UNC - It will be ugly

Lol at Matt Brown!
My "voice to text" caused the Matt Brown situation. My bad..

I drafted this thread prior to me eating dinner and thought that I pressed "post". After dinner, I recognized that I never posted it, so I pressed post. Apparently a lot has changed in the past two hours.

Its a f'uck up on my part. My bad fam.
**** happens reg. Your dream may still come to fruition. I sure hope so!
Matt Brown has one foot in the grave.

He should go back to being a drooling analyst on ESPN and be bookends with Lee “CVA” Corso
For our hopes, let’s pray that Fedora doesn’t give 2 shakes of his manhood at the Temple job. As to the Ok St OC, I agree with a previous poster - which would you rather take on given the statistics; us at the bottom of CFB, or the Cowboys who finished @10th in total offense? Ours would be so much easier to improve upon versus maintaining what Ok St did this past season. I think Fedora is intrigued with what his offense would look like with So FL speed.
I hope we run up the score on all our opponents. Hope we somehow get another crack at Wisconsin and beat them 100-0, those @#$@ers with their last-minute score (though I'm glad they did it, helped Richt finally confront his failures). ... But I'll happily take a 1-point win over UNC and "Matt" Brown if we can beat the Gators to start the season.
I didn't know UNC fired Mack Brown to hire this Matt you speak of. LOL But I do think he will struggle at UNC as he is way past his prime. Hiring 65-70 year old coaches is so **** stupid. Why hiring Butch was a silly thought no one actually took seriously . Butch was amazing when he was 45-50 years old. So was Mack Brown. Things change and rarely do old dudes keep up. Only rare elite ones like Coach K in basketball ( though I hate that rat faced *******)

I do think Marco diaz and Larod Fedora will have something for this Matt Brown you speak of though . :wink-new:

Nick Saben is 67
I know, I know. I should just wait until Miami at least make an official announcement before I continue to get ahead of myself. I know! I get it! But, f'uck it!

We are going to absolutely destroy North Carolina next year. We should every year, because it's North Carolina. However, next year, I am talking biblical plague level destruction. Here me out. It just dawned on me that there is a movie script type of connection with Fedora linking up with Diaz, as it relates to the UNC game.

Matt Brown is the new coach at UNC. The same Matt Brown, that fired Diaz at Texas to save his own ***. Diaz has stated in the past that he felt like he was thrown under the bus regarding that situation. Revenge will be sweet!

Fedora, obviously was just fired by UNC. This ma****er do not need any extra motivation to run up the score, because he just does not give a f'uck!
The fact that UNC has provided him with plenty, is a scary thought. Fedora's crazy *** is the type that will make his kid fill up on eggs, chicken, and almonds, and then turn around and eat his kid, for his daily protein intake.

For the record, Fedora deserved to get fired, logically speaking. Here's the thing. Savages don't understand logic. Savages understand savage!

Diaz and that crazy sombitch Fedora, is going to force Matt Brown into early retirement after they break one off in him next year!
I am sure they are scared of the coach they **** canned.
I know, I know. I should just wait until Miami at least make an official announcement before I continue to get ahead of myself. I know! I get it! But, f'uck it!

We are going to absolutely destroy North Carolina next year. We should every year, because it's North Carolina. However, next year, I am talking biblical plague level destruction. Here me out. It just dawned on me that there is a movie script type of connection with Fedora linking up with Diaz, as it relates to the UNC game.

Matt Brown is the new coach at UNC. The same Matt Brown, that fired Diaz at Texas to save his own ***. Diaz has stated in the past that he felt like he was thrown under the bus regarding that situation. Revenge will be sweet!

Fedora, obviously was just fired by UNC. This ma****er do not need any extra motivation to run up the score, because he just does not give a f'uck!
The fact that UNC has provided him with plenty, is a scary thought. Fedora's crazy *** is the type that will make his kid fill up on eggs, chicken, and almonds, and then turn around and eat his kid, for his daily protein intake.

For the record, Fedora deserved to get fired, logically speaking. Here's the thing. Savages don't understand logic. Savages understand savage!

Diaz and that crazy sombitch Fedora, is going to force Matt Brown into early retirement after they break one off in him next year!

You may be onto something. Everyone is concerned about OSU and Temple but Manny may just be selling him on this very thing. “Sure Lawrence, you can go be a HC at Temple or you can try to relive your former glories in Stillwater, but would either of those jobs provide you with the opportunity to Skull Fvck UNC the next 3-4 years???”

Probably already sent him this T-Shirt via PrimeNow