Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

I agree with you, he was paid severance. But McMurphy is originally from Florida, which has a very dim view of non-competes (actually, most states do now). Florida likes to brag that it is a "right to work" state, and frequently limits or bars non-competes.

The only time Florida courts really uphold non-competes (on challenge) is if (a) there is a showing of some sort of monetary investment (i.e., when a local TV news stations buys a bunch of billboards to advertise its evening news anchor or weatherperson), or (b) when there is also an employment contract (i.e., unsually for business executives at a higher level).

I would be willing to bet that McMurphy is simply following the terms of his severance package, without having actually gone out and consulted with an attorney. His job is/was not so much like that of a local newspaper sports reporter, or an on-air personality. McMurphy largely wrote for the ESPN website and worked on his own, not at a desk in Bristol, CT 9-to-5.

He probably just didn't want to burn any bridges, which isn't a bad idea right now, as the media jobs collapse.


he's been throwing shade at espn so i don't think he cares about burning bridges. mcmurphy is a smart guy so i doubt that he didn't take challenging it into consideration either, but i don't think it's in anyone's best interest to try to out-lawyer disney unless they have a smoking gun, a body, 3 forms of identification, and a notarized letter from mickey mouse supporting their side.

edit: just saw your point about a contract. he was on a long-term contract with espn, which is why it caught him off guard when they laid him off.
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A bit self-centered are you? Nobody is trying to "discredit you". YOU came onto this thread, YOU asked questions, YOU got answers, then YOU continued to put forth your misguided opinions.

The only thing that anyone is trying to do is provide accurate information so that your inaccurate information does not stand unrebutted.

As for your ability to read and comprehend words, again, you fail. McMurphy does not say that it is his particular opinion that Urban Liar knew. Diagram the sentence:

1. Text Messages that I have obtained
2. An exclusive interview with the victim
3. Other information I have learned

THOSE THINGS "show" that Urban Liar knew. Not McMurphy's opinion, but the evidence he has uncovered. He never claims his own personal knowledge, just the evidence that has come into his possession from his investigation.

As to 1, Shelley Meyer's texts indicate that she discussed the issue with Urban. Thus, no false statement, no actual malice.

As to 2, Courtney Smith did give a SUBSEQUENT interview which backed off of the "Urban knew" theme. But based on what Courtney Smith said and indicated from the texts, McMurphy accurately reported what Courtney Smith told him. Again, no false statement, no actual malice.

As to 3, McMurphy did not go into all the detail, but he has hundreds of texts that he has not yet published.

Again, you are mistaken as to what constitutes a false statement and what constitutes actual malice.

McMurphy is 100% justified to say that the evidence he has reviewed SHOWS that Urban Liar knew. Maybe Urban Liar did know, maybe he did not know, but there is no way in **** that McMurphy would ever be proven to have made his report with actual knowledge that everything is false.

Just stop defending Urban Liar, and stop attacking McMurphy. Defamation law has been explained to you, and your opinions on how to interpret these things is just wrong. Move along.


Kids, if you need proof that anyone can get into law school, here it is.

I did not ask YOU anything. I responded to one person (who was not you) about his opinion. For the life of me, I have no idea how this is not registering in your brain.

You continue to use information that has been discovered SINCE I made that initial statement. OBVIOUSLY THIS IS NOT A DEFAMATION CASE BASED OFF WHAT WE'VE LEARNED. At the time before the interviews and before Meyer was suspended we were not sure if it was true. THAT WAS MY POINT. It was a very damning assertion at the time, and it turned out to be true after more information has been discovered. How I'm "defending" Urban Meyer in your eyes is another fascinating idea. But you're incredibly boring to talk to and I have no intention of pursuing any further dialogue with you.
I think most of us on this board would agree that UF, OSU and ND make up the Anti-Christ Triad of College Football. I despise all three and root against them anytime they play. That said, ND would not in a million years hire a guy with this much negative baggage. Not gonna happen. Not now. Not ever. LSU or any other SEC school (save for Vanderbilt) on the other hand...........................................................................

Yeah, 0% chance ND ever hires him. Less than that, really.
If he gets fired for this he prob won't work as a corch again at the NCAA lvl.

And it would be cosmic justice.

Could be all BS but this is allegedly the other side of the story.

False reporting a crime IS a crime. You don't call 911 66 times in 90 days without somebody being charged. ****, where I live, If your home alarm calls emergency services twice in 6 months for a false alarm you get a fine.

And either way, Urban Meyer and everyone else this is supposedly speaking for are duty bound under Title IX to report. It's not their job to determine if she is credible before reporting. If shes a drunken idiot constantly making shlt up, let the investigation run it's course.

For once, Cowherd was right. There simply is no win here in Urban not reporting this.
Attack the abuse victim, what could go wrong!?

Also, sure doesn't seem like Shelley Meyer believes in "this side of the story"
I agree. One text I did find odd was when Shelley asked why wont the police do anything. Didnt seem like a honest question seemed more like subtle way of saying if its true the police would have arrested him. Was odd to me.
If even 10% of that BS screenshot is true, why wouldn’t Meyer or the university push the COUPLE into counseling, before cutting him loose. It’s a half @ss excuse to defame the victim. I expected nothing less from Urban and OSU
suspended for the season

enrolls in some #metoo counseling, reinstated next season a reformed "man"
So in all the text messages that are allegedly in McMurphy’s possession none of them just happens to mention her being a drunk etc. etc.
Not one person she allegedly was sharing messages with happens to say “hey you should really get some help for yourself”?
However it turns out for Meyer, one thing for sure is that their bag game, if they have one, is going on hiatus.