University Financing - If you want to educate yourself

Both of these things sound right, with the exceptions being possibly Oxford and Cambridge. Miami's at $1.1B sounds about right, which is pretty darn good considering it was shy of $700M about 15 years ago.

I'm a finance geek...looked it up...

Oxford and Cambridge ($ adjusted) come in at $6.7B and $5.5B respectively.

Much lower than I would have guessed.
I'm a finance geek...looked it up...

Oxford and Cambridge ($ adjusted) come in at $6.7B and $5.5B respectively.

Much lower than I would have guessed.

I'm SHOCKED by that. But also anticipate it mostly amounts to a cultural difference? China, for example, has effectively zero philanthropic culture save for the few truly elite. I'm not saying it for a fact, but my impression is the same for South American/Caribbean culture, which is a large donor base of The U.

Effectively, another handicap for the program.
I'm SHOCKED by that. But also anticipate it mostly amounts to a cultural difference? China, for example, has effectively zero philanthropic culture save for the few truly elite. I'm not saying it for a fact, but my impression is the same for South American/Caribbean culture, which is a large donor base of The U.

Effectively, another handicap for the program.

Its a numvers game for sure. Bama has grown their freshman class (and future fan/donor base) to almoat 8000 students this year.

Miami has, what, maybe 12000 TOTAL counting grd schools?

Getting tougher and tougher. I'm in favor of a "spending cap" on D1P5 programs (with COLA of course). College football is much more interesting with parity rather than a few hegemonic super teams that seem to be emerging.
I'm going to tell you this right now. This discussion is going to turn out with you looking like a fool. Just let it go.

Bro.... I have an MBA from an Ivy league school. You have a picture of yourself in a Starter jacket straight outta 1994. I think I’m good.

Yes, land is more expensive in Miami than in Minnesota, on average. So what?

Land is not the biggest expense in constructing a stadium. And even if it were, most universities do hold land.

But let’s assume UM doesn’t own any more land for future development or other reasons. There is plenty that can be purchased or even gifted to us.

You can say that it’s prohibitively expensive, yet somehow new buildings manage to come up in Miami every single year - so clearly it is not impossible to acquire land and develop property in Dade County.

The city of New York tried to persuade the Giants to move back in to the city. They had development sites lined up. So you’re telling me New York City has space for a stadium, but the great cosmopolitan mecca of Miami doesn’t? Come on, now.

The only thing stopping UM from building a stadium is potentially the terms of our lease with Dolphins Stadium, and an administration that doesn’t give a **** about football.

To say that it’s impossible is totally false. It’s only unlikely because our admin doesn’t have the will to do it.

It would be a large undertaking involving a lot of lobbying for government contributions and corporate sponsorships. A project that would be totally out of the league of a lightweight like Blake James. That’s the real reason we won’t get a stadium.
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Both of these things sound right, with the exceptions being possibly Oxford and Cambridge. Miami's at $1.1B sounds about right, which is pretty darn good considering it was shy of $700M about 15 years ago.

Even without generating one dollar in additional donations, going from $700MM to $1.1B in 15 years, do you know the return? You think that is good?

But then keep in mind we did generate additional donations.

Also, there are a bunch of issues with your OP and porsts throughout this thread but what is the point? I can see the bias.
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Bro.... I have an MBA from an Ivy league school. You have a picture of yourself in a Starter jacket straight outta 1994. I think I’m good.

Yes, land is more expensive in Miami than in Minnesota, on average. So what?

Land is not the biggest expense in constructing a stadium. And even if it were, most universities do hold land.

But let’s assume UM doesn’t own any more land for future development or other reasons. There is plenty that can be purchased or even gifted to us.

You can say that it’s prohibitively expensive, yet somehow new buildings manage to come up in Miami every single year - so clearly it is not impossible to acquire land and develop property in Dade County.

The city of New York tried to persuade the Giants to move back in to the city. They had development sites lined up. So you’re telling me New York City has space for a stadium, but the great cosmopolitan mecca of Miami doesn’t? Come on, now.

The only thing stopping UM from building a stadium is potentially the terms of our lease with Dolphins Stadium, and an administration that doesn’t give a **** about football.

To say that it’s impossible is totally false. It’s only unlikely because our admin doesn’t have the will to do it.

It would be a large undertaking involving a lot of lobbying for government contributions and corporate sponsorships. A project that would be totally out of the league of a lightweight like Blake James. That’s the real reason we won’t get a stadium.

By the way, Miami owned the land off campus by the old zoo to build a stadium, but our decsion makers had no interest in actually going out in doing real findings, dd etc. Our decision makers have no plan or care to accomplish this task. There is no vision, no plan. Our decision makers prefer apathy and self-inflicted cancer when it comes to athletics.

As for Blake James, he needed 5 years to graduate from Minnesota State Mankato. He is a puppet who is incompetent, illogical and a dipchit who fell a$sbackkwards into the gig in the first place. He isn’t doing anything like that (i.e. plan for a stadium).

I wish Dapper still posted on this site.
Bro.... I have an MBA from an Ivy league school. You have a picture of yourself in a Starter jacket straight outta 1994. I think I’m good.

Yes, land is more expensive in Miami than in Minnesota, on average. So what?

Land is not the biggest expense in constructing a stadium. And even if it were, most universities do hold land.

