Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

Title IX covers the behavior of employees and students of a university, but the victims do not have to be limited as such.

On top of that, the violation under Title IX is not the sexual assault or domestic violence itself (that is for the legal system to deal with), Title IX covers the failure to deal with the allegations (or even the outright coverup of allegations).

And on top of that it’s also specifically in his contract...

New paragraph 4.1 (e) of Meyer's extension reads:
Coach shall promptly report to Ohio State's Title IX Athletics any known violations of Ohio State's Sexual Misconduct Policy (including, but not limited to, sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, intimate violence and stalking) that involve any student, faculty or staff or that is in connection with a university sponsored activity or event. ... For purposes of this Section 4.1 (e), a "known violation" shall mean a violation or allegation of a violation of Title IX that Coach is aware of or has reasonable cause is taking place or may have taken place.
I hope I'm wrong but I don't think Ohio State fires Meyer unless old video surfaces showing him whacking dudes with Aaron Hernandez.
I hope I'm wrong but I don't think Ohio State fires Meyer unless old video surfaces showing him whacking dudes with Aaron Hernandez.
I think it’s pretty damning at this point but man I really don’t understand how anything works in the NCAA anymore Jim tressel gets fired for a tattoo thing and unc some how comes unscathed with the academic scandal ... I just don’t what to think of the ncaa anymore man ... I feel bad for the dude that broke this news I’m sure he’s getting death threats I’m still seeing Ohio state fans trying to justify this it’s so sick
I think it’s pretty damning at this point but man I really don’t understand how anything works in the NCAA anymore Jim tressel gets fired for a tattoo thing and unc some how comes unscathed with the academic scandal ... I just don’t what to think of the ncaa anymore man ... I feel bad for the dude that broke this news I’m sure he’s getting death threats I’m still seeing Ohio state fans trying to justify this it’s so sick

This might be the only good thing to come out of the #MeToo movement. If OSU doesn't fire him, the feminazis campaign of harassment and protests will not cease until every single administrator wants to eat his gun.
Shows where OSU fans hearts are.

Dude ran an asylum at UF and when it started to spiral out of control, he had a “heart attack.” Dude is a creep
As society has evolved, Urban Meyer hasn't

And suddenly the media only now realizes that he is a scumbag. Funny how that works. 30+ players with rap sheets and yet he's the darling of college football. Few years back his players could threaten women with impunity. Now it's going to get him fired. My my, how the worm turns.
I guess I'm the only one that feels it's not Urban's job to go report his friend's drama to the police. People fight and get back together everyday B.
I guess I'm the only one that feels it's not Urban's job to go report his friend's drama to the police. People fight and get back together everyday B.

Not for a high profile coach of a major P5 college football team representing a large public institution.

You can turn away but he can’t. Period.
Not for a high profile coach of a major P5 college football team representing a large public institution.

You can turn away but he can’t. Period.

The news is reporting that the victim called the police 9 times.. I imagine a whole gang of people knew about it but I guess I understand.
The news is reporting that the victim called the police 9 times.. I imagine a whole gang of people knew about it but I guess I understand.

Oh, don’t get me wrong. The wrongdoing and coverup goes way beyond Urban Liar. It wasn’t just him. But he’s got to be held accountable for once.
I guess I'm the only one that feels it's not Urban's job to go report his friend's drama to the police. People fight and get back together everyday B.

Legally, I don’t know I’m not a lawyer.

But Urban is the highest paid state employee, supposed to be a leader in the community, supposed to be a good moral example for the young men he coaches, and most of all, not be a women beating enabler. He has failed himself (not that he cares), his team, the school, and the state. He should be fired.
Legally, I don’t know I’m not a lawyer.

But Urban is the highest paid state employee, supposed to be a leader in the community, supposed to be a good moral example for the young men he coaches, and most of all, not be a women beating enabler. He has failed himself (not that he cares), his team, the school, and the state. He should be fired.

It looks like the school has a policy that such things must be reported so they will likely fire him.

Generally, I don't like the idea of social media opinion jeopardizing people's livelihood. That said, when it comes to Urban Meyer, if he dies he dies.
Craziest part of this is that they didn't bump Greg Schiano to Interim Head Coach. I mean he was one of our coaching candidates and he was very close to taking the Tennessee job. I guess OSU knows that the guy really would be a terrible head coach.
Just no. Schiano took the job at Tennessee but fan backlash ran him off. OSU isn't going to weather a wrestling coach boy toucher and a title IX issue with a guy who may have know what Sandusky was doing at Penn State and didn't report it. That would just make the media nightmare even worse.
I’m warning you people: this is how this wretched excuse for a human being will end up at Notre Dame or, worse yet, Tallahassee.
Notre Dame makes sense.

I was thinking LSU because SEC, they won't stick with Orgeron for too much longer, and they want someone who is proven against Saban.

F$U I don't think makes much sense but you never know.