Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

You guys are right. He was hired by Stadium back in April and will start in August. Story from Awful Announcing below...

Doesn't change the fact that no one working for a major media outlet with a stake in college football programming got this story. EDIT: And it doesn't change the fact that this was not exactly the case of the Loch Ness monster. All anyone had to do to get this story was to call Courtney Smith and start asking her questions. Why didn't any other "reporters" pick up the phone and call her?

Former ESPN reporter Brett McMurphy will reportedly join Stadium as college football insider

apparently she was very cautious to share the story in the first place and mcmurphy was very persistent. he also made it clear to her that he would not publish anything with a mysterious "unnamed source" that can lead to plausible deniability. he wanted an airtight report and it certainly looks to leave out much room for reasonable doubt.
It wasn't OK. But most people didn't do anything about it.

Once we had slavery. Then we got rid of slavery.

Times change.

Hence the reason we have Title IX in the first place. Lot's of stuff used to get swept under the rug under the guise of, "We conducted an internal investigation and found nothing..." Now you don't get to do that. You MUST report the allegation to Title IX. Not the findings of your internal investigation.

And the fact that Urban and Shelley counseled this same couple in 2009 for the same domestic abuse makes it impossible for any human being with a fully functioning brain to fathom that when she sent those pictures to Shelley and said, "He's doing this again," that she didn't immediately relay that information to Urban. She didn't say I might tell Urban, or maybe I'll tell Urban. Shelley Meyer looked at those pictures and said, "I HAVE to tell Urban about this."
there is no chain of command to follow with title ix violations for mandatory reporters. mandatory reports are required to report directly to the university title ix office in a timely manner (aka immediately). the reason i can say this definitively is because i've been a mandatory reporter at 3 different schools and the procedure is identical at each one. passing it up the chain of command can distort the incident or have it disappear altogether.

that makes sense and supports what I was saying in that she can't get away with "I said something to my husband about it" and leave it at that.
When you make seven million dollars a year as a public figure, representing one of the large powerhouse programs, you better cross your T's and dot your i's.

He had a standard to uphold in his duties as a employee of a major university, and failed to uphold them.

Whether you think it was his place or not to report the incident, he had a legal and contractual duty to act.

Personally, I think its disgusting that OSU fans are blaming the victim.

It's like the PSU fans ignoring Paterno and Sandusky, and blaming Mike McQuery.
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It amazes me that Courtney Smith's parents talked her out of having him arrested, because it would cut off her finances. IMHO, they are total SCUMBAGS. My father would have ended up in prison for murder.
Whats the problem?

I think it's bull**** that Urban Meyer is being punished because another man beat his own wife.

Tons of guys I work with probably beat their wives.

I'm not going to do anything about it.

You're not even trying to disguise your assholery, huh?
It just makes the brain hurt to read your postings. Can't you be content to read the perfectly well-written explanations you have been provided, and then move on?

You are confusing simple things.

There is no such thing as "malicious intent". You have invented a concept that does not exist. According to you, Reporter 1 can write a story, Story Subject 2 can call it false, and then any further reporting by Reporter 1 is "malicious intent" and "an obvious retribution attempt".

No. Not how it works.

As described multiple times above, "actual malice" is a term that refers to a situation when a reporter has knowledge that the accusation is false (or recklessly disregards the knowledge that the accusation is false), and then prints it anyway. It does not refer to "state of mind". For instance, reporters for the National Enquirer may print falsehoods with no "malicious intent", they may actually like the subject of the article, but are merely trying to "sell more newspapers". Lawyers do not have to examine the true feelings of a reporter, though, they simply have to find evidence that the reporter knew the report was false and printed it anyway.

Furthermore, a reporter can continue to report on a story, even if the subject issues a denial. If your theory of "malicious intent" were to somehow be a thing, every subject of every report ever could preemptively deny any negative reports about themselves, and thus convert any future reporting into "malicious intent" and "an obvious retribution attempt".

Finally, McMurphy never "straight out" said "Meyer knew". He published texts from Shelley Meyers that said that she would,and/or had, discussed the issue with Urban Meyer.

Just read the prior postings, accept the knowledge of those who understand the law, and stop injecting your own misguided opinions into the mix. Urban Liar does not have, and will never have, a provable defamation case against McMurphy.

Unless, of course, you believe that McMurphy wrote himself an e-mail saying that he knew the story was false, but was going to print it anyhow (it is a self-published article, thus he did not have to correspond with his editor at a newspaper or TV outlet).


Please stop interjecting yourself. Your attempt to discredit me is mind boggling and shows a real inferiority complex you must have. The fact that you consistently are trying to **** measure during this conversation is telling for how inferior your must feel to everyone. Go see a therapist. I'm having a conversation with someone and if you want to take my responses to him using his words as my "theory", you further cement yourself as the douchebag you've already portrayed yourself to be. I never said that he does have a defamation case, I was saying one of two things would happen at that time, based on what we knew. God talk about making your head hurt.

And for good measure -- the tweet where McMurphy straight out said Meyer knew. Now please shut your mouth and let the adults speak. Go count your 99k somewhere else.

I don't understand why you guys are all up in arms.

I don't think it's anybodies business in the workplace when it comes to domestic issues.

