UGA Rivals editor says Vandy players in revolt and opting out

Also, I'm about 87% positive that her "squib kick" was negotiated so that there wouldn't be an actual live kick return, thus keeping her out of harms way and saving her (and Vandy) from further embarrassment.

Can you imagine the backlash if you let a girl kick the ball off and it was taken back for a TD and/or she got blasted during the return. Their whole PC stunt would've backfired.

Makes this whole thing even more pathetic.

You're right. The entire southeast United States would have been overwhelmed with riots because a female football player got blocked by a male player.

Bedlam. Insanity. Civil war. It would have been horrible.
But I already explained why it's bad.

1. You USED a young lady for a pandering/publicity stunt
2. You GAVE this young lady a spot that she didn't earn
3. You then painted a false narrative of her being a ground-breaking hero

Do I have to explain why those are bad things?
They did those things, but I understand your point.

If 1-3 are all true, then we’re back to this being more than just a harmless publicity stunt. There must’ve been some kind of ulterior motives, being pushed by X, in order for this grand scheme to be put in place. Too many coincidences for it to just be happenstance. There’s no way that an out the door coach, of a nowhere team, with a depleted roster (and student body) because of a global pandemic, just said ***k it.
I’ve been around football my entire life, It was common sense. But common sense is dying by the day. People don’t want that or facts anymore. “ We just need to feel good about ourselves and live in never never land”.
South Park had an episode on this years ago with reality. It's sad how accurate that show is.
It’s not free. Not that hard to comprehend.

For the record, on a need-basis, Vanderbilt provides nearly all of the financial aid funding for students.

So it's virtually free to most of its students.

But I need to verify if my academic scholarship to Miami is a bad thing. Because it was a free handout. After all, I didn't have to play for the football team.
@Cribby out here throwing truff bombs at the lamen. @Cribby they are not smart enough to understand your comments. most of them have never played more than co-ed flag football

better be careful, @Andrew gonna slow your page response time on your login.
For the record, on a need-basis, Vanderbilt provides nearly all of the financial aid funding for students.

So it's virtually free to most of its students.

But I need to verify if my academic scholarship to Miami is a bad thing. Because it was a free handout. After all, I didn't have to play for the football team.
Fair enough.

But, is a need-based academic scholarship “worth” the same as a football players athletic scholarship? My academic scholarship did not come commensurate with a training table, tutors, nutritionists, a professional weight training coach, the best dorms on campus, a slide (at Clemson). I did get a stipend for books though. And, get this, I was “allowed” to work a minimum wage job in order to have a couple bucks.

So, who knows?
I blame Rick Moranis! Letting that that Becky o'shea suit up for the most prestigious Giants!
Blame the pin headed kid that drew up the annexation of Puerto Rico. Without that play, the big bad tough guys would’ve won the game and everything would be right with the world. I doubt 9/11 even happens.

- Ryley Guay is going through the NCAA clearinghouse and Covid testing to play per coach Fitch. He is the grad student who was the starting kicker the last two seasons for Vandy. He is on campus and said he reached out last week but coaches did not respond
Blame the pin headed kid that drew up the annexation of Puerto Rico. Without that play, the big bad tough guys would’ve won the game and everything would be right with the world. I doubt 9/11 even happens.

Rivera actually ran that play on turkey day.
Did the chick miss 17 kicks in the game? Is that why they lost 49-0? If she made all 17 kicks they will have won.

I know one thing for sure: if the immortal Alex Massad had played, they would have beaten Missouri.
My friend just sent me this screenshot and i laughed haha. I’m Alex massad
1) why?

2) okay, she didn’t (you know this, how?). Maybe some other girl will.

I guess hypothetical girl X should just work harder to become a better kicker. But I can see how the goal posts will always be moved. The female Morten Andersen will miss a kick in an afc championship game in swirling winds at Heinz field, and we’ll hear all these arguments again.
1. Every human has limits to what they can do. I don’t have the brain capacity to learn what I need to learn to cure cancer. I also am not naturally big enough to play OL in the NFL. I can’t fly either. Telling everyone they can do anything is counterproductive.

2. Maybe some other girl will. I hope one does, and I hope they earn it.
1. Every human has limits to what they can do. I don’t have the brain capacity to learn what I need to learn to cure cancer. I also am not naturally big enough to play OL in the NFL. I can’t fly either. Telling everyone they can do anything is counterproductive.

2. Maybe some other girl will. I hope one does, and I hope they earn it.
1) I’m guessing you told your 4 year old kid that there’s no Santa Claus, right?

I did, but for different reasons.

2) Fair enough.
That's just it. I was willing to defend the situation until I saw her actually kick. That's when I realized it was Mason trying to put Vandy in a position where they could get bad press for firing him.

The worst part is that when a good female kicker comes along, she'll be unfairly compared to this situation.
Ding, Ding, Ding.
1) I’m guessing you told your 4 year old kid that there’s no Santa Claus, right?

I did, but for different reasons.

2) Fair enough.
1) I’m guessing you told your 4 year old kid that there’s no Santa Claus, right?

I did, but for different reasons.

2) Fair enough.
I don’t have kids yet, unfortunately.

That only applies if the kids desires to be Santa Claus one day. In which case, I’d tell them it’s not happening.
There was that one girl who walked on at Colorado who was actually competent though. She never played in a game but I saw the video of her hitting field goals in practice that our 2019 kickers would have struggled with.
That’s who I referenced that actually scored. She was in a real kicking comp & lost out. But she was legit on the team. First female to actually suit up for a P5 game. Transferred to NM, again, kicking comp. Actually got in the game to kick 3 FGs. 1 got blocked (low trajectory), and smoked home 2 extra points w/ ease.