Update on BOT / AG info from TG on CS

If the Miami administration had actual evidence that supported Shapiros claims then you might be right.

Shapiros allegations would be considered "disputed facts".

Not to mention they were public knowledge.

Disputed or not, if it meant that an NCAA investigation was on the way, he'd have a right to know about it. Whether it was public knowledge at the time Al signed his contract, I don't know. I just remember the narrative at the time being that Al was blindsided by this, and what a good soldier he was for sticking with us. Which, btw, would also support the notion that he was well within his rights to walk away from the program at that point. I'm sure a lot of us wish he had, in hindsight.

Where'd you get that "narrative"? That's right. Slimy *** Folden perpetuated it. You never actually heard anyone admit to anything. All you heard was internet scuttlebutt started by Folden's camp to make him look good.
Im sure golden thinks a statue should be erected in his honor for guiding us through the cloud.