Virginia Tech Football MeltDown Thread..... Enjoy

Yes please by all means keep track of the devestating effects this will have on our program. By the end of the year I’m sure you’ll have plenty to point to.

I'm wondering why he is so angry about it. There is literally nothing we can do to change it.
Since when is posting thoughts on a message board that happen to diverge from your "wait until the sky falls on my ******* head before I react" way of thinking constitute tearing your hair?

You're freaking out over the devastating effects of VT's loss on our playoff hopes. Everyone else is looking at you and wondering if you're seeing a whole team of psychiatrists.
You're literally the only one arguing about how bad that loss is for us. Everyone else has seen a college football season before.

How about we trade places with Tennessee RN we’d all be on suicide watch. It could be that bad but it isn’t in fact the future is very bright.
There you go, can't stay on topic because you know you're getting shredded.

End of November: remind us how the VT-ODU game changed everything. simply a reminder that it didn't matter due to results. You know, the results provided by a Richt led offense and team.