Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

Definitely adds a new complication.

Wow, things just keep getting better and better in OSU land. Although at first I thought Urb was going to skate on this, the ditch is just getting bigger and bigger seemingly daily. Can't see how he survives at this point if things keep going this way.
FYI, this DOE investigation has nothing to do with Urben Maya, but it does foul up the environment around the process and just might make it a little more difficult for Maya to skate. If he does skate, then the DOE can use the skating as additional evidence of lack of compliance.
That **** reads like this..
You can't pick your clients **** out of a lineup? What say you?

**** no. And you can?

I only looked so I could see his wedding ring.

The mustache says otherwise.

I have less than NO sympathy for Ohio State, liar or Smith. But mcmurphy is a raging cvnt. Let's not forget he's the same pos who accused us of ducking Arkansas st & JUST ranked us 16th in his preseason AP ballot.
I hope I don’t sound stupid here but I have no idea what a spider enhancer is.

I thought I’d look it up but if @Cane Dynasty thinks it’s perverted, I’m gonna be honest, I’m afraid to look.

With my luck, I’ll drop dead from a ruptured aneurysm, and that shlt is going to be on my search list.

I don’t know what it is but that’s not the last memory I want my family to have of me if @Cane Dynasty thinks it’s perverted it’s got to be something really weird .
It’s obvious that Zach is some *** fckn pervert smh wtf the fact that Urban kept him around got me looking at him like what kind of *** undercover relationship did they really have
Hurricane Irma: Miami coaches slam critics questioning canceled game | Canes Watch

As SCarolina Ibis mentioned, McMurphy is not exactly a man of virtue himself. In the end, I hope it works out like this:

- Instead of firing Urban, O$Uck retains a hobled Head Coach, who is maybe one strike away from being gone. Sucknuts rejoice, until they realize in a couple of years just how their beloved Suckeyes are losing out on top recruits due to inevitable negative recruiting and (nowhere near as important to them) how much their Flagship state university is ridiculed by other sanctimonous university administrators for retaining him. No matter how high they set their admission ACT, their peer score will be hit in US News. NCAA? They don't care, Emmert always protects big state schools. In about three years, after the losses mount, and Urban complains about chest pains, they hire a new HC, with the co$t of buying Urban out still as substantial. New HC is three years behind and O$Uck "Nation" gets what they deserve.

- The media will howl at his retention, at least initiallly. Lets face it, most of the sanctimonous (yep, applies here as well) media types are mad because Urbie dared lie to THEM about Courtney Smith, not about her abuse itself. The one advantage O$Uck has is it's resident Rasputin at the four letter:

herby urban.jpg

Eventually, like it did with Felonies Smothered U, the NYT will stop publishing stories about O$Uck and the rest of the cabel will follow. We can only hope enough damage is done to these "fine examples of humanity" before the shouting stops:


- The real loser in this will be Brett McMurphy. I hope Stadium didn't pay him an Alexi Yashin/NY Islanders type of deal (okay, nobody is as dumb as Mike Milbury...NOBODY), but a "College Football Insider" who ticks off whole Coaching Staffs isn't long for that job. How many times can he write about UFelony and Texas before he gets fired? That might save him some teeth, because the next coach he ****es off might take some of them when they try to remove his **** 'stache with their fist. Guess the A State Athletic Department can hire him, AD Mohajir owes him a favor.
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