Ty Stevenson Blog excerpt:


Redshirt Freshman
Nov 29, 2012

When I first got here, I didn’t think so. But practicing with these guys and seeing these guys’ effort, it’s not that far off. They might be just a little bigger, they recruit bigger. That’s the only thing. As far as getting to the ball, we move faster here.

Some of our D linemen clock over 16 or 17 miles per hour, and they do it frequently. All our DBs are running over 20s and 21s. Just everybody moves fast. Everybody’s head is on a swivel and everybody is running to the ball. That’s what our big thing is playing with a tempo offense. Get back to your spot and with that we’re well conditioned.

I’ve never seen anything like it. And I feel like everybody has a better actual purpose here.

We have a lot of potential. Once we finally gel together as an entire defense - once the linebackers and the D line click and the linebackers and the secondary click - I feel we’ll be a great defense.


I believe we can win. If we come out and play our game, start fast how Miami always is, use what we have as a weapon to the best of our ability, yes we have a chance.
I know this is a player's perspective, but one thing I've seen consistently mentioned several times over the past few months is Miami speed. And that **** fires me up man. Obviously speed doesn't necessarily translate to wins, but it's refreshing that we've come a long way from Richt's first year.
Referring to the past is meaningless and short sighted.

This game is finally going to show what our offense can do when given the opportunity to fully integrate Lashlee’s vision.

Win or lose it’s gonna be a **** of a game.
Agree on the past not mattering. We hear about it all offseason (UNC game in particular). But I don't know if THIS is the game to judge Lashlee since the first game of the season is usually sloppy.
This team is markedly faster than it was when Richt first got here. Almost across the board. The Richt and Diaz blueprint was to improve the team speed, and that’s been done. Is it enough to beat Bama? Probably not, but we’ll see. Should be enough to compete with them. And should definitely be enough to win this joke of a division.

When I first got here, I didn’t think so. But practicing with these guys and seeing these guys’ effort, it’s not that far off. They might be just a little bigger, they recruit bigger. That’s the only thing. As far as getting to the ball, we move faster here.

Some of our D linemen clock over 16 or 17 miles per hour, and they do it frequently. All our DBs are running over 20s and 21s. Just everybody moves fast. Everybody’s head is on a swivel and everybody is running to the ball. That’s what our big thing is playing with a tempo offense. Get back to your spot and with that we’re well conditioned.

I’ve never seen anything like it. And I feel like everybody has a better actual purpose here.

We have a lot of potential. Once we finally gel together as an entire defense - once the linebackers and the D line click and the linebackers and the secondary click - I feel we’ll be a great defense.


I believe we can win. If we come out and play our game, start fast how Miami always is, use what we have as a weapon to the best of our ability, yes we have a chance.

I would like to understand a bit more what he means by this statement. Anyone care to guess?
Love the fact that he also mentioned that we are a well conditioned team. Goes to show that our conditioning stands out compared to UGA.. That will be HUGE is many games this year. What did Jimmy Johnson say, "Fatigue makes cowards of us all". We will beat some teams on our schedule strictly based on the fact that when the 4th quarter comes we will still have a full tank of gas while most teams will be on E.
Now we just need to show that we can use that speed effectively. We have done so in the past, but not as much so recently. Not saying it can't happen, but I don't think our issue with a game like UNC was due to speed.