Quite frankly, I'd rather see Urban in the Big 10 than anywhere else so I'm more than happy with him staying there.
LMAO bro. I was just scrolling through my notifications and saw that Tetratard and his ***aloon friend Dohrman, as expected, down voted the comments. I was about to tag you and post basically what you just said, but then I saw you commented and before I even read it I knew what it was going to be about.
I mean dude what’re you going to do it’s the Internet he probably touches himself with each downvote m ... but crazy thing is I don’t know if the guy is actually a Miami fan or a troll at this point .. some other guys are whack af on here trying to defend Meyer too which is wild
I mean dude what’re you going to do it’s the Internet he probably touches himself with each downvote m ... but crazy thing is I don’t know if the guy is actually a Miami fan or a troll at this point .. some other guys are whack af on here trying to defend Meyer too which is wild

LOL its the only way he can get off. There is no chance he has a girl. I can't figure it out either. I agree though. The Meyer defenders are some of the worst posters on the site.
My thought exactly. Let's just hope the reporters do their job. Not holding my breath.

Anyone else notice and find it funny that it took a guy that no major media outlet would hire to break this story on his facebook page? ESPN doesn't want OSU to lose Meyer any more than than $uckeye fans do. Scandal and major State run, blue blood programs not being in playoff contention isn't good for business. Sure, they may get a little ratings bump right now while the scandal is going on, but when it's Washington in the playoff hunt instead of O$U, those network executives will all be grinding their **** teeth.
Unless people start saying fuq it and switching over to fox which pretty much does the same thing as espn lol same type of show with annoying *** personalities. Just report the news and stfu i hate when people do the **** for fame and followers
mcmurphy probably has a non-compete with espn as part of his layoff. he's too good of a reporter to be freelance.

He does have a non-compete, which is about to run out, he is joining a website soon.

What is weird is how a network can enforce a non-compete when (a) ESPN laid him off, and (b) ESPN never put him on TV that much, he mostly wrote for the website.

He does have a non-compete, which is about to run out, he is joining a website soon.

What is weird is how a network can enforce a non-compete when (a) ESPN laid him off, and (b) ESPN never put him on TV that much, he mostly wrote for the website.

espn is currently paying him severance. he talked about it on a podcast. it actually makes him talking with svp even funnier because they're paying a guy that they laid off to talk about a story that could have been theirs.
Please stop interjecting yourself. Your attempt to discredit me is mind boggling and shows a real inferiority complex you must have. The fact that you consistently are trying to **** measure during this conversation is telling for how inferior your must feel to everyone. Go see a therapist. I'm having a conversation with someone and if you want to take my responses to him using his words as my "theory", you further cement yourself as the douchebag you've already portrayed yourself to be. I never said that he does have a defamation case, I was saying one of two things would happen at that time, based on what we knew. God talk about making your head hurt.

And for good measure -- the tweet where McMurphy straight out said Meyer knew. Now please shut your mouth and let the adults speak. Go count your 99k somewhere else.

A bit self-centered are you? Nobody is trying to "discredit you". YOU came onto this thread, YOU asked questions, YOU got answers, then YOU continued to put forth your misguided opinions.

The only thing that anyone is trying to do is provide accurate information so that your inaccurate information does not stand unrebutted.

As for your ability to read and comprehend words, again, you fail. McMurphy does not say that it is his particular opinion that Urban Liar knew. Diagram the sentence:

1. Text Messages that I have obtained
2. An exclusive interview with the victim
3. Other information I have learned

THOSE THINGS "show" that Urban Liar knew. Not McMurphy's opinion, but the evidence he has uncovered. He never claims his own personal knowledge, just the evidence that has come into his possession from his investigation.

As to 1, Shelley Meyer's texts indicate that she discussed the issue with Urban. Thus, no false statement, no actual malice.

As to 2, Courtney Smith did give a SUBSEQUENT interview which backed off of the "Urban knew" theme. But based on what Courtney Smith said and indicated from the texts, McMurphy accurately reported what Courtney Smith told him. Again, no false statement, no actual malice.

As to 3, McMurphy did not go into all the detail, but he has hundreds of texts that he has not yet published.

Again, you are mistaken as to what constitutes a false statement and what constitutes actual malice.

McMurphy is 100% justified to say that the evidence he has reviewed SHOWS that Urban Liar knew. Maybe Urban Liar did know, maybe he did not know, but there is no way in **** that McMurphy would ever be proven to have made his report with actual knowledge that everything is false.

Just stop defending Urban Liar, and stop attacking McMurphy. Defamation law has been explained to you, and your opinions on how to interpret these things is just wrong. Move along.

espn is currently paying him severance. he talked about it on a podcast. it actually makes him talking with svp even funnier because they're paying a guy that they laid off to talk about a story that could have been theirs.

I agree with you, he was paid severance. But McMurphy is originally from Florida, which has a very dim view of non-competes (actually, most states do now). Florida likes to brag that it is a "right to work" state, and frequently limits or bars non-competes.

The only time Florida courts really uphold non-competes (on challenge) is if (a) there is a showing of some sort of monetary investment (i.e., when a local TV news stations buys a bunch of billboards to advertise its evening news anchor or weatherperson), or (b) when there is also an employment contract (i.e., unsually for business executives at a higher level).

I would be willing to bet that McMurphy is simply following the terms of his severance package, without having actually gone out and consulted with an attorney. His job is/was not so much like that of a local newspaper sports reporter, or an on-air personality. McMurphy largely wrote for the ESPN website and worked on his own, not at a desk in Bristol, CT 9-to-5.

He probably just didn't want to burn any bridges, which isn't a bad idea right now, as the media jobs collapse.
