Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

In other words, it's "finished when the situation dies down enough where we don't have to fire him"

that lady heading the investigation is no joke. Former well-respected U.S. Attorney with no OSU ties. We'll see what she finds but you don't get someone like her to not find out what's going on. I suspect they want to let him go but need to find cause before potentially eating 38 mill.
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Good Lord...where were other coaches/Gene Smith AD when all of this was going on? Was he watching porno flicks in OSU offices too? Is the chick in the office the same one he took home with him one night (intoxicated) & told his wife he wanted her to spend the night? Real soap opera stuff here :zczkqmritjdsoaq.jpg: Gooooo Bucks
McMurphy just went all in. He doesn’t give a single ****. **** pix, blowies and *** toy receipts. Good Lord

Is what McMurphy doing legal? Obviously the text with the lawyer is interesting. I haven’t seen such vindictive reporting since Chuck Robinson tried to take us down with Nevin BS
McMurphy = pure assassin! Dude is out for blood.
Not sure McMurphy has dropped the big one just yet. If that dumb *** lawyer for Smith keeps agitating him he might get real ugly with them.

Control freak that Meyer is he knows way more than he would ever admit. Every thing that comes out just further shows what a lying lowlife he is and further tarnishes OSU as a school. Do not see how he can possibly survive.

I hope this is the case but I doubt
McMurphy wouldn’t have reported it by now. Would be a savage move if he saved some ammo for later.
that lady heading th

that lady heading the investigation is no joke. Former well-respected U.S. Attorney with no OSU ties. We'll see what she finds but you don't get someone like her to not find out what's going on. I suspect they want to let him go but need to find cause before potentially eating 38 mill.
curious. why would they have to eat $38MM. wouldn´t they have the right to fire him for cause?
These new revelations from McMurphy can definitely create more complications for OSU especially if the investigative team didn’t know this information prior to its release. The last thing they want is to pardon the Liar and then have a steady report of this stuff coming out.
I can’t lie.

Whatever happens, I am enjoying the fūck out of watching the self righteous Ohio State prick fans squirm to this whole thing.

You know they’re sweating whether Urban gets fired or not. They are shltting major bricks.

I just love watching them go through this shlt, with all their social media comments and anguish as they try to discredit McMurphy, showing their true colors.
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curious. why would they have to eat $38MM. wouldn´t they have the right to fire him for cause?

I think that’s the thing, they’re trying to get enough information to justify whatever decision they’re going to make, either way.

If they keep scumbag Urban, they could also sustain some other legal liability maybe from Courtney Smith or other parties, who knows? Remember now it’s alleged that an Ohio State staffer was having *** with Smith in the Ohio state Woody Hayes offices, who knows if that person could all of a sudden sue for sexual harassment. I mean anything is possible. A lot of this, is them trying to cover themselves legally

They already have enough to fire him for cause, in my opinion. But when you’re talking about $38 million you know that there’s going to be a tremendous amount of legal wrangling, so if they do make the decision let him go, they’ve got to have as much information as possible so that they can justify it, not just in the court of public opinion, but in a court of law if they are sued by scummy Urban.

Right now, I think it’s a real possibility that they fire him. There are a lot of people reviewing and discussing this, and I’m sure the opinions on what to do vary among them.
I have a hard time seeing Meyer surviving this fiasco. Some of this **** is downright disgusting, even by dirty, win at all costs college football standards.

OSU is a gigantic, obscenely large revenue producing machine. Imo their higher ups think they can win at the highest level, no matter who's coach.
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curious. why would they have to eat $38MM. wouldn´t they have the right to fire him for cause?

I suppose that's what the investigation is about; to find irrefutable cause.

At this stage i'm not certain what the facts are based on:

1. McMurphy's reporting.

2. Urban's statement at media days and then subsequent letter.

3. C. Smith's interview.

4. Z. Smith's interview.

5. Gene Smith's silence.

OSU's BOT and President need to know they're shielded from wrongful termination litigation if they cut him loose without proper cause, but I'd be surprised to see him stay if they find cause or not. I'd say it's either an outright firing or buyout at this stage and the investigation is there to determine what options the leadership has to remove The Meyer Family from campus.

Retaining Meyer has it's pros but, IMHO, it's not worth the negative attention that will enshroud the University for keeping him around.
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the new revelations regarding the *****/pics are not that germane, in my opinion. yes, they evidence how demented Smith is, but it does not seem to address whether Meyer should have fired Smith long ago and what Meyer did or did not do to cover up for Smith.

to fire Meyer, we need some tangible evidence that he knew about Smith's unlawful behavior and that he failed to report it, all in breach of his contract.

what has been surprising is that the lack of outrage from the #MeToo and feminist organizations. perhaps they are waiting, but that doesn't seem plausible because they should be outraged now and should pressure the Board to fire Meyer rather than react to what the Board might do next week.
I suppose that's what the investigation is about; to find irrefutable cause.

At this stage i'm not certain what the facts are based on:

1. McMurphy's reporting.

2. Urban's statement at media days and then subsequent letter.

3. C. Smith's interview.

4. Z. Smith's interview.

5. Gene Smith's silence.

OSU's BOT and President need to know they're shielded from wrongful termination litigation if they cut him loose without proper cause, but I'd be surprised to see him stay if they find cause or not. I'd say it's either an outright firing or buyout at this stage and the investigation is there to determine what options the leadership has to remove The Meyer Family from campus.

Keeping Meyer has it's pros but, IMHO, it's not worth the negative attention that will enshroud the University for keeping him around.

i think one big issue is that they seem to have Title IX issues for failing to report domestic violence. This could be a leverage point that needs to be PRESSED.
the new revelations regarding the *****/pics are not that germane, in my opinion. yes, they evidence how demented Smith is, but it does not seem to address whether Meyer should have fired Smith long ago and what Meyer did or did not do to cover up for Smith.

to fire Meyer, we need some tangible evidence that he knew about Smith's unlawful behavior and that he failed to report it, all in breach of his contract.

what has been surprising is that the lack of outrage from the #MeToo and feminist organizations. perhaps they are waiting, but that doesn't seem plausible because they should be outraged now and should pressure the Board to fire Meyer rather than react to what the Board might do next week.

The new information is extremely relevant if you’re making the case to fire him. It shows that he had lost supervisory control. that right there is a reason to fire him. You can’t have a boss not have control of his employees.

At the very minimum conducting private business using state funded public facilities. Right under his nose. At worst, he’s engaging in illicit and possibly coerced sexual behavior in state funded offices and using state funded facilities to further his activities. There’s plenty to chew on if you want cause for firing Urban with respect to what Smith was doing right under his nose.
i think one big issue is that they seem to have Title IX issues for failing to report domestic violence. This could be a leverage point that needs to be PRESSED.

yea, but on Gene Smith? Urban's wife? All the assistants? Who?

You can fire everyone and still have to pay Urban 38MM to void his contract if he reported the situation to G. Smith.

It's unclear because, according to Zach Smith, the police contacted Gene Smith in 2015; so where's the burden to report on Urban and what incident is he saying he passed up the chain?

There's a lot we don't know despite reports and I would suspect the same goes for the BOT and President.
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