to watch lately.

Change or lose

You were WRONG at that time..You are WRONG again. We had WRs running open vs every defense we faced and failed to be able to get them the ball. On the same looks if for the year our QB had a completion % of 60-65% we are probably 12-0.

Totally agree...better QB play and we roll Pitt and make the Clemson game a tough one (50/50).
It is a trend, and it is one that will continue against Wisconsin, unless Rosier can hit downfield and soften the defense up a bit. Right now, no one respects his ability to make a play, so defenses will get right up in our face and take away any run game and any short passing game. It's the whole "we're playing in a phone booth" thing many other posters have mentioned. Right now, a defense has nothing to fear, so why not sell out on short passes and the run?

Wisconsin has a NASTY defense too!:hh9BEeLFGEOeZUWG.jp Ouch. And Cryst and his D coordinator will EXAMINE both the Pittsburgh and Clemson game films, and won't bother with any other film. hUh.

I'd call the Wisky D sound, not nasty.
They play in, arguably, the worst division in CFB.

Nice call on their coaches watching the Pitt and Clemson game films. I wouldn't have thought of that one.
Mr Loose cannon.

It appears we don't agree

I will repeat and we will see who is correct.

If we don't change the offense we lose again. Bet you a dollar. I will gladly pay if I'm wrong