But let’s assume UM doesn’t own any more land for future development or other reasons. There is plenty that can be purchased or even gifted to us.

You can say that it’s prohibitively expensive, yet somehow new buildings manage to come up in Miami every single year - so clearly it is not impossible to acquire land and develop property in Dade County.

The city of New York tried to persuade the Giants to move back in to the city. They had development sites lined up. So you’re telling me New York City has space for a stadium, but the great cosmopolitan mecca of Miami doesn’t? Come on, now.

The only thing stopping UM from building a stadium is potentially the terms of our lease with Dolphins Stadium, and an administration that doesn’t give a **** about football.

To say that it’s impossible is totally false. It’s only unlikely because our admin doesn’t have the will to do it.

It would be a large undertaking involving a lot of lobbying for government contributions and corporate sponsorships. A project that would be totally out of the league of a lightweight like Blake James. That’s the real reason we won’t get a stadium.

There is no land on or near enough to campus large enough to house a football stadium and it's necessary parking to justify it's construction.

Additionally, there is less than zero chance that even if there were the city of Coral Gables or any nearby residenitally dominated neighborhood allowing the zoning for that kind of structure to be built. ****, it took Lourdes all girl Catholic school more than 10 years of haggling for residents to allow them to build a small gym on their property and any small private school elooking to increase enrollment limits by 2-300 kids gets smashed by locals.

An on or near campus stadiidum anywhere near campus that's actually owned by the school is a pipe dream that will never happen.
Btw, the largest university endowments are Harvard and Yale. I believe Harvard's was approaching $40 billion.

They have so much money there is talk of free tuition for any student who's parents make below a certain figure. No loans or grants required.
Bro.... I have an MBA from an Ivy league school. You have a picture of yourself in a Starter jacket straight outta 1994. I think I’m good.

Yes, land is more expensive in Miami than in Minnesota, on average. So what?

Land is not the biggest expense in constructing a stadium. And even if it were, most universities do hold land.

But let’s assume UM doesn’t own any more land for future development or other reasons. There is plenty that can be purchased or even gifted to us.

You can say that it’s prohibitively expensive, yet somehow new buildings manage to come up in Miami every single year - so clearly it is not impossible to acquire land and develop property in Dade County.

The city of New York tried to persuade the Giants to move back in to the city. They had development sites lined up. So you’re telling me New York City has space for a stadium, but the great cosmopolitan mecca of Miami doesn’t? Come on, now.

The only thing stopping UM from building a stadium is potentially the terms of our lease with Dolphins Stadium, and an administration that doesn’t give a **** about football.

To say that it’s impossible is totally false. It’s only unlikely because our admin doesn’t have the will to do it.

It would be a large undertaking involving a lot of lobbying for government contributions and corporate sponsorships. A project that would be totally out of the league of a lightweight like Blake James. That’s the real reason we won’t get a stadium.

You are wrong/distorted on essentially every point/comparison you make above. Look no further than Beckham's journey for Inter Miami--and he has the Mas' as direct business partners.

Miami simply doesn't have that kinda scratch or political horsepower to make it happen in Dade.

Here's an article showing estimated expenses by school. Most ACC Schools reported about $11-$14 million in expenses with another showing ACC schools receiving $27 million each. And that's before the launch of the ACC Network.

Revenues have really exploded in that sport in the last decade or so.
This all brings a tear to my eye, go.

So proud.

There is no land on or near enough to campus large enough to house a football stadium and it's necessary parking to justify it's construction.

Additionally, there is less than zero chance that even if there were the city of Coral Gables or any nearby residenitally dominated neighborhood allowing the zoning for that kind of structure to be built. ****, it took Lourdes all girl Catholic school more than 10 years of haggling for residents to allow them to build a small gym on their property and any small private school elooking to increase enrollment limits by 2-300 kids gets smashed by locals.

An on or near campus stadiidum anywhere near campus that's actually owned by the school is a pipe dream that will never happen.

Who said it had to be on campus? Was the Orange Bowl on campus?

There is plenty of land in Miami Dade. The Beckham group identified nearly a dozen sites, including the site of the old orange bowl.

But even if they wanted to build it on campus, they probably could. Did Coral Gables stop them from building the indoor practice field? No, because the school is a huge power player and they would have fought the city over it.

When you have power and money, then things that seem impossible become possible. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.
You are wrong/distorted on essentially every point/comparison you make above. Look no further than Beckham's journey for Inter Miami--and he has the Mas' as direct business partners.

Miami simply doesn't have that kinda scratch or political horsepower to make it happen in Dade.

You are wrong/distorted on essentially every point/comparison you make above. Look no further than Beckham's journey for Inter Miami--and he has the Mas' as direct business partners.

Miami simply doesn't have that kinda scratch or political horsepower to make it happen in Dade.

You are wrong/distorted on essentially every point/comparison you make above. Look no further than Beckham's journey for Inter Miami--and he has the Mas' as direct business partners.

Miami simply doesn't have that kinda scratch or political horsepower to make it happen in Dade.


Didn’t they offer Beckham the orange bowl site?

And now they’re building by the airport.

So I don’t really see your point.
But even if they wanted to build it on campus, they probably could. Did Coral Gables stop them from building the indoor practice field? No, because the school is a huge power player and they would have fought the city over it.

This is when you outed yourself as a fraud. Does the indoor practice field require parking for 60,000 fans? Think before you post.