UPDATE: STILL MY OPINION: Hurts decision expected tomorrow/martell by Tuesday

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I have no hate for the OP. He's a blowhard, and a littley douchey; but he's our douchey blowhard! If you dont like him, dont read him!
Personally think OP is awesome and appreciate the info. A lot of people who start rumors on boards like this run away the first chance they get. He's stood his ground.

When the **** hit the fan for Stefan he was nowhere to be found. OP is standing by his word the entire way. Props.
They did. The concept was great, but the actual execution/design of the license plate was trash,at least I thought so.

Anyway, we ****** or nah?
I hope so... I'd just like to see one of these QB's come our way and the rest of our staff named so we can move forward. We've suffered long enough.
I live here and unfortunately, that hideous state flag is part of my license plate.
Sorry about you living in a garbage state.
Vaca'd @ Delaware bay last fall and forgot to unload my sidearm, separate the ammo, lock it in the trunk and say 10 hail Mary's to Diane Feinstein. My ******** was puckered for those 25 miles...
Sorry about you living in a garbage state.
Vaca'd @ Delaware bay last fall and forgot to unload my sidearm, separate the ammo, lock it in the trunk and say 10 hail Mary's to Diane Feinstein. My ******** was puckered for those 25 miles...
I'm not sure i understand wtf is going on in this post but you seem like a man of conviction so I'll roll with it - but 10 hail Mary's and a Feinstein??? This state taxes the fûck out of us but they have medical marijuana so God bless them. There are nice parts and not nice parts. College Park is "a real shîthole" to quote the apartment building manager in Coming to America.

Edit: on second thought...